The shooting of the beverage advertisement went very smoothly, and all the shooting plans were completed within the stipulated time. Both Lin Fan and the brand were very satisfied. The next step is to make the promotional video. After the print advertisement is selected, the spokesperson press conference will be officially held .

Regarding this press conference, there are still many details that need to be discussed. For example, Lin Fan needs to know the relevant information of the brand, development experience, brand philosophy, etc. in advance, so as not to be asked by the host at the press conference, which would be ridiculous.

There are also direct interactions with the host, the brand, and the audience. These all need to be rehearsed in advance. What can be asked and what can’t be asked, what should be answered and what should not be answered, all need to be reviewed by the studio, and the two sides will be connected. Just be clear.

Otherwise, it is easy to have a car accident scene.

But Lin Fan doesn't need to worry about all of this. Naturally, Yang Hongxia and the entire studio will handle it. Lin Fan only needs to memorize the procedures and materials after everything is confirmed, and follow the procedures at the press conference. Just go.

The whole process of beverage endorsement is like this, and so is the endorsement of watches, but compared with drinks, the endorsement of watches also comes with fashion resources, that is, advertisements in fashion magazines, so Yang Hongxia pays more attention to it. After all, this is Lin Fan and fashion. For the first contact in the circle, no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious.

Therefore, Yang Hongxia did not follow in the filming of the drink endorsement advertisement, but Yang Hongxia personally followed in the filming of the watch advertisement.

Although for professional singers and actors, fashion is a side job, but this side job is definitely not idle. Whether it is the shooting of fashion magazines, the endorsement of high-end brands or the attendance of various events, these fashion resources are all available. It has a very important impact on the development of their careers.”

The so-called fashion resources, to some extent, are actually the most intuitive manifestation of an artist's commercial value.

On the other hand, when an artist's commercial value is recognized, it will also affect the artist's development in his professional field.

For example, the resources for actors to receive plays.

After all, actors nowadays are both artistic and commercial. When considering casting, the film crew tends to start from a comprehensive dimension. In addition to acting skills and word of mouth, the artist's overall level, quality, popularity, nationality and compulsion should also be considered. Style and other aspects, and the improvement of fashion resources will indeed have a great impact on the latter.

The endorsement that Lin Fan received this time was attached to the advertisements on the inside pages of the five major magazines in the fashion circle. Although it was not comparable to the cover advertisements, Yang Hongxia was very satisfied with the high starting point when she first came into contact with the fashion circle.

This commercial shooting is equivalent to a springboard, which can help Lin Fan integrate into the fashion circle faster and better, so that when Yang Hongxia helps Lin Fan win other fashion resources,

It will be more emboldened.

Lin Fan only cares about: How much money can I earn?

Yang Hongxia gave Lin Fan an annoyed look: You are indispensable! Besides, the money is not the point, the point is that after you accept the high luxury endorsement, the brand will take the initiative to help you build your personal image. Think about it, you will attend various events in the future , all kinds of big-name clothes and shoes can be chosen at will, and it’s free! Are you happy?”

Lin Fan nodded sharply: Sweet! Sister Xia, if possible, clothes, shoes, ties, watches, oh, and jewels, one of the same!

Strive to be full of big names, but I don't need to spend money on any of them!

Yang Hongxia was also convinced: Have ambition!


three days later.

[Kπ: Huaxia music's powerful singer-songwriter #林豪became the brand image ambassador of Kπ Huaxia District#. @林轩, with diverse charms and unlimited innovations, he is constantly seeking breakthroughs and will join hands with Kπ to embark on a different new journey! 】

The official account of the Kπ watch officially released the official manifesto, and attached an advertisement picture of Lin Fan wearing the brand's latest watch.

This advertisement, even Lin Fan had to admit, perfectly showed his outstanding facial features and temperament, and even set off the extravagance of the watch on his wrist!

Okay, don't watch, the dinner party is about to begin. Yang Hongxia reminded.

Lin Fan regretfully admired his flourishing beauty for the last time, then locked the phone screen and put it in his suit pocket. Tonight is an event dinner hosted by the brand, mainly to introduce Lin Fan, the new brand ambassador, to everyone.

At the end of the dinner, there is also a charity auction. The artists who participated in the dinner will take out something more meaningful and hand it over to the organizer for an on-site auction. All the proceeds will be donated to public welfare organizations. So this dinner has a bit of a public welfare nature.

Lin Fan participated in this kind of dinner for the first time, so he had to ask Yang Hongxia: What should I put up for auction? What if no one buys it?

Yang Hongxia said: It's all right! The paintings you draw, the handwork you do, or the waste paper... forget it, and you don't have it. In short, it's just a form. No matter what you bring out, the brand will arrange people Of course, if you are interested in something, you can also participate in the auction. It is mainly for public welfare.

The auction is just a gimmick, so that everyone can donate some money justifiably, and those who can come to this dinner will not care about the tens of thousands of dollars. Yes, the price of this auction will not be high, at most tens of thousands of yuan, just to express my heart.

Those who really want to do public welfare naturally have other channels. The dinner is just in the name of charity sales and public welfare, providing everyone with an occasion for publicity and communication. However, even if the price of the charity sale is not high, the sum of so many auction items is worth a small million. This amount of money is not much for those who attended the dinner, but it is not much for those who need help.

Although the auction is just a gimmick, Lin Fan thinks it's good, it can help people in need, no matter what form it is. Therefore, for this auction, Lin Fan specially drew a painting and sent it as the auction item.

Yang Hongxia does not need to donate the auction items. She is not an artist, and her items have no meaning for auction, but Yang Hongxia can contribute her own strength by taking pictures of other people's items.

At the dinner party held by the brand party, Lin Fan, the newly promoted image ambassador of the Huaxia District, was naturally the focus of the audience. Lin Fan maintained a polite smile throughout the whole process. Say hello.

Including but not limited to, other artists that Kπ is cooperating with, and the person in charge of the brokerage company behind the artists; the editor-in-chief of the five major magazines in China; well-known photographers, well-known models in the fashion circle, and capital fathers.

[Photographic memory] Magic skills once again played an important role, Lin Fan coped with it with ease, showing the professionalism of an excellent artist.

The brand is very satisfied and feels that the image ambassador selected this time is very dedicated.

After finally making it to the final auction session, Lin Fan went to the bathroom to clear himself up before taking a seat. He touched his pocket only to find that a bunch of business cards had been stuffed into his suit pocket at some point.

Well, it's not about throwing it away, it's not about not throwing it away, Lin Fan was a little worried.

Fortunately, there is Yang Hongxia.

As soon as Lin Fan came out of the bathroom, he saw Yang Hongxia waiting for him at the corner, and seeing him walking over, Yang Hongxia didn't say anything, but just stretched out a hand, Lin Fan suddenly realized, took out all the business cards in his pocket and gave them to Yang Hongxia.

Yang Hongxia stuffed the business cards into her handbag very skillfully: Let's go, the auction is about to start.

Lin Fan was very curious: Sister Xia, how do you know that I have so many business cards?

Yang Hongxia glanced at Lin Fan with a half-smile, It's not like I've only brought you as an artist.

Lin Fan was shocked: You mean, words...

Yang Hongxia said angrily: What are you thinking! Yanyan is someone who came to ask her for a business card!


did you give it?

Yang Hongxia rolled her eyes, she was too lazy to talk nonsense with Lin Fan, what was she thinking! If you want Xia Yan's business card, you have to go through Xia Shaozhang's level first!

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