Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 862 In short, it is very good, right?

Popular recommendation:

[Sisters knocking on sugar: I ran into CP@林轩@夏言 while traveling, and witnessed the first performance of Fanfan’s new piano piece Adi Lina by the Water. This life is too happy! Don't say anything, just upload the video! 】

This CP fan directly released a video that only lasted more than three minutes, but because Aite directly mentioned Lin Fan and Xia Yan, and also mentioned Lin Fan's new work, so it was released in less than a minute, and the entire network was uploaded. The rice cookers and fans of Yan were attracted.

[If you leave, you will have no wife: Wow! How are you so lucky to be able to witness the debut of Fanfan's new work for the first time! 】

[The chrysanthemum will bloom for you from now on: Envy is dead! Everyone is the same CP fan, why can't we meet Fanfan and Yanyan when we travel? 】

[This name really has ten characters: Did Brother Fan finally remember that he is still a classical musician? I have listened to his two classical music for countless times, and I finally got Fan Ge's new piano piece! 】


Fans from all walks of life gathered together. First, they flooded the comment area lively, and then clicked on the small video to watch.

On a simple stage, Lin Fan was wearing comfortable casual clothes, sitting in front of the black piano, as if he noticed that someone was shooting at him, and Lin Fan turned his head halfway, showing his smiled.

The person who took the photo seemed to be hit by such a sudden beauty attack. The camera shook several times in excitement, and there was an extremely suppressed scream from outside the screen, and the entire screen was blurred.

But soon, the photographer stabilized his emotions and refocused the camera so that everyone could clearly see Lin Fan on the stage.

Immediately afterwards, a wave-like musical note flowed out from Lin Fan's fingers. The romantic and sweet melody, as if it had slipped out of a dream, immediately led everyone who heard the melody to listen to it. People who have entered into its artistic conception.

Some songs are distracting, and some are annoying, but Lin Fan's Adi Lina by the Water does not allow you to do so. No matter what state of mind you are in, Adilina will let you sink into her mood.

Fans followed the notes, wandered in the ocean of music, passed through the boundless romance, lifted the dreamy veil, and then saw the beautiful woman named Adi Lina depicted in this song.

She came slowly from her dream, and the beautiful melody turned into note elves, dancing happily beside her, leading her to the clear stream.

She stopped on the other side of the water, and then danced lightly.

Starlight turned into jewels, embellishing her skirt woven with light gauze; flowers turned into rouge, dyeing her innocent cheeks red; streams turned into layers of shimmering light, moistening her dreamy eyes.

She is dancing, the light figure is spinning happily, butterflies dance for her, white clouds stop for her, and the forest is quietly listening to her singing.

But she didn't miss everything in the world. After dancing to a song, she wandered away again, returning to the dreamland blocked by layers of smoke.

The video in just a few minutes has all been played, and the fans are still immersed in the melody of the music, either smiling, feeling lost, or falling into memories...

The entire comment area was silent for a full three seconds, and then completely exploded!

[Yingfeng urinates three feet: Damn it! Forgive me for not reading enough, if I say shit, I can go all over the world, I really can only lie about Brother Fan's talent! 】

[Clingier than 502: Ahhh! So beautiful, this song is so beautiful! Even people like me, who never pay attention to piano music and fall asleep when listening to pure music, can hear it from the beginning to the end, and want to listen to it a hundred times again! 】

[Kong has a spirited guy with a sky-high cultivation: such a bright melody, why do I want to cry so much after listening to it? There is obviously nothing sad, but the tears just can't stop flowing down...]

[Jiangnan Pig Factory: Are you serious upstairs? Why do I feel good when I hear it,

Have a little fun? 】

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Mimi Reading! It’s really easy to use. I use this to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here 】

[Beauty shocked the country: Huh? I was also very happy, but the little sister beside me cried like a dog when the melody with the most cheerful rhythm sounded...]


Just when the fans were discussing in full swing, Yang Hongxia also received the studio version of Adi Lina by the Water sent by Lin Fan, along with a music story.

Yang Hongxia cursed: Didn't you say you want to take a vacation? Didn't you say that you won't be open if you kill me? What kind of new song is this offering me? Why don't you ask me to work!

Without any hesitation, he arranged for the release of this new song.

At the same time, Lin Fan's assistant, Xiao Wan, was asked to log in to Lin Fan's personal account and publish the short story, which can be regarded as a promotion for this new song.

After all, compared with pop music, classical music has a relatively small audience. If Lin Fan sent back a pop song, then Yang Hongxia didn't have to do anything, just post the song to Tian Lai Music, and wait for the downloads to climb up.

But classical music is no good. If it wasn't for Lin Fan's helplessness, Yang Hongxia would have wanted to capture Lin Fan back and hold a small classical music concert to promote this song well, so that such a good song would not be released. Because the audience is too small, the download performance is not as good as Lin Fan's other works.


You said Yang Hongxia, who knows nothing about music, how did she know that Lin Fan's song is very good?

Of course it was Zhou Yue who said it!

The news of Lin Fan's new work had just been revealed, and Zhou Yue immediately found this video to watch, and then came back and praised Yang Hongxia for an entire hour, during which all kinds of compliments were not repeated.

Yang Hongxia listened to the rainbow farts in her head, and finally made a forced summary to interrupt Zhou Yue's endless praise: This new song by Lin Fan is good, very good, and after hundreds of years, hearing this song The person who wrote the song has to keep praising it! Right?

Zhou Yue: ...Yes...

It's just that the summary is a bit too simple and rude, and it doesn't go well with such a beautiful piano piece.

Putting aside the messy divergent thoughts in his mind, Zhou Yue said: This song must be promoted well, and its promotion must not be ignored just because it is classical music.

Don't worry, as long as it's Lin Fan's work, whether it's classic or modern, I won't be sloppy in promoting it...

Before Yang Hongxia finished speaking, the phone rang. What surprised Yang Hongxia even more was that the caller was actually Lin Fan!

Lin Fan!

He said that he would give himself a five-month vacation, and the phone was turned off immediately, so he couldn't get in touch. If it wasn't for Xia Shaozhang's news from time to time, Yang Hongxia would have called the police to find someone, Lin Fan!

That lazy guy, finally willing to turn on his phone and call himself?

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