Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 825 So, it is better to change the agent!

This barrage was sent out, like a signal, which made the audience find a resonance at once, and also made the audience start to re-examine Hui Qiaodan in the show.

Hui Qiaodan in this issue, without the strange feeling of not interfering with each other and not being able to talk together when the male guest is by his side, seems to have taken off some kind of disguise on his body, revealing own true temperament.

[To be honest, I have been using Mimi to read and update books recently, switch sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple are fine. 】

In front of Lin Fan, Hui Qiaodan is relaxed and at ease; in front of Xia Yan, Hui Qiaodan is professional and powerful; in front of the friends of Earthman Studio, Hui Qiaodan has no airs , able to mingle with everyone.

Not to mention the huge difference from the previous image in the love variety show, it's just two people!

In the previous program, Hui Qiaodan was high-minded, innocent, and difficult to get along with, making the male guests embarrassed and deflated everywhere.

The current Hui Qiaodan, in front of Lin Fan and other acquaintances, in an environment that makes her feel comfortable, has become cute, casual, and informal.

Between the two, there is a huge prejudice.

The audience preconceived that Hui Qiaodan had a bad personality, so when she got along with male guests, some frictions or conflicts were often blamed on Hui Qiaodan, so that the audience's impression of her continued to decline Lose.

This is of course due to Hui Qiaodan's own personality, but falling in love is a matter between two people, even if it's just in the show, both parties are responsible for problems, the difference is only in the degree of responsibility.

But the two were not really in a relationship, so Lin Fan didn't care what happened to the male guest, supporting Hui Qiaodan and helping her regain the impression of the audience was what Lin Fan had to consider.

And this matter is easy to solve, that is to pamper Hui Qiaodan vigorously!

Everyone knows that Hui Qiaodan is not an author, but that she lived in such an environment. You think she is an author, but you don't know how beautiful Hui Qiaodan's life is, and how many people dote on her. Letting her spoil her, that's why you are on the male guest's side, thinking that the fault is Hui Qiaodan's.

But once you know that Hui Qiaodan is not an author, but should be like this, you will no longer be so sympathetic to the male guest, you will feel that the male guest is pitiful, and you will think that he did not meet Hui Qiaodan's requirements, so he was rejected. dislike.

Hui Qiaodan wants to read the manuscript of the comic, here it is!

Hui Qiaodan wants to listen to Lin Fan's new album for Xia Yan, here it is!

Hui Qiaodan wants to see the upcoming Wulin Biography in advance, here it is!

In short, as long as Hui Qiaodan says think, Lin Fan will satisfy her unconditionally!

Really powerful pet sister!

As for whether the audience will be disgusted, it's a good love variety show, and it's not serious to give out candy and make such a mess - don't be kidding, ever since Lin Fan appeared on the show, the ratings have skyrocketed, and even broke through the entire show The highest record since the broadcast.

The people in the program group were so happy that they couldn't find their way. How could they dislike Lin Fan for taking the rhythm of the program astray?

As for the audience, there is no need to worry, they are envious of Hui Qiaodan, they are almost crazy with envy, they all wish to replace Hui Qiaodan, go to Earthman's studio, and read all Lin Fan's other works over and over again!

How could you dislike it?

Of course, there were people who disliked him. After all, no matter how popular Lin Fan was, it was impossible for everyone to like him. But since these people don't like him, Lin Fan doesn't care what they think.

Sister Hui, come and do a voice! Lin Fan found Hui Qiaodan in the screening room.

Hui Qiaodan was enjoying watching Wulin Biography, when she heard Lin Fan calling her, she waved her hand and refused: No, don't call me, I want to follow the drama!

It's like the audience who are addicted to chasing dramas and can't extricate themselves.

Lin Fan resorted to his trump card: Are you sure you want to dub the theme song of the movie Journey to the West?

With a chuckle, Hui Qiaodan jumped up from the seat: Journey to the West! Movie! Theme song! Come on, come on,

No one can rob me, and whoever robs me will fight desperately!

Not only Hui Qiaodan was overwhelmed with excitement, but the program crew and the audience who were watching the program also became excited.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Has the theme song of Journey to the West come out yet? So are we going to see the movie anytime soon? 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Woohoo, sister Hui is so happy! Watch new comics in advance, listen to new albums in advance, watch new TV dramas in advance, and now you can even hear the theme songs of movies in advance! No, I sang the theme song myself! Even if it's just voice acting! 】

[Climacteric girl: I'm sour, I'm really sour, Brother Fan is really kind to Sister Hui! Who would have changed, with such a good friend around, who would still fancy that so-so! 】

In the program, Lin Fan took Hui Qiaodan to find Zhou Yue: Mr. Zhou, I found you a soprano who is missing in the theme song of Journey to the West.

Seeing the big guy for the first time, Hui Qiaodan became cute in an instant: Mr. Zhou is good!

It's Hui Hui, Zhou Yue is no stranger to Hui Qiaodan, Come try the sound, this theme song is different from other theme songs, you just need to add soprano singing in this part, let It’s enough for the tune to be sublimated to an ethereal realm of natural sounds.”

Zhou Yue took Hui Qiaodan to listen to the demo of the theme song, and then tried to record it. Of course, it is impossible for the theme song to be released now. Although the program team can follow up the studio recording, they cannot disclose any relevant content.

Including the comics that Hui Qiaodan read before, the new songs she listened to, and the new series she watched, all of which are confidential. For this reason, the program team signed a non-disclosure agreement with Yang Hongxia, which allowed them to follow up and shoot.

But what the audience can see is all processed, without any insider leaked shots, which will fully arouse everyone's curiosity about these works.

The content of the theme song cannot be disclosed, but Hui Qiaodan recorded a soprano part, which can still be shown directly to the audience.

Naturally, the rest of the time became Hui Qiaodan's time to show off her skills: the resonant and high-pitched soprano came straight to the sky, fully demonstrating the powerful strength of a first-line songwriter!

[Seiyuu are all monsters: Oh my god, my scalp is numb! Sister Hui's treble part is too stable! Singing so that my soul will fly! 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: I'm really looking forward to the release of this theme song! The work of Fanfan and sister Hui's strong cooperation must be super awesome! 】

[Aunt Bohemian: Sister Hui, you really shouldn't be participating in this love variety show. I always feel that sister, you are the only one who is beautiful alone. What kind of love is it, isn't it good to be single? 】

The agent, who was staring intently at the bullet screens, saw more and more people supporting Hui Qiaodan's one person is the only beauty, and finally showed a satisfied smile: It's ok, the effect is perfect!

Hui · didn't know anything from the beginning to the end · Qiao · was arranged clearly · Dan was dissatisfied: What's the matter, can't you tell me directly?

The manager paused for a moment, and just as he was about to explain, he heard Hui Qiaodan mutter again: So, it's better to change the manager!

Agent: ... Hehe, change agent? Don't think about it in your life!

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