Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 826 This request is really there!

Congratulations Zhou Xiang! Congratulations Brother Lu! The first movie in my life broke through the total box office of 1.3 billion!

Hahaha, the future is boundless!

Keep working hard, strive for the next movie to directly break your Brother Fan's record!

Using Brother Fan's script to break Brother Fan's record, no matter how you look at it, it's a bit shameless!


At the celebration banquet of A Little Thing of First Love, the friends of Earthman Studio formed a commotion around the two leading actors, Zhou Xiang and Lu Bingyang.

Drinking wine, frolicking and frolicking, the scene is very joyful.

However, since Zhou Xiang is still young, he doesn't drink alcohol, but he can choose fruit juice, cola and soda, and he is also full of drinks. Seeing that his friends are still unsatisfied, Zhou Xiang hugged his thigh in fright: Brother Fan, Brother Fan, help!

Then Lin Fan rolled up his sleeves, slammed a bunch of people on the ground, um, [Thousand Cups Don't Drunk] This skill is easy to use, the only drawback is that you have to go to the toilet several times after drinking.

As a result, at the door of the toilet, I ran into Lu Bingyang who drank too much and squatted there crying.

As soon as Lin Fan approached, before he had time to speak, Lu Bingyang hugged his thigh precisely: Wow! Brother Fan, you are my real brother! I never dreamed that I could actually make movies!

Not only has it been filmed, but the box office has exceeded one billion. It's like a dream, no! It's more amazing than dreaming! Brother Fan, I thank you, I thank you for the rest of my life!

Lin Fan hurried to grab Lu Bingyang's hand: Let go!

As a result, Lu Bingyang hugged him even tighter: Don't let me go! I won't let you go even if you kill me!

If you don't let go, I'll pee!



After solving his physical problems, Lin Fan returned to the toilet door, resigned himself to his fate, and set up Lu Bingyang, who was so drunk that he couldn't find his way: How much did you drink, how did you become like this?

I'm not drunk! I'm just happy! Brother Fan, I'm happy!

Lin Fan didn't want to reason with the drunk: Where's your manager? Where did you go? Even if it's a celebration banquet, you can't be left alone at the toilet door?

Of course, it was impossible for Lu Bingyang to answer this question, and Lin Fan didn't expect him to be able to answer himself, so he staggered back to the celebration banquet with a drunkard on his back, and the friends from the studio hurried up to help after seeing this.

Lin Fan handed him over to the staff, and then loosened his shoulders and neck: Did Lu Bingyang gain weight, so heavy! By the way, did any of you see his manager?

The little friend smiled and pointed to the side: Here, it's not there!

Lin Fan saw that the manager was so drunk that he was lying on the table, he was even more unconscious than Lu Bingyang, no wonder he couldn't care about his artist, Lin Fan couldn't help but admire: How bad is this drinking capacity!

Friends: Hehe, anyway, you can’t compare with Brother Fan!

On the contrary, the manager Li Xiaodong brought here didn't drink much at all, so he volunteered to pick up the two drunks: Brother Fan, don't worry, Brother Lu and his manager will be handed over to me, I will take care of them, safe and sound Send them all home.

Lin Fan nodded: Okay, I'll leave it to you. By the way, where is Li Xiaodong?

Sister Xia is pulling him to talk about the next play.

Although the filming of Wulin Biography has not yet come online, Li Xiaodong has to reserve time for the road show and publicity, but this does not affect Li Xiaodong's dedication to the filming of the next film.

Moreover, not everyone is like Lin Fan. They finished the whole year's work in the first half of the year, and they don't think about making progress in the rest of the time. They only think about vacations.

For Li Xiaodong, and even Lu Bingyang, Zhou Xiang and other newcomers in the entertainment industry, the more jobs the better, after all, no one can guarantee,

You finally spent several months filming a movie, and it will be released on time.

Once something goes wrong with a certain drama and it cannot be scheduled to be broadcast, it will not only waste your several months of filming, but it may also affect your popularity and popularity. After all, the workload is about equal to the exposure. When your exposure In this entertainment industry where newcomers are springing up like mushrooms after rain, they will soon be forgotten by the audience.

Therefore, on the one hand, everyone envied Lin Fan for being able to give himself such a long vacation. On the other hand, if he really gave them a long vacation, instead of being happy, they would panic!

Lin Fan couldn't understand this feeling anyway.

...This is your work arrangement from this year to the first half of next year. Of course, this is just a general introduction to you. A more detailed work plan, I will hand it over to your agent later, and let him explain it to you in detail.

Yang Hongxia smiled suddenly, and said again: However, if Lin Fan suddenly has some thoughts, maybe your work will be adjusted accordingly. In short, you just have to know.

Li Xiaodong nodded quickly: Everything is arranged by the company.

You're not like Brother Fan, who dislikes the company's arrangement of too many jobs for you, and it's fine if the schedule is too full.

Of course not. Brother Fan is Brother Fan. How can I compare with Brother Fan?

Li Xiaodong can see very clearly that Brother Fan is standing high and seeing far. His work or work has entered the stage of striving for excellence and focusing on quality and quality. If you don't even have a solid foundation like yourself, you are lucky to have a job, so don't aim too high.

Yang Hongxia just likes Li Xiaodong, he is very sensible, very sensible, and very clear-cut. An artist's ability is very important, as is his personality.

Otherwise, it's like Hui Qiaodan, who obviously has super-first-line strength, but because of her personality, she is still hovering at the front line. Her manager is also worried about eliminating the negative influence of her personality.

Of course, if you are like Lin Fan, whose strength directly crushes everything, you don't need to say anything, as long as you don't violate the bottom line of the law, you can do whatever you want!

If not, then obediently go up one step at a time.

That's good, you can shoot two more TV series to sharpen your acting skills, and then I can arrange a movie for you. Yang Hongxia took the initiative to explain to Li Xiaodong why he didn't give him the movie script first.

Although the acting skills required in TV dramas are different from those in movies, those who can act well on a small screen may not be able to act well on a big screen, but if you can't even act well on a small screen, you can't do well on a big screen.

Li Xiaodong nodded again and again: I understand, Miss Xia, I will hone my acting skills, and I will never let you and Brother Fan down.

Yang Hongxia was noncommittal, and only sighed: It's a pity that Brother Fan doesn't like puppet shows, or if you write a puppet show and bring everyone to perform together, the effect will definitely explode.

As soon as Yang Hongxia finished speaking, she heard a voice: What kind of puppet show do you want?

Yang Hongxia looked at it and was happy: Sure enough, you can't talk about people behind your back. You came here just as I told you.

Li Xiaodong also called out: Brother Fan, you are here!

No way, there are two drunks.

Lin Fan laughed and got Lu Bingyang and his manager drunk, and then Li Xiaodong's manager took the initiative to take care of them and said: I just came to tell you, if they can't do it, I think we should send them off first. Go back, no, I heard you arrange me behind my back.

Yang Hongxia rolled her eyes straight away: Who dares to arrange you! Didn't this talk about the follow-up work arrangements of several other people, and I sighed with emotion-but this is not the point. The point is what puppet show you said just now? Is it what I want? Yes, what kind do you have?

Lin Fan was vigilant: Of course it doesn't mean you can get what you want—you talk about your requirements first, and I'll take a look later.

I don’t necessarily have one, the main thing is to see if there are any suitable dramas, the ones that can be copied directly.

Yang Hongxia didn't even have to think about it, she just blurted out: Gu puppet, it can be a fairy tale, or a martial arts drama, or a historical conspiracy drama, just one requirement, a group portrait drama, if the characters are more outstanding, you can bring Li Xiaodong and the others together. together!


This requirement really exists!

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