Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 405 Lin Fan's new comics are taken by others

Xu Yunsheng, the producer of Sky Survey, threw the documents in his hand on the conference table, and scolded unceremoniously: What's the matter with this Jisha? Don't you know it's in the promotion period now? It's hard Putting her in such a popular variety show, it's fine if she doesn't help the crew to promote it well, why is she still black?

The people below dared not say a word.

Ji Sha is someone from Xinghe Entertainment, one of the investors, and it is said that she is an artist that Xinghe is now favoring. Even Zhang Youling, who is capable of competing for the domestic four-flower spot, has to give three points in front of her, but It is conceivable that her position in the galaxy is gone.

Who dares to tell her face to face?

Later, when she sued the Xinghe people, she still didn't know who would suffer!

We communicated with her agent, and her agent expressed apology and promised to urge Jisha to improve and try not to recruit blackmail to the crew.

But, that being said, it's hard to say whether it can be done or not.

Xu Yunsheng was too angry to speak.

The director on the side was still sarcastic: Now you know what the end of compromising with the investor is? I just said that this newcomer can't do it! You still insist on letting her get rid of the original female three, and now you know that you regret it. Already? Why did you go early?

Xu Yunsheng glared at him angrily: The Xinghe family accounted for 70% of the 300 million investment in Scanner. In order to bring in a newcomer, they also invested an additional 80 million yuan. That's why you made such a good film! Don't let it go! I just lifted my pants and patted my ass and refused to admit it! As long as you can take it easy when you burn money, why should I bow to the investors?

Want acting school?

That's fine, no one buys into the drama that was filmed, I'll see where you cry! No, no one is investing, and you still want to shoot a big scene, why do you think it is so beautiful?

The director stopped talking, and people who burn money are not qualified to speak.

Xu Yunsheng finished the director, and finally let out a bad breath: The next road show, just cross this Ji Sha off the list! I don't want to make a noise on the road show, where fans of the original book boycott the actors, and smash rotten eggs and rotten leaves on the spot. !


But what is it! Isn't Xinghe going to praise Jisha? Just tell them that there is a new project being negotiated by Magic Capital Films, and tell them that I recommend Jisha to audition! Let her prepare well, don't lose in my face!

The director was shocked: Wow,

Do you want to take the magic city movie for a walk in Xinghe entertainment? You are quite a brave thief, aren't you afraid that both sides will settle accounts with you?

Xu Yunsheng quit: Did I take a walk? I didn't! I'm telling the truth!

The director despises: Where is there any new project for Magic City Pictures recently? Their martial arts drama has not yet been finalized because of an actor's incident, and it is too late to re-cut it. How can they be in the mood to start a new project?

Not this year, can't it be next year? Not next year, but there should be one next year, right?

The director laughed angrily: What's the difference between you and walking around?

Xu Yunsheng spread his hands: The difference is that I'm telling the truth, but I'm not sure about the time.

I don't understand. Why didn't you just refuse that person to go to the road show when you came up with this? I just said that I was worried that the fans of the original book would resist too much, and I believe Xinghe would not say anything.

As for capital, in the end, it is still necessary to use interests to speak. No matter how much Xinghe praises Jisha, in front of interests, no matter what kind of Sha is, he has to obediently give way.

Xu Yunsheng squinted at the director: Are you stupid? Doesn't this directly offend Jisha? Yes, this is a newcomer, insignificant, and I can remove her with a single word. But offend the newcomer that Xinghe favors. , and what is the difference between Kai Zui Xinghe?

Do you still want to get investment from Galaxy? Do you still want to shoot big scenes? Do you still want to burn money in a flash? No brains!

Oh, you have a lot of brains, and you're quite dirty!

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, anyway, don't forget to remove Ji Sha from the road show list!

Xu Yunsheng waved his hand, walked out of the meeting room gracefully, and when he returned to his office, he showed his true colors in an instant, and frantically called Liu Zhengyan.

Hey, Brother Liu, hey, it's me, hey! This is not going to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and I want to ask you for help with something!

The friendship between Xu Yunsheng and Liu Zhengyan can be traced back more than ten years ago, but at that time, Xu Yunsheng was not a producer, but just a production assistant, and Liu Zhengyan was still a newcomer who had just debuted. I got to know each other, and the relationship has not been broken for more than ten years.

And I have also had a lot of cooperation, and we get along quite happily. The relationship stays in the range between friends and good friends. It is a bit complicated to say, but in fact, in this circle, such relationships are still very common.

That is, when something happens, you can say hello and help each other. But it can't be a big deal, and it can't involve personal privacy or core key points. Otherwise, although the other party may not be able to do anything, I always feel a little worried, feeling that my handle is being held by others.

Liu Zhengyan has always admired people like Xu Yunsheng who are as thick-skinned as a city wall, talk to people, talk nonsense when he sees people, are well-rounded and not annoying.

What's the matter, and there are things that you, the producer, can't handle?

Brother Liu, you really think highly of me!

Xu Yunsheng explained the ins and outs of the matter to Liu Zhengyan, That's it, Brother Liu, you have to help brother! Sister Yuhua is not that, Brother Liu, help me tell Sister Yuhua to deal with that Xinghe Who the hell, when you two get married, I will give you both a big red envelope!

Liu Zhengyan took a sip: What nonsense are you talking about! Yuhua and I are innocent, so don't spread the word!

All right, all right, I'm the one who said nothing, I won't do it next time! Brother Liu, that's all for now! I'll treat you to dinner later!

Liu Zhengyan was helpless: I can only ask for you.

Okay, just ask, thank you Brother Liu!

Liu Zhengyan hung up Xu Yunsheng's phone, changed his tone after sweeping away the helpless tone, and then called Hu Yuhua.

How can this kind of thing be explained clearly on the phone, of course it is an appointment to meet and talk!

It's just that Liu Zhengyan met Hu Yuhua happily, and was interrupted by Hu Yuhua just as he started.

How do you know that Magic City Pictures is negotiating a new project recently? Hu Yuhua was very surprised, This matter should still be kept secret, after all, we have just contacted it. Where did you get the news from?

Liu Zhengyan was dumbfounded, and didn't figure it out all at once, was it because Xu Yunsheng got the news by accident, or this kid had received the inside information a long time ago, and left it here to deceive himself.

But that's not the point, the point is: Which book do you like?

Hu Yuhua thought for a while, but didn't hide it: It's okay to tell you, it has something to do with you, maybe you can help me!

This made Liu Zhengyan even more confused: Does it still have something to do with me?

Hu Yuhua smiled: Yes, or did you forget that you brought people to me?

An idea flashed in Liu Zhengyan's mind: You mean Lin Fan? What do you guys like about him...Oh, by the way, he has two comics. Which story do you like?

Both stories are good, and both have the potential to be adapted into TV dramas. But, I heard that Lin Fan has another story in his hands, and he has already negotiated with Penguin Comics about launching it. I thought, let's see it first The new manga will be decided at the end.

Hu Yuhua looked at Liu Zhengyan meaningfully: Old Liu, you have to help me!

Liu Zhengyan really didn't know what to say.


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