Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 445 My daughter-in-law! How can it be seen by so many people?

Lin Fan didn't know that he was being missed by his future father-in-law and his mother-in-law. Now Lin Fan is very busy, because the project filing of Legend of the White Snake has been completed, and the preliminary preparations are about to start now!

The preparatory work is actually similar to the process of a film project. After Lin Fan still provides the script, costume styling, and location shooting requirements, he will let the crew of Legend of the White Snake formed by all investors be responsible for the preparatory work.

I myself waited until the key points such as casting, scene scouting, and official shooting before entering the crew work. And this time the producer of Legend of the White Snake is Hu Yuhua herself. She is a gold medal producer in the industry. In this field, her professional level is much better than that of Yang Hongxia.

Lin Fan could feel at ease with Yang Hongxia, but he was even more at ease with Hu Yuhua.

Therefore, Lin Fan didn't care how dark the preparatory meeting for the Legend of the White Snake project was. He plunged into the editing room and followed Liang Wen and the later stage to roughly cut the film of A Chinese Ghost Story.

Lin Fan, who participated in movie editing for the first time, once again realized clearly and intuitively that although movie editing and variety show editing have similar names, they are actually very different, and they are simply not the same type of product!

If Lin Fan didn't know what the finished film looked like, the editing process would have made Lin Fan so confused that he doubted his life.

But it doesn't matter, Lin Fan has a hacker, and at the same time, Liang Wen is an expert, so the editing process of the whole film is quite smooth, but sometimes, Lin Fan and Liang Wen will argue because of their opinions. for example:

Why did you cut this scene?

Liang Wen expressed his doubts: This shot is so good. It can reflect the relationship between the scholar and the female ghost. With further development, it is an indispensable main plot. Why should this be subtracted? And the filming Still so beautiful!

In this regard, Lin Fan said: The relationship between the scholar and the female ghost has already been explained, and there will be a sublimation later. There is no need for this more plot here!

Why isn't it necessary? Meeting each other, falling in love and knowing each other, and finally separated helplessly, the whole relationship line is complete!

It's complete without this paragraph!

Lin Fan insisted on his own opinion, because the original version didn't have this part. During filming, Lin Fan and Xia Yan acted freely on a whim after they had finished their scheduled scenes, and it was not in the shooting plan at all.

Of course, because this scene was really well shot, Lin Fan kept it at that time. Anyway, it was free to play along with the plot, and it didn't affect the normal shooting, and it needed to be edited in the end.

just didn't expect,

Liang Wen actually insisted on keeping this shot.

Lin Fan didn't know how to tell Liang Wen that these scenes didn't exist in the original version of A Chinese Ghost Story.

Liang Wen couldn't convince Lin Fan, and Lin Fan couldn't persuade Liang Wen either. In this case, Lin Fan's opinion was usually the main one, but Liang Wen still wanted to fight for it.

I know, there must already be a finished A Chinese Ghost Story in your mind.

Lin Fan almost jumped up in fright because of Liang Wen's words, thinking that Liang Wen had discovered his secret, but fortunately Liang Wen didn't notice Lin Fan's strangeness.

But the imaginary movie is always different from the final movie. You have to allow it to have more possibilities, and you can't just confine it to your imagination. For a movie, it is not So fair.

Lin Fan: ...It almost scared me to death! Can you speak without panting!

But what Liang Wen said was not without reason.

It is impossible for Lin Fan to copy that movie in its entirety. No matter how hard he tries to restore it, apart from the original actors who cannot be restored, there are also various differences between the two worlds, such as location, shooting angle, The actions of actors and so on, all exist objectively.

Since it is destined not to be completely copied, why not allow one or two more shots?

Lin Fan was silent for a few minutes, and finally nodded: You make a lot of sense.

As soon as Liang Wen showed a triumphant smile, Lin Fan said again: But this scene must be cut!

Why? Liang Wen was stunned. Didn't I convince you? Why did you still have to cut it off in the end? So what did I convince, lonely?

Lin Fan looked at Xia Yan's smooth and delicate back in the camera in pain: It's too revealing!

my daughter-in-law! How can it be seen by so many people? Absolutely not!

This kind of lens can only be cut out, I take it home and enjoy it slowly!

Liang Wen was speechless.

But putting aside these disputes, the whole editing work went very smoothly. At the same time of editing, the soundtrack and subtitles will be inserted in the later stage, which can save a lot of time when doing the final special effects.

But even without special effects, the two of them were still very satisfied after watching the roughly cut clips!

Especially Lin Fan, I feel that I have completely captured the charm of that classic movie in my mind!

Liang Wen was even more excited: I didn't expect the effect to be so good! This can be directly used as a promotional video! Just by releasing this shot, at least it can save a lot of publicity costs for Xuanfa!

Lin Fan looked at the close-up of Xia Yan's face in the clip with lustful brows, and he deeply agreed with Liang Wen's words, and at the same time, there was a surge of pride in his heart: that is, I don't want to see whose daughter-in-law !

However, in the next second, Liang Wen suppressed Lin Fan's pride with a single sentence: Judging from this progress, it should not take three months. I think the film can be edited in about one month!

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched, feeling powerless with the long film editing cycle.

Lin Fan, who was making a movie for the first time, also knew for the first time that the editing cycle of a movie is so long! In the past, I only knew that the special effects cycle was long, but I didn't expect that the time spent on editing was not short.

Forget it, it’s already pretty good to be able to shoot the whole movie as planned, and there’s no rush for editing. Lin Fan said that at most it’s just squeezing the editors and letting them finish the work within a month. That’s not too much, right? .

Lin Fan patted Liang Wen on the shoulder, and handed over the heavy responsibility of editing to Liang Wen. He still needed to catch up with the next show——to confirm the cast of Legend of the White Snake with Magic City Pictures.

Of course, the process of inviting auditions and so on still has to go through the process, but some roles can be decided internally in advance, and then invite artists individually.

Lin Fan, who held a veto in his hand, had to attend.

This also forced Lin Fan to face a choice, that is, should he play the role of Xu Xian?

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