Magic Capital Pictures has its own long-term cooperating actors, which is commonly known as the queen team. That is to say, Modu Pictures often uses the same group of actors as the protagonists and important supporting roles in the TV series produced by their own company.

However, unlike the public perception, before the two parties signed the performance contract, this queen team actually did not have any constraints on both the producer and the actors.

Actors can still decide whether to take on the film according to the script, and the producer can also decide whether to invite long-term cooperating actors according to the actual situation. Both parties are free.

But under normal circumstances, being able to form such a long-term cooperation similar to the royal team basically shows two points. In terms of the acting skills of the actors, it is the same in terms of the quality of the script and the production level of film and television dramas.

Therefore, this time the Legend of the White Snake project, the real leader is Lin Fan, but Magic City Pictures still hopes to use familiar actors. The acting skills are guaranteed on the one hand, and more importantly, they are used to it smoothly.

But this did not meet Lin Fan's expectation.

It was Hu Yuhua who was in charge of persuading Lin Fan: I don't know if you have seen any of these actors. Their acting skills are really good. Moreover, these actors are among the best actors in the TV circle in terms of popularity, acting skills, and looks. Of course, I also have a little selfishness in it, it’s better to be able to give resources to an actor who has worked with him for a long time than to give it to someone who has never worked with him, right?”

Lin Fan silently flipped through the resumes of the actors. Yes, every actor who is interested in this drama will have a resume to be sent to the crew for a chance to audition.

Even if it is a candidate selected by the producer, the resume must be handed over to go through the process.

In this regard, Lin Fan said: I choose actors based on the fit of the characters. As long as the fit is high, it is indeed better to use acquaintances than newcomers.

But if the fit is not high, then I'm sorry.

Hu Yuhua euphemistically said: An actor with good acting skills can change his face after acting in a play. You may not necessarily think that he/she is suitable for the role from the photos, or even seeing the person in person, but once you let him/her When you act, you will find that acting skills can really turn decay into magic!

Apparently, Hu Yuhua is a fan of acting first, and thinks that as long as the acting is good, the degree of fit is nothing.

But Lin Fan himself knows that compatibility is really important, especially when you already have an indelible white lady in your mind.

Any actor who doesn't fit well with the White Snake is scum!


This is not a reason that can be said, and Lin Fan has no way to use this reason to persuade Hu Yuhua, so when the two sides disagree, Lin Fan can only say: Invite an audition!

Since Hu Yuhua is so optimistic about them, it's a mule or a horse, let's take them out for a walk!

As a result, the news that the new project Legend of the White Snake that Magic City Films and Lin Fan are cooperating to interview actors spread throughout the entertainment circle overnight.

The reputation and strength of Magic City Films are second to none in the TV circle. Even if the ratings of the TV series they produce have not exploded, the ratings are still very high. There is a joke in the circle that it is called Huaxia. All fight.

Therefore, it is a great temptation for actors in the circle to be able to participate in the TV series produced by Magic City Films.

It's a pity that Magic City Pictures has its own long-term cooperating actors, and it is rare to find other actors from outside to play the leading role, and even unimportant supporting roles, good actors are also looked down upon. Therefore, in the dramas of Magic City Films, those small supporting roles became the roles that the less popular and powerful actors tried their best to fight for.

This time, everyone thought that Magic City Films was still operating the same way, saying that it was interviewing actors, but in fact the protagonist and important supporting roles had already been decided, and the interview was just a formality, and the real ones to be interviewed were those unimportant supporting roles.

It's just that when Ji Sha from Star River Entertainment also ran over for an interview, and then ran back crying, there was a news that this time it was for real, and both the protagonist and supporting roles had to be interviewed seriously!

After the news came out, the artists who had friendship with the Queen's actors of Shanghai Films couldn't help running over to inquire about the news.

Are you guys going to have an interview too? Didn't the protagonists of the previous movies in Shanghai Movies not all be decided directly?

The replies from the queen actors were all the same: It's true!

We also have to interview and compete for jobs, but we just need one more chance than others. Of course, it is inconvenient to tell outsiders.

Even Yang Hongxia was harassed by other agents, but Yang Hongxia is so smart: We are cooperating with Magic City Pictures on this project. Of course, we must fully consider the opinions of the partners.

In other words, if you want to go through the back door, go to Hu Yuhua!

What, doesn't work? So what does it matter to me?

All of a sudden, the actors in the circle were a little ready to move.

This is a good opportunity!

Although it is very strange that Magic City Films did not use their own team this time, but held a public interview, but this is not important, what is important is that I finally have the opportunity to participate in a TV series produced by Magic City Films!

Submit your resume, must submit your resume!

Can we talk about it in the interview, but if you don't even take the initiative to fight for it, then you will be in this circle for nothing.

As a result, Magic City Pictures received the most resumes of artists in history. Of course, there were before, but they didn't read them——nonsense, the actors have been confirmed, who has the time to read artist resumes?

Now I have to watch it, because I have to select suitable actors from among them, and then send out an interview invitation to invite the other party to participate in the public interview.

Of course, the actors recommended by Hu Yuhua had one more interview opportunity than the actors who submitted their resumes, and they also had one more opportunity to communicate with Lin Fan face to face.

In layman's terms, everyone invites Lin Fan to dinner together to see if they can get some tips or preferential treatment from Lin Fan in advance.

Lin Fan still wanted to give this face to Hu Yuhua and those actors, so he agreed very happily, but the timing was slightly adjusted.

Tomorrow is indeed inconvenient, why not the day after tomorrow?

Hu Yuhua came to a sudden: By the way, tomorrow night is the sixth issue of Longing for the Yard, which is indeed a little inconvenient. I haven't congratulated you yet, your variety show has now become the polar bear's ace variety show, and the number of broadcasts is expected to increase. Over 100 million!

Lin Fan smiled and said, Sister Yuhua, do you also watch this variety show?

I watch every episode! It's very decompressing, not only me, but also my friends must watch every episode! Hu Yuhua suddenly lowered her voice, Lin Fan, tell my sister about it, today's song...

Lin Fan also lowered his voice, and said mysteriously, This...

Hu Yuhua couldn't help holding his breath, and listened attentively, as if he was about to hear some important news.


Hu Yuhua: ...There is a saying about MMP that I don't know if I should say it or not!

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