Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 861: A Famous Song Written in 5 Minutes

Popular recommendation:

The concert hall is temporarily closed, so you can use it as you like.

The person in charge of the Deep Blue Ensemble, Mia's senior, opened the back door for Lin Fan and the others, and brought Lin Fan and others into the concert hall: From four o'clock in the afternoon, there will be concerts here until the evening It ends at twelve o'clock. So before three thirty in the afternoon, no one will disturb you here.

After 3:30, the concert hall will start to prepare for the performance. At this time, Lin Fan and the others cannot use it privately.

Thank you very much for your help, senior.

You're welcome Mia, I hope you can have a good time in the Deep Blue. The senior knew more about Mia's affairs, But, what do you want to use the auditorium for?

Lin Fan said: I just finished a piano piece, and I want to try the effect of playing it live.

The senior became interested as soon as he heard it: Can I listen to your work?

Seniors still don't want to miss the first appearance of this new work. Even if he doesn't know that Lin Fan is the author of Little Star Variations and Blessed Lovers, it doesn't prevent him from enjoying a freshly released work.

As for whether the quality of the work is good or bad, you have to listen to it before you can draw a conclusion.


Anyway, the four fans still have to record a video and upload it to the Internet. It doesn't matter if there is one more person who listens to the scene. When Lin Fan recalled this song, he had already registered it on the copyright website, so he didn't worry about it. Copy yourself.

Lin Fan sat calmly in front of the piano, and everyone else sat in the first row under the stage, facing Lin Fan's position. The four fans had already taken out their mobile phones and switched them to photography mode, just waiting for Lin Fan Start playing.

Without exception, Xia Yan took out his mobile phone and prepared to record a small video, not just this time, if possible, Xia Yan actually hoped that he could record every time Lin Fan's new works appeared.

It must be a very romantic thing to watch these small videos when you get old in the future.

Even the senior had an expectant expression on his face, which made Mia swallow the discouraged words that came to her lips: Forget it, no matter what level the work written by this bad man is, for the sake of sister Xia Yan, I still Don't hit him too hard.

Lin Fan lightly placed his fingers on the keys, and then, a string of notes from bottom to top slowly rippled like water waves. The notes were bright and clear, and the melody was beautiful and pleasant, implying romance and beauty, full of romance. intoxicating fragrance.

Just an opening chapter, this piece of music makes everyone sink into its artistic conception.

The music seems to come slowly from another world, like starlight, shining brightly in the quiet night sky; it is also like a thin water mist, gently picked up by a pair of plump and beautiful hands, revealing behind the water mist Amazing views.

The four CP fans are not music majors, but they just think this song is so beautiful that people can't help but smile knowingly.

But Xia Yan and the others, outstanding graduates of the music school, were immediately shocked by the quality of the song itself!

The difficulty of the song is not high, and it can even be classified as an entry-level level, but this does not affect the yearning and pursuit of beauty expressed in this song, and the expectation and blessing of sincere love.

Listening quietly, the beautiful melody is as comfortable as sweet and fresh air flowing into the chest and lungs. It is fragrant and intoxicating for a long time.

They savored note by note, to understand the performer, who is also the creator, in this piece of music, want to show the expectation of love and life through such light and lively notes.

The notes danced in the ears of every listener, the melody flowed in everyone's heart, the artistic conception indulged in their minds, and the breathing was kept to the lightest, for fear of destroying such a wonderful atmosphere.

Such a beautiful music and melody, but for some reason, an unspeakable sadness lightly enveloped the hearts of the audience, and it was not very heavy, just felt a little bit of regret and emotion.

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This piece is not long, but its beautiful melody, dreamy and delicate sentiment, romantic and elegant artistic conception, coupled with Lin Fan's superb performance skills, completely conquered the first batch of listeners.

When the last note fell, they froze for a second, feeling a sense of loss in their hearts.

However, before Xia Yan and the others started applauding, there was warm applause outside the auditorium!

Oh! It's great! What kind of song is this? It's so beautiful!

It's the first time I've heard such a beautiful and slightly sad song!

Is this the piece that will be played at the concert tonight?

Do it again! Do it again!

Lin Fan came back from the world of music, Xia Yan and the audience quickly turned their heads and saw the originally empty concert hall. At some point, many people came!

Some of them have already found their own seats, some have just entered from the door, and some are still standing outside the door, but without exception, they all exhausted their greatest enthusiasm and sent the warmest greetings to Lin Fan applause!

This song, which debuted on Blue Star for the first time, not only conquered Xia Yan and others, but also conquered other tourists who happened to pass by here.

They came in pursuit of the beautiful melody, and were also led by Lin Fan, indulging in the ocean of music.

The four CP fans were the first to react: Wow! Why are there so many people?

Can I say that it's so general? A piece written in five minutes, played for the first time, can be liked by so many people!

Ah! I want to quickly post the video I recorded to my social account! Such a good song, I'm actually the first listener to it, I can play this thing for the rest of my life!


The person in charge of the performance of the cruise ship, Mia's senior, was lying on the edge of the stage. Amidst the warm applause, he asked Lin Fan eagerly: Can I buy the performance copyright of this song? I can play it in future concerts. this piece?

Ah, by the way, what's the name of this song? Also, can I invite you to be a special guest at tonight's concert to play this piece?

Faced with this long list of questions, Lin Fan could only bow slightly, and said to the person in charge and all the audience: Thank you for your liking, this song is called Adi Lina by the Water, thank you for your support Together, I witnessed its birth.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more surprised: Is this a brand new song?

It's still created by such a young musician, it's really amazing!

We actually witnessed the birth of such a wonderful piano piece. It feels like we have witnessed some historical moment. It's so exciting!

Mia even lost her voice immediately, and all kinds of emotions in her heart were mixed together, making her unbelievable that such a beautiful song was actually written by this bad man!

What made her even more devastated was that it only took five fucking minutes!

PS: Adi Lina by the Water recommends Richard Clayderman's version.

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