Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 406: The Studio Tyrant Was Hacked


While filming A Chinese Ghost Story, Lin Fan took time to draw the comics of The Legend of the White Snake. To be honest, the progress of the two projects is not too fast, but it is not too slow either.

Lin Fan, who has passed the novice period, is becoming more and more proficient in acting. Don't say one thing, after all, the veteran actor can't guarantee that he can pass one. At least the daily shooting tasks can be completed almost, and there is a little delay , does not affect the overall situation.

As for the director, Lin Fan went through a difficult period of adjustment, and with the help of Liang Wen, it became more and more smooth.

Of course, this kind of smoothness is subjective. Lin Fan can feel that he is becoming more and more aware of what the picture he wants, what he wants to express, how to convey it through the lens, etc. Wait.

But in the objective reality, what should be stuck still gets stuck, and what should be done again still has to be done again. When the filming is not going well, Lin Fan will also be irritable, and on the set, Lin Fan will also yell at other actors.

Because Lin Fan felt that he had told the other party the performance requirements in great detail and clearly, but no matter how the other party acted, he couldn't perform the feeling Lin Fan wanted, so there was no other way but to do it all over again.

Doing one, two, and three again, Lin Fan thinks it's normal, just like Lin Fan himself, there are times when he can't perform well and is asked to do it all over again. At this time, Lin Fan is no exception even if he is the director. After all, the relationship It is the final effect of the whole movie.

When Liang Wen filmed Lin Fan's films, he never let it go because Lin Fan was the director, the core screenwriter, and the boss of the entire team.

So in this case, it doesn't matter if the performance is not good, just take your time and work on it over and over again until it works out.

But this process is easy to say, but it is really tormented to do it. Sometimes Lin Fan can't hold back his anger and can't help losing his temper.

But after losing his temper, he still had to pinch his nose and go back to take this shot.

This is the norm in the crew. As long as people in this industry are more or less used to such scenes, everyone generally doesn't take it very seriously.

But today, the atmosphere is decidedly slightly different.

Lin Fan also sensed everyone's absent-mindedness, so he simply announced a half-hour break to let everyone adjust their state, and he also took a break, so as to find out what happened.

Sure enough, Xia Yan came to Lin Fan with his mobile phone: Look at this.

Lin Fan took the phone and saw the headline on it: Shocked! The draft idol actually became a director across industries!

This kind of shocking style, one can tell at a glance that it is the favorite style of the Sanwu tabloid. Lin Fan didn't even need to read the content to know that this news must be aimed at him.

It is not a secret in the circle that Lin Fan is a director to make a movie. But before this matter was announced to the public, it was an undisclosed secret. As long as the people in the circle had no enmity with Lin Fan, most of them would help cover up and keep the news in the circle.

Unless the person involved is exposed by the paparazzi, or announces it himself.

Things like Lin Fan's filming are news that will be announced later by himself. Yang Hongxia has greeted the media in advance. Under normal circumstances, the media will not hide Yang Hongxia's knowledge and take money from both sides to expose Lin Fan in advance.

But this is not absolute. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. For those who want to attack Lin Fan, the benefits of breaking such news in advance are immeasurable.

For example, it can create public opinion pressure on Lin Fan, it can shake the morale of the entire crew, it can destroy the movie's publicity plan, it can tarnish Lin Fan's personal reputation, and so on.

In short, this is an explosion-proof means.

Explosion-proof is to prevent the target from becoming popular or popular. It is planned and targeted, and a large amount of negative news is released in advance. Some are true and false, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false. develop.

Therefore, it is obvious that this news was released at this time to snipe Lin Fan.

Liang Wen also came over with his mobile phone in his arms: It seems that you have blocked the way of many people recently. Look, this matter is not simple. I just checked it on Chaobo. There are marketing accounts, high-level hackers, and The sailors are in a rhythm, and they just barely pointed at your nose, scolding you for making money, so you really don't even want your face.

Lin Fan clicked on the news and went in to take a look. It probably meant that Lin Fan, as an idol who debuted in a talent show, didn't want to play well with fans in the idol circle. The number of downloads of pan songs is there, no matter how advanced the black fans are.

However, Lin Fanfei was not satisfied with being a singer-songwriter. After launching a variety show, he started making movies non-stop. How short of money are you? A variety show is not enough for you to earn, have you put your hands into the film industry now?

The article also drew many well-known directors as cases, saying that they have gone through many years and what a difficult environment before they finally achieved their current fame.

As a result, people like Lin Fan who just want to make a quick buck have tarnished the reputation of the industry and profession of directors, tarnished the art of movies, and at the same time caused more and more bad movies on the market, disrupting the entire industry. The market makes it difficult for audiences to see good movies.


After reading this news, Lin Fan also admired it very much. For such an editor who can talk, it's really a waste of talent not to ramen!

Originally, the majority of people who eat melons didn't have much interest in the fact that Lin Fan wanted to make a movie, whether he was a director or an actor.

People who like Lin Fan are supportive of what Lin Fan does. There were even fans who wanted to crowdfund before Lin Fan to turn the two comics A Chinese Ghost Story and The Butterfly Lovers into cartoons. If they knew that Lin Fan was making a movie, wouldn't they be so excited?

For those who don't pay attention to Lin Fan, their first reaction may be: Who is Lin Fan?

Oh, the one who sings!

His songs are very good!

As for being a director?

Come on, it's not news to be a director across industries now, okay? Most people know that making movies is a very profitable thing.

Don't you see, actors have to be directors, singers have to be directors, and hosts have to be directors. There shouldn't be too much news like this. I don't know when the threshold for the profession of directors has become lower and lower.

The people who eat melons are almost numb, and the most they watch is to make complaints about it. Why does everyone want to be a director? Then wait until the movie is released, and then go to the Internet to check the word-of-mouth and ratings. By the way, I mocked that not everyone can be a director. In the end, I don’t even want to spend money on movie tickets.

At most, when this movie is free, and I have free time, I can barely watch it.

who cares?

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