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This is actually a very bloody story.

Xia Yan explained to Lin Fan in a low voice: Actually, there are still many countries in the West that implement a constitutional monarchy system. In those countries, there is actually one monarch who acts as a facade?

Lin Fan understood that, just like some countries on earth, the monarch is nominally the hereditary head of state, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United Kingdom, and the hereditary leader of the state religion.

In terms of legal status, the monarch can appoint and remove the prime minister, ministers, senior judges, and governors of various territories. He has the power to convene, stop and dissolve parliament, approve and publish laws, command the army, declare war...etc.

But in fact, in the position of ruling but not ruling, it is equivalent to a mascot.

But the folks still retain due respect and a certain degree of admiration for the royal family.

This Highness Mia was born in such a country, and the monarch of this country is Mia's aunt and sister of Mia's mother.

Mia's mother is a well-known rebellious princess in the royal family. She doesn't like the constraints of the royal family and yearns for a free civilian life. The two children she gave birth to, Mia and Mia's brother, are also decided by Mia's mother. Abandoned royal titles and became commoners.

Originally, Mia's family was able to spend their lives peacefully as civilians. Even because of Mia's mother's princess status, it just made them pay more attention than other ordinary people. These will not affect To the life of Mia's family.

However, Mia's mother's elder sister, the queen of this country, and her three children died one after another due to various reasons, and the responsibility of the royal heir suddenly fell on Mia's mother again.

But Mia's mother, who has been rebellious all her life, is not willing to inherit her sister's throne at all, and along with her son, Mia's brother is also unwilling to be a prince.

Anyway, I don't know how they negotiated within the royal family. In the end, Mia returned to the royal family and became the queen's first heir.

Lin Fan broke into a cold sweat when he heard it: Isn't this too bloody?

Moreover, some people would rather be a commoner than a queen or a king?

so amazing.

Do you think it's easy to be a queen? You must maintain your elegant and noble image at all times, and your words and deeds must be bound by the so-called royal rules. If you are a little lively, there may be protests from the public, saying that you have lost the dignity of the royal family.

Xia Yan said: If this is a queen with power, then she will be the queen, and she will be able to fight for her career in the rest of her life. The key is...

The key point is that the queen is a mascot. Apart from obtaining the so-called royal title and the love of the people, everything else is bondage.

Although Mia's mother gave up her inheritance qualifications, relying on her title of princess, she has signed cooperation agreements with major luxury brands. Among other things, among the high-end luxury brands endorsed by Lin Fan, there are also special According to the princess series created by Mia's mother, the annual sales volume is not known how good it is.

Mia's mother's annual income is also very rich, and she bears the title of princess, and she also has a place in the high society. She doesn't know how chic and comfortable her life is. How could she go back to inherit the throne and bind herself to the title of Queen What's next?

Lin Fan became curious: What about her brother?

Being a mother has been a waste of half my life, and it is understandable that I don’t want to go back. After all, I have experienced the days of being bound by the royal family and enjoying a free life. I know that going back to the past is the past that I was determined to abandon. It is not difficult at all. half point.

But the two children grew up as ordinary people, don't they want to try a different life?

More importantly, why is the elder brother unwilling to go back, but let the younger sister bear such responsibilities?

Xia Yan kept her voice to a minimum: I heard that it's because of brother Mia's marriage, which is not accepted by their country.

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When driving and before going to bed, I rely on reading and listening to this book to pass the time. You can download it here 】

Mia's country is a standard heterosexual country, and Mia's brother's marriage is obviously not acceptable to the royal family. But Xia Yan is not too clear about the specific situation.

Lin Fan became even more curious: Your circle is very chaotic, but how do you know these things?

Moreover, when Mia took the stage just now, Xia Yan showed a surprised expression, as if she knew her.

For this, Xia Yan only had one sentence: Because Mia is my mother's student.

Lin Fan:! ! !

Great for my mother-in-law!

There is actually a future queen as a student!

On the stage, Mia did not focus on the auditorium. With a faint smile on her young face, she held up her skirt and knelt slightly to the audience, and then sat down in front of the piano.

The scene fell silent, and everyone's eyes were on Mia. Some were curious, some were probing, and some were purely appreciating music.

Mia adjusted her breathing, and lightly placed her hands on the black and white keys. In the next second, a string of joyful notes flowed from her leaping fingertips.

Mia gently closed her blue eyes, letting herself wander in the ocean of music.

Little Star Variations is a piece that Mia likes very much. Whenever Mia plays this piece, she can recall her happy childhood.

At that time, I was not yet an heir to the throne. Although my mother was rebellious, she, together with my father, gave me and my brother a lot of love.

And I also have a gentle and beautiful piano teacher, the teacher's daughter, a girl who is not a few years older than me has always regarded herself as my sister, and loves me very much.

I will accompany myself to play those more difficult pieces over and over again, I will ride a bicycle and take myself to the square to feed the pigeons, I will stand up when other people in school bully me, and give them an impressive lesson...

My own childhood was really as described in this song Little Star Variations, happy, joyful, free and full of infinite possibilities.

But when did all this start to change?

Probably after the mother and father divorced, the mother took herself and her brother away from that sad beginning.


Off the stage, all the audience were immersed in the ocean of beautiful music.

The song Little Star Variations is full of yearning for innocence and praise for love.

The whole theme part is run through in C major, and the twelve variations are advanced layer by layer. The happy note has sunshine and temperature, like the flourishing camphor in summer, rooted in the warm heart of every listener.

The noise and brightness of the mortal world, the joy and happiness of the world, are like a clear and bright movement, passing by in the wind and in the ears, and joy gushes out like spring water.

Every time Xia Yan hears this song, he can feel the tiny happiness in life, those soft touches, those soft warmth, filling every corner of his heart.

Mia's piano performance is also very high, and there is no problem in performing this piece of music, but Xia Yan is still keenly aware of it: She is in a mess.

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