Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter Eight hundred and fortieth I took off my pants and you just show me this?

After playing overseas for nearly a month, Lin Fan finally remembered that he seemed to have something unfinished, so he took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet, wanting to see how many people would scold him after he stopped updating.

As a result, as soon as he connected to the Internet, he found that countless fans of Aite himself pointed to a post called Journey to the West Story Club.

Out of curiosity, Lin Fan clicked in and took a look.

Then I couldn't get out.

I have to say that this year's fans really have too much imagination. Just look at the Journey to the West story they made up. From the plot point of Havoc in Heaven onwards, there are really all kinds of magical developments.

Anyway, Lin Fan would not admit that these imaginary plots have anything to do with Journey to the West.

And next to him, Xia Yan finally answered Yang Hongxia's call, knowing what happened recently: ...Well, hasn't the fan support club already resolved everything?

What's the point of urging Lin Fanbu now?

Yang Hongxia: ...Yanyan, you have completely learned from Lin Fan.

Xia Yan said: I still feel that the five-month vacation is too long. I feel sorry for the fans. I think when I get tired from playing, I will go back and release the new album...

Yang Neng Neng Neng Shen Hong Xia immediately changed her words: Our family's words are that people are beautiful and kind, and strength favors fans-so when do you plan to come back?

Xia Yan looked at Lin Fan in the room, who was swiping his phone with his head down, and said softly, Sister Xia, Lin Fan just wants to have fun, and he will go back to business when he has had enough.

Although Lin Fan said that he would give himself a vacation until next year, in fact, if he really let him play around for several months, he would not be able to bear it.

Therefore, Yang Hongxia didn't need to urge her at all, and Lin Fan would go back by herself.

Yang Hongxia on the other end of the phone also smiled and said, I know, but if I don't urge him more, how will Lin Fan know how important he is to us?

Lin Fan's blood relatives in this world are gone. Strictly speaking, he really has very little concern for this world.

Sometimes, Yang Hongxia looked at Lin Fan sitting alone in the office, staring out the window in a daze, and was really worried that he would just disappear in front of her.

The so-called article hates fate,

The more talented a person is, the more lonely the spiritual world can feel.

So Yang Hongxia has always used her own way to tell Lin Fan that there are many people here who need him, many people like him, and many people are happy because of his existence... In this way, Lin Fan's relationship with the world is gradually deepened. He won't give up on himself easily.

Didn't Xia Yan also use her own way to silently accompany Lin Fan all the time, support all his decisions, and tolerate his occasional little willfulness?

Otherwise, although Xia Yan is not particularly ambitious, she would never be able to do things like giving herself five months off a year in the past.

Isn't it because this is what Lin Fan wants to do that she accompanied him to do it?

Xia Yan smiled: He is very important.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yan hugged Lin Fan's shoulder from behind, and put his head on his shoulder: What are you looking at?

Lin Fan raised his mobile phone to show Xia Yan: Wang Lingli and the others organized a Journey to the West Story Club to let those black fans brainstorm and make up stories for the plot behind the riot in Tiangong. There are several stories in it. It’s pretty well written.”

Brains are big.

Xia Yan was also the one who had read Lin Fan's manuscripts, and now seeing the stories compiled by these netizens, he couldn't help but stare: After Sun Wukong made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, he made an armistice agreement with the Jade Emperor and turned Huaguo Mountain into a sacred mountain. , protect the goblins in the world, and fight against the heavens?

There is also Sun Wukong who overthrew the rule of heaven. Since then, man and nature have become one, and there is no distinction between gods and monsters. Everyone lives happily together!

Of course, the most popular one is that Sun Wukong replaced the Jade Emperor, became the ruler of the Three Realms, ruled the world, and then opened up the harem to collect all three thousand beauties.

Because the plot of reaching the top all the way and becoming an unparalleled existence is especially in line with the rhythm of Shuangwen. For those who like Shuangwen, as long as it is cool, it is enough, and it does not need to be logical and follow the plot.

There is also a very funny and imaginative development, Xia Yan is also convinced: Everyone's enthusiasm for creation is very high, so when do you plan to release the following content?

Lin Fan clicked on the page on his phone: Anyway, this event is coming to an end, so let's wait for the results to come out, and then I'll post the rest of the content. Take it as a benefit for everyone?

Xia Yan: As long as you are happy.

So, at 8 o'clock in the evening on October 30th, Wang Lingli turned off the like function of the Journey to the West Story Club post, announced the top three winners of the like event, and under the witness of Hui Qiaodan, After sending out the top three rewards, Lin Fan's Penguin account, which had been playing dead for a month, was updated!

Black fans: ...

Cookers: ...

Yang Hongxia: ... I knew it!

Hui Qiaodan: ...Brother Fan, are you back?

Lin Fan has always done a lot of coquettish operations, everyone is used to it, and this time Wang Lingli and the others are even more coquettish, so, Lin Fan's behavior of waiting for the dust to settle before coming out later can no longer attract attention. Fans and passers-by were surprised.

Everyone calmly logged into their Penguin accounts, planning to read the updated content of Journey to the West first, and then come back and think about it, how to scold Lin Fan so badly that he will not dare to be casual in the future It will be broken!

Journey to the West breaks up until Sun Wukong rushes out of the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun and hits the Nantian Gate all the way.

So as soon as Lin Fan made up the update, almost all the fans and manga fans couldn't care about anything, and read the follow-up content first before talking about it!

However, when everyone finished watching, Tathagata came on stage and suppressed Monkey King under the Five Elements Mountain with his backhand. A town is a plot of five hundred years, and the expressions on his faces are all dumbfounded!

Everyone: what? I took off my pants and you just show me this?

Even more violent fans couldn't hold back:

[Your dog leg was interrupted by me: where is my knife? What about the brick I just put down? Where is my one hundred and eight thousand Jin Ruyi Golden Cudgel? Hey, Lin Fan dog thief, why did you abuse my Monkey King so much? ! Eat my old grandson a stick! 】

[Please turn off the death mode: Coordinate Huahai Island, who will go with me to sit in protest at the gate of the longing yard? Lin Fan dog thief, torturing the heroine is no longer enough for you, you are starting to attack our hero now, right? What's the use of you asking me to have this iron rod? 】

[It started as a story and later became an accident: What kind of god unfolds this? Where did the bald monk come from? Why did he slap me in the pit with one slap? I don't care, I don't accept it, I don't want such a plot! Lin Fan dog thief, you immediately change the plot for me! I want to see Monkey King ascending to the Nine Heavens! 】

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