Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 842 Those black fans are not enough to watch!

It's not that Hui Qiaodan doesn't know about this matter, and it's not that she doesn't care about Lin Fan's affairs, but that as a popular singer-songwriter, Hui Qiaodan has too many announcements, and she can't spare time to go out. Pay attention to the excitement on the Internet.

Many artists are like this, not only ignorant of other people's excitement, but also ignorant of their own excitement. This is commonly known as the village has just connected to the Internet.

So the program group's first question was directly stopped by Hui Qiaodan.

Seeing Hui Qiaodan's bewildered face, the staff quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter to her:'s probably like this.

After listening to the staff's explanation, Hui Qiaodan not only did not suddenly understand, but his expression became even weirder: We, it seems to be a love variety show?

Why do you want to catch all the heat!

Brother Fan doesn’t plagiarize—Of course, Brother Fan never plagiarizes—does this matter have anything to do with our show, and you all come up eagerly to join in the fun?

The program team can't help it either.

Who is the most popular person in China right now?

It's Lin Fan.

What is the most popular variety show in China right now?

It's National Treasure.

Which is the most popular TV series in China right now?

It is Wulin Biography.

In order to grab such a small amount of market share and retain the audience, what's wrong with us trying to catch Lin Fan's popularity?

Do you think other people don't want to rub? The point is that they don't have that condition either!

Who made you, Hui Qiaodan, have so much face in front of Lin Fan, that you can read the comics and record the new songs?

Now that Lin Fan has disappeared, I don't know where he took his wife to wander. The only person who can connect Lin Fan with Journey to the West is you, Hui Qiaodan.

Who told you to finish reading the manuscript of Journey to the West?

Who told you to record a variety show here?

Fertile water does not flow into outsiders' fields,

If we don't care about this heat, we will be struck by lightning if we have fed all the food into our mouths and still can't swallow it!

The staff looked at Hui Qiaodan sincerely.

Hui Qiaodan: ...that's all right, all right, I'm afraid of you guys!

Then, Hui Qiaodan asked his assistant for his mobile phone, opened his Chaobo account, typed a lot, and clicked send.

[Hui Qiaodan: Who said that the plot after Journey to the West has not come out? @《西游记故事会》seems very interesting! I will be the referee! 】

As soon as Hui Qiaodan's post came out, it was like pouring cold water into a hot pot. With a sound of 歘, the whole Internet exploded!

[Aunt Bohemian: Oh! Sister Hui personally went off to fight against black fans! Sister Hui must have true love for Brother Fan. In order to protect Brother Fan's reputation, she actually ended up in person! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Ahhh, I just remembered that Sister Hui was in Fanfan's studio before, but she finished reading all of Fanfan's saved manuscripts! 】

[Hui Xing bumps into Lan Xing: If anyone refuses to accept me, I will accept my elder sister Hui. Is it okay to be a hard-faced black fan? The point is, Sister Hui is not for herself, but for Fan Gegang's fans! Does that mean that Sister Hui's true love is Brother Fan? In addition, Brother Fan let Sister Hui read the original manuscript of Journey to the West. Does that also mean that Brother Fan's true love is also Sister Hui? Is this going to form a new cp? What about words? 】


Wang Lingli and others didn't even expect that Hui Qiaodan would take the initiative to come down to support their event.

Originally, this activity was to divert the attention of black fans and passers-by, shifting their focus from plagiarism to other places, such as The Fanfan support club is crazy, and they actually give money to black fans!

It is of course the best if this activity can be done, and if it can't be done, it will have the effect of not being able to do it. But now that Hui Qiaodan has taken the initiative to express his opinion, then this event is close to success: as long as one person comes over and leaves behind the so-called Journey to the West stories I heard when I was a child, whether it is real or made up, then this event will It worked.

And are there any black fans who are willing to be the first to eat crabs-you can spend money to hire black fans and navy black fans, can't we pretend to be black fans and make up a story?

Wang Lingli felt that there was nothing wrong with it!

So, when Yang Hongxia finally discovered such a wonderful Journey to the West Story Club event, this event had become the hottest topic on Chaobo, with tens of millions of followers, and it was as lively as Chaobo's own official event Same as activity.

Yang Hongxia couldn't help sighing again: It would be great if Wang Lingli didn't chase after stars. With such a strong working ability and such a big brain hole, he will definitely be able to beat three if recruited!

It's a pity that if there is no if, Wang Lingli has already fallen into Lin Fan's trap, and has no intention of getting out of the trap at all. Recruiting Wang Lingli like this to the company will not only fail to give full play to her abilities and strengths, but will also limit her development.

Although Yang Hongxia admires Wang Lingli very much, she is more aware that in some jobs, personal ability is secondary, and suitability is the most important thing.

It was just a moment of emotion, Yang Hongxia quickly let go of the matter, and then called Hui Qiaodan to express her gratitude: ...Thanks to Huihui for your support, otherwise Lin Fan would be in trouble now, the phone call I don’t answer, I don’t respond to messages, and I don’t know what to do.”

Of course, this is a polite remark. Yang Hongxia is a gold medal manager, so she won't be defeated by small online trolls and black fans.

It's just that an appropriate exaggeration can make the other party feel your sincerity better.

Sister Xia, you're too polite, but it's just a post, brother Fan can't help me much? And this matter is really fun.

Hui Qiaodan was looking at the post of Journey to the West Story Club with relish, and didn't know if it was really a black fan who came to participate in the event, or Wang Lingli and the others pretending to be a black fan to make trouble, anyway, the story written is quite good. Fun.

Yang Hongxia is also very concerned about this matter: To tell you the truth, Huihui, I really have no idea. Because I haven't read the follow-up content of Journey to the West, and I don't know whether the things said on the Internet are true or false. .”

Although Yang Hongxia never doubted Lin Fan's talent, in the process of creating a comic, it is common to learn from the original fairy tales.

But in the eyes of black fans, this is plagiarism, and this is an unforgivable crime.

Yang Hongxia never expects to reason with black fans, but since Hui Qiaodan has read Lin Fan's manuscript, she should know whether Lin Fan has used it for reference, and this is what Yang Hongxia wants to ask.

Although Hui Qiaodan's personality is relatively secondary, but she is not stupid, she immediately understood Yang Hongxia's implication: Sister Xia, don't worry, don't you know my brother Fan's brain hole?

Anyway, I haven't heard of a story similar to Journey to the West anywhere else. Especially the follow-up plot of Havoc in Heaven, really, absolutely amazing! Based on my experience of reading comics for nearly thirty years, I can't even think of such a magical development of the plot! Those black fans are not enough to watch!

After getting a certain sentence, Yang Hongxia was satisfied: Then I can rest assured!

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