Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 856 The real thing does not match expectations, bad review!

Popular recommendation:

Lin Fan's current level of piano performance is not lower than that of Xia Yan, and Lin Fan will naturally not miss the details that Xia Yan can hear.

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There is a bit of bitterness and sadness in the originally cheerful tune, which makes the whole tune sound a little more like nostalgia for the past.

But it doesn't count if Mia made a mistake in playing.

Although Lin Fan took out this song, everyone has a different understanding of music. Even a creator like Lin Fan cannot let everyone perform according to their own wishes and emotions. own work.

In her performance, Mia added her own perception and mood. This is not a mistake, but a brand new attempt.

Just like the re-arrangement of pop music, each has its own charm, you can choose the version you like more, but you can't directly conclude that this re-interpretation is wrong.

Xia Yan looked at Mia who was playing the piano intently on the stage, and couldn't help but recall the childhood time spent with Mia.

When Xia Yan saw Mia for the first time, he was very curious about what kind of creature the Princess's Daughter was, and whether it was any different from ordinary people like himself.

It turned out that after meeting her, she realized that the princess's daughter was nothing special, she had a pair of eyes, a nose and a mouth, and she didn't have any more hands than herself.

To put it in the current words, it is: the real product does not match the expectations, bad reviews!

The princess's daughter is not special at all, she is a little shy, but Mia has a pair of blue eyes and soft golden hair, she looks like a beautiful doll, Xia Yan still included Mia in his protection circle.

When she was a child, Xia Yan had already begun to show her characteristics as a little witch. In formal occasions, or in front of the elders, Xia Yan was a young piano player with excellent character and learning, but behind her back, she was still mischievous.

Going up trees to dig out bird nests, going down rivers to catch fish, and going out for spring outings to harm flowers and trees. My daily hobby is teaching those children who bully them to be human.

But once those little boys complained to their parents and teachers, Xia Yan could show a pure and innocent expression, revealing the fact that they bullied other children in front of everyone.

Mia, a cutie who is ignorant of the world and hasn't yet formed the three views, is quickly conquered by Xia Yan, who is the former and the latter, and completely transformed into Xia Yan's little fan girl, following Xia Yan for a long time It was a happy time of self-tune and trouble.

Then, Mia's parents divorced.

Mia's father is an artist who pursues the ultimate romance. When he divorced, he gave all his property to Mia's mother, and he didn't want any children. He completely left the house and pursued his art.

Mia’s mother probably couldn’t accept the fact that her husband loved art more than herself—even though this was her third husband—so she left this sad place with her two children and traveled to many countries , so far have no idea of ​​settling down.

When Xia Yan was abroad, he still invited Mia to play at home from time to time, but after Xia Yan returned to China to develop, after entering the entertainment circle, the two hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Xia Yan's mother told Xia Yan about Mia returning to the royal family and preparing to become the queen's heir. Xia Yan did not expect to meet Mia here.

Originally in Xia Yan's plan, after Lin Fan had had enough fun, before returning to China, he set aside a period of time to meet with Mia to catch up on the old days.

Now, there is no need to go find her.

It's just that the Mia in front of me seems to have changed a bit compared to the previous few years.

After Little Star Variations ended, Mia did not step off the stage, but still sat in front of the piano, and performed the second piece of the concert Blessed Lovers together with the entire ensemble troupe.

Compared with the cheerful Little Star Variations, when Mia performed Blessed Lovers, her mood was obviously more in line with the song itself, and the audience who heard this song for the first time were even more amazed.

After the performance, warm applause resounded throughout the venue and could not stop for a long time:

This Butterfly Lovers is really touching, I have never heard such moving music!

I heard from the waiter that the two pieces in tonight's concert were composed by the same musician, and they were created only a few years ago. It must be a very good musician who can create such a beautiful piece.

Is this a piece that was created recently? I thought it was a classic piece that has been around for a long time! It's because I'm ignorant, so I haven't heard it. I didn't expect...

In this concert tonight, which can accommodate 1,000 people, except for a small number of audience members who know that these two pieces are Lin Fan's works, the rest of the audience, that is, the vast majority of audience members, have never heard of these two pieces. For the two songs, I don't know who Lin Fan is.

Although the waiter mentioned during the introduction that the two pieces were written by the same person, most people still subconsciously believe that the pieces that can appear in the concert must be classics that have been handed down for a long time, and they will not Just to ask, when was it released.

Even if it's just a small concert on a cruise ship.

Tourists from China who are familiar with these two pieces and Lin Fan are proud to introduce to the surrounding audience: This is a song composed by our young Chinese musician Lin Fan!

Lin Fan also made a movie for the song The Butterfly Lovers. The name is The Butterfly Lovers. It is a very touching love story. I highly recommend you to watch it.

Lin Fan has many other excellent music works, including pop music, classical music, and Chinese-style pure music. Have you seen the National Treasure that has become popular overseas recently? It was filmed by Lin Fan. The soundtrack is all made by Lin Fan!


Lin Fan: Thank you for your compliments, but can you plant grass for others after I go out first?

Standing on the sidelines and listening to you all praising me, this feeling is actually not particularly good. I always feel like my toes are ready to move, and I want to do some architectural design in the cabin.

Xia Yan pulled Lin Fan down: Lin Fan, I think...

You go, do you need me to accompany you? Lin Fan knew what Xia Yan wanted to do.

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's face: It's okay, I can handle it myself. You go and play, and I will go to you after my affairs here are over.

Lin Fan nodded: Then I'll go to the deck to see what's going on.

The two made an appointment to meet, and then separated.

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