Under the guidance of the staff of the brand, Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia sat in the first row of the auction. This was the first time Lin Fan sat in the first row, and he was not used to it.

However, Lin Fan also knows that this brand event itself revolves around himself, and the guest artists invited by the brand are no higher than Lin Fan, so Lin Fan can sit in the first row. , with Lin Fan's current coffee position and popularity, it is estimated that he can only sit in the second row.

Well, compared to the time when Xia Yan participated in the Golden Melody Awards, Xia Yan's grade is a bit higher. If there are no special celebrities among the guests, maybe Lin Fan can still get a seat in the first row.

Yang Hongxia was also a little emotional. Since Lin Fan's debut, it has only been half a year according to Sounds of Nature, and even if it is calculated according to Morning Star, it is barely enough for a year, but it is this short one year that Lin Fan has achieved what it is now.

There is still a long way to go, I really don't know where Lin Fan can go.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for participating in the Kπ brand charity night...

The host of the auction is the queen host of the brand, not the Tang He that Lin Fan is familiar with, which makes Lin Fan somewhat uncomfortable, but the brand is not extravagant, even a small brand event has to invite Tang He field level.

The host briefly introduced the purpose of the auction, and the auction officially started.

The first item in the auction is naturally brought out by the brand. It is a classic watch. People who like this brand have basically bought this watch. It can be said that it is Kπ's signature product.

Lin Fan has been trying to improve brand knowledge these days. When he saw the first lot being auctioned, he couldn't help showing a smile. This watch itself is not low in value, which shows the sincerity of the brand in doing public welfare.

The other guests saw this was the first item to be auctioned. Suddenly, the bidding in the audience became a little fierce, and soon this watch was auctioned at a relatively high price.

The second lot is the painting that Lin Fan took out.

Even people like Yang Hongxia who don't have much artistic talent feel very comfortable when they see Lin Fan's landscape painting of a seaside hotel, which shows that Lin Fan's painting skills have improved again.

The second lot is Mr. Lin Fanlin, the brand image ambassador of our Kπ Huaxia District, who personally drew a painting called Facing the Sea with Spring Blossoms...

The host praised the painting, which made Lin Fan a little embarrassed, and the auction officially started: The starting price is 10,000, and the auction starts now!

As soon as the host finished speaking, he saw a bunch of signs being raised up under the stage!

This lady offered thirty thousand!

The gentleman in the sixth row bid thirty-five thousand!

Wow! This old gentleman bid fifty thousand!


Lin Fan listened to the host's constant quotes,

Resisting the urge to look back to see who is giving face so much, she asked Yang Hongxia in a low voice: Sister Xia, is this the babysitter you found?

Yang Hongxia covered her mouth with her hand, and replied in a low voice: You think too much, even if you are looking for babysitters, you can't find so many!

And the asking price has reached 50,000, oh, it's already 80,000 now, which is too much!

It's not Yang Hongxia, is it the brand? Did the gold master's father save face like this?

Lin Fan turned his head to look at the person in charge of the brand sitting on the other side of him, but the other party seemed to know what Lin Fan was thinking, and shook his head directly, saying that it had nothing to do with him.

The person in charge of the brand also speculated: Could it be your fan?

Lin Fan was shocked: All my fans attended the same dinner party as me, how can I still have such high-ranked fans? Besides, isn't this age a bit old?

Grandpa fans?

Lin Fan didn't know it himself, and others didn't know it, but it didn't affect the old man at all, and finally spent 230,000 yuan, successfully defeated all the competitors, and took the picture of Lin Fan's painting.

This price is a bit amazing!

It's a lot of money! Someone lamented the fan's financial resources.

Taking advantage of other people's inattention, Lin Fan turned to look at the old grandfather to confirm that he really didn't know him, could it be the fan's grandfather?

However, it is really rich and willful!

Lin Fan can only comment in this way. If it were Lin Fan himself, it would be absolutely impossible to spend 230,000 yuan to buy a painting.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. Yang Hongxia suddenly reminded Lin Fan, According to the habit of charity nights, someone has photographed your lot. Take a picture or something.

Reciprocity, Lin Fan understood: Understood, I will go to that old man after the auction is over.

You don't need to look for it, the staff will take you there then.

Of course, Yang Hongxia would also follow, it was impossible for Lin Fan to be alone with a stranger, lest something bad happen.

it is good.

So, two hours later.

The auction of the brand’s charity night was finally over. Lin Fan relaxed his back a little, and was just about to get up when a field worker in uniform found him: “Mr. Lin, the buyer who bought your painting asked you if he could Take a picture with you?


The old man spent a full 230,000 yuan to take pictures of Lin Fan's paintings, and the money he got would eventually be donated in the name of Lin Fan and the other party. Lin Fan was going to thank the old man at first. , the request for a photo is not too much, Lin Fan naturally agreed.

So, under the guidance of the staff, Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia left the auction hall together and went to the banquet hall.

The old man was waiting in the banquet hall, and beside him was an elegant lady, who looked about 30 years old and was well maintained. Lin Fan's painting was held by this lady .

Lin Fan hurried up to greet him: Hi, old man, I'm Lin Fan!

Lin Fan was stunned by the grandfather's words: Hello, hello! I know you, and I'm your fan! I especially like your song Song for Myself! But I still like your paintings more. The painting is very spiritual, I like it very much!

Lin Fan was very surprised: He really is his fan!

True grandpa noodles!

The old man was very enthusiastic: Come on, let's take a group photo! You are standing in the middle, can I trouble you to take a photo for us, using my daughter-in-law's mobile phone.

This was said to Yang Hongxia.

Okay, no problem! Yang Hongxia took the lady's phone and took several photos of the three of them together.

Come on! I will always support you!

Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Dad, it's getting late, we should go back.

After taking the photo, the old man shook Lin Fan's hand vigorously, and his excitement did not diminish at all. If it wasn't for the persuasion of the lady next to him, the old man would probably be able to hold Lin Fan's hand and continue talking.

Lin Fan watched them leave with a smile, and he could hear the old man's rambling voice from a distance: Let's go back and develop the photos, enlarge them, frame them, and hang them in the living room. What do you think?

I think two sheets can be washed, one is hung in the living room, and the other is placed in the room.

That's a good idea! Haha, let that girl leave me and go to the concert by herself! Hmph, when she comes back and sees the photos, I'll be so envious of her! Sigh, it's just a pity that this auction isn't about meticulous painting! But Not bad, this painting is definitely worth collecting! Those old guys will definitely be envious!


Yang Hongxia withdrew her gaze in relief, and joked, I never thought you would have such interesting fans!

Lin Fan's expression was extremely strange: Well, I think, maybe, I know who he is...

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