Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 196: Lin Fan's Second Counterattack

Although there was a joke about Lian Xiaoyu's selfless dedication, which eased the atmosphere in the whole yearning yard, but Lin Fan was really disgusted by the landlord.

The Market Supervision Bureau has all intervened, and the landlord not only did not restrain himself, but intensified it, which made Lin Fan's last worry completely disappear.

The fans all dispersed to do their own business, Lin Fan also suppressed his smile, sat behind the bar, turned on the computer, and began to search for nearby hotels.

Lian Xiaoyu curiously followed behind Lin Fan, watching him refresh a hotel reservation software, and then click to check all the rooms on it, choose the check-in time and check-out time, and then pay.

A large sum of money was swiped away from his eyes in an instant, Lin Fan only felt a dull pain in his heart.

However, if you don't want to bear children, you can't set up wolves!

Lin Fan is also ruthless, let you try my second trick!

This method was thought up by Lin Fan all night.

Because of this, Lin Fan felt like he lost several strands of hair!

His handsome face was damaged!


What are you doing? Why are you booking so many rooms?

Lin Fan gritted his molars: Improve the accommodation conditions for everyone!

What? Lian Xiaoyu didn't understand.

Lin Fan looked at the reservation successful message on the computer, showed a smile, turned off the reservation software, then picked up the loudspeaker that Lian Xiaoyu abducted back, and turned on the loudspeaker: Hey, we're assembled , Assemble, I have something to tell everyone!

Called by the loudspeaker, the fans who had already dispersed gathered in the hall like tired birds returning to their nests.

What's the matter? Is there anything we need to do?

Are you going to beat up that landlord? My rolling pin has just been put back, so I'll get it now!

Give me one too!


Why are these fans so violent!

Lin Fan's head was full of black lines: Beat what?

Hitting is wrong!

Then let's beat him quietly...

林泛瞪了那个爱抬杠的粉丝一眼,“行了,不需要你们揍谁。我叫大家来就是跟大家说一声,我给大家升了个舱,就在于萌萌住的那个酒店,我预定20 rooms have been allocated, and you can allocate specific rooms according to the current combination.

I sent the specific room numbers to Yu Mengmeng. She is familiar with the place. After you pack your luggage, follow her to the hotel. I have paid for the room in advance and called a car. Everyone, take the time to go back and pack your luggage. , Gather in the hall in a while!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Even Xiao Yu was dumbfounded!

What kind of show operation is this?

Yu Mengmeng's eyes widened: No, Fanfan, you changed us to another hotel? Are you trying to drive us away?

Not including you, you lived there.

That's not the point!

Yu Mengmeng was furious. The point was that the hotel she was staying in was a five-star hotel. Usually, she subsidized the room rate by herself. Moreover, she transferred everyone to the hotel. What was she going to do?

Fanfan, we're not leaving!

That is, we will accompany you to deal with that bad landlord!

You stay here by yourself, what will the landlord do to you? We will stay and protect you! Your body belongs to us!

Everyone protested loudly.

Stop, stop!

At this moment, Lin Fan was really glad that he had a big speaker in his hand, otherwise it would be too much effort for him to talk to so many girls by himself.

Everyone misunderstood. I didn't plan to face the landlord alone. The landlord just thinks that the business in the yard he yearns for is booming, or he's jealous that I made money with his house, or he just thinks I can't bear to give up here.

Lin Fan smiled: But, in fact, this homestay doesn't make any money at all. The customers, that is, you, are not here for the homestay, but for me.

Don't worry, I don't want to scold you. Although it is true that your behavior of chasing stars has always been unacceptable, I still want to thank you for your support and help.

The girls are a little embarrassed.

In fact, the landlord has always been wrong about one thing, that is, I never rely on this homestay for food. My dream is to open a homestay, but I never rely on the homestay to make money!

Lin Fan showed his big white teeth, Since the landlord wants this homestay so much, let him see if there is no one here without your support!

Lian Xiaoyu finally knew what Lin Fan was going to do, and immediately became excited: Xiao Fanfan, do you want to transfer everyone to the hotel, and leave an empty homestay for the landlord?

Yes! I just want to let that landlord's bamboo basket fetch water for nothing! Not only will I send you away, I will also remove all the soft decorations! I will smash all the hard decorations! Subsequent reservations will also be closed Already made a reservation, the room fee will be fully refunded, and I will give them appropriate compensation!

Aren't you just jealous of my good business and how much money I make here? Without me, without these fans who unconditionally support me, who else will live in your dilapidated house by the sea?

Before, Lin Fan was startled by the landlord's shamelessness, and panicked for a while. Now after the initial panic, he calmed down and immediately regained his composure.

What do you care about?

The dream of opening a homestay!

Do you need a homestay to make money?

No need, no need!

My long-term meal ticket is a song, not a homestay! Homestays are just my dreams, and dreams can't be eaten as food!

What should I do if this homestay cannot continue?

It's simple, just change the place and reopen it!

Can people be suffocated by urine?

People move to live, trees move to die!

As for the decoration cost, huh, I'm afraid everyone has forgotten one thing, the hard decoration of this homestay actually only cost 1.5 million. And this hard installation fee will be paid back in just over a month! Excluding expenses, I didn't pay much, only one or two hundred thousand.

The decoration cost of 9.5 million is mostly soft decoration!

Just my own piano + violin + cello + guitar + tea table cost 3 million. These things can be taken away!

18,888 yuan of mattresses, 22 pieces, 420,000 yuan, move away!

21,850 yuan of solid wood beds, 22 beds, 480,000 yuan, move away!

4888 yuan smart toilet - cover, 22 pieces, 110,000, removed!

4888 yuan of smart toilets, 22, 110,000, removed!

5888 yuan super large-screen smart TV, 22 pieces, 130,000 yuan, removed!

5888 yuan solid wood TV cabinet, 22 pieces, 130,000, move away!

6888 yuan indoor sofa, 22 sets, 150,000, move away!

268,000 leather sofas, move away!

18358 yuan fish-shaped floor lamp, move away!


Well, there is also my original White Swing on the Infinity Pool!

1888 yuan, pure solid wood, anti-corrosion, fire rescue rope, high-end paint!

Take it away!


Remove all that can be removed!

Remove everything that can be removed!

You can easily change places by yourself and make a comeback!

And what is left to the landlord?

It's just an empty house!

This is Lin Fan's second counterattack!

Drain from the bottom of the pot!


Lin Fan's decision shocked all the fans, and everyone blushed from the excitement of this atmosphere.

Yes! That's how it should be! We can't be so foolish!

Let's all go, use our actual actions to support Fanfan, and tell all fans to suspend reservations for the longing yard.

Fanfan, we don't need your money, we have our own money to book a hotel! We can't afford a five-star hotel, let's find out about the seven-day holiday!

Damn poor landlord, I curse him for having a baby without an ass hole!

Even Xiaoyu completely forgot about the embarrassment of the death just now, and at this moment he waved his fists filled with righteous indignation: Yes, we will not bow to the evil forces! In general, let's set up a new mountain and find another place to start over!

Lin Fan also said ruthlessly: You all go to pack your luggage, and I will live there too after I have dealt with other things here.

The fans originally thought that Lin Fan wanted to face the landlord by himself, so they asked him to wait for someone to leave the homestay and live in Yu Mengmeng's hotel, but they didn't expect Lin Fan to go there by himself, and immediately cheered.

Let's go, pack your bags and go!

Hurry up, move in within today!

By the way, can you sleep in bed tonight?

Do you want to bring the rolling pin?

Why do you keep thinking about your rolling pin?

We have to knock Fanpan out before we can sneak attack?


The fans went to pack their luggage noisily, Lin Fan called the other staff in the homestay over: Everyone who is on duty today is here, if you are not here, please inform each other, I will give you a holiday for the next few days , Paid leave, everyone go back to rest for a few days, wait for my call.

The staff looked at each other and were a little worried: Boss, are you okay here? How about we call the police?

Boss, whether this is a holiday or a dismissal, you give us an accurate word, otherwise we have no idea.

That's right, boss, please give me a correct sentence, otherwise we don't know when we will have to wait... The key is not knowing if we are going to look for another job.

Don't worry, everyone, this matter will be over in a week at most. I promise, if the yard you yearn for in the end really can't continue, I will give you three months' salary.

Lin Fan didn't have deep feelings for these employees. After all, they had just been together for more than a month, and they didn't know each other well. However, Lin Fan also gave them his own guarantee. Ten thousand, but there are still several million.

Months of salary, drizzle!

It is more than enough to transfer fans to five-star hotels and pay unemployment compensation to employees, so when doing these things, although Lin Fan felt sorry for the money for a moment, compared to being blackmailed by the landlord for the money, Lin Fan would rather spend all his money on fans and employees.

Anyway, just can't take advantage of the landlord!

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