Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 195 Put down the rolling pin in your hand

Fan Fan! Fan Fan! Not good!

Several fans came back from the outside and went straight to the bar.

What's wrong?

Just that landlord, he got into a fight with tourists outside the gate! A fast-talking fan uttered the words quickly.

Lin Fan was overjoyed: What? Is there such a good thing?

No! It's the landlord, pretending to be our employees at the door, driving away the tourists who come here to take pictures and check in!

Other fans hurriedly explained to prevent Lin Fan from being misled, Then there was a conflict with the tourists, and now, the landlord is lying on the ground trying to blackmail people! Now there are many people around the gate!

Lin Fan suddenly stood up and rushed out.

After hearing the ins and outs, Yu Mengmeng quickly shouted: Come on, come on, let's all go out together to support Fan Fan! Security! Uncle Security, you watch the hall, don't let others break in!

Hurry up, hurry up, the others follow! There are many people on the other side, so don't let Fanfan suffer!

A group of girls rushed towards the gate together under Yu Mengmeng's call, and some of them didn't know what happened, so they just followed.

What happened? Why did you go? Do you want to fight with Fanfan? It's so exciting!

What nonsense are you talking about? Fighting in groups is against the law. We're going to give Fanfan a boost! How can we fight, really!

Then why did you come out just by copying the rolling pin in the kitchen?

Uh, I just do it smoothly, you know how to do it smoothly?


Lin Fan took the lead and rushed out, but when he reached the gate, he saw a large group of people outside, forming a circle, and he couldn't squeeze in at all! Anxious Lin Fan shouted loudly: I am the owner of Yearning Yard...

Before the words fell, another voice came from a distance!

I am the boss of the boss of the yearning yard!


a minute ago.

In the middle of the crowd, in the small circle of open space, the landlord lay down on the ground, pretending that he had been beaten. The tourist who was entangled by him looked ashen, and was so angry that he wanted to punch him with his fist. In the end, he was beaten by his companions. stopped.

Don't be impulsive! What is there to say to this kind of rascal? He did it on purpose! To provoke you, if you hit him, you will have to lose money!

I didn't expect that the yearning yard is so disgusting. Everything is done, blackmailing people... What a disgusting way. No wonder it is said on the Internet that Lin Fan only accepts single fans. It turns out that not only Lin Fan, but even his staff So disgusting!

At this time, a woman wearing a pair of sunglasses, a cropped T-shirt with cropped jeans, and a pair of high-heeled shoes suddenly stepped forward, walked up to the landlord, bent down and picked up the landlord because he was lying down, in a posture Inconvenient and put aside the big speaker.

What are you talking about!

Lian Xiaoyu took a loudspeaker to the tourist who said Lin Fan was disgusting, and said, Since the Yearning Yard won't take pictures of people? Do you need to get your approval for who will be entertained? And who is this little old man? He just said that he is Lin Fan's employee? I also said that I am the number one manager of all Blue Stars, who would believe it!

The tourist who was stunned was very upset: Who are you?

I am the boss of the yearning yard boss!

As soon as this sentence came out, someone knew: Oh! I know, you are that scumbag Lian Xiaoyu!


Everyone knows it, even Xiaoyu! Celebrity!

Walking pit king!

Lian Xiaoyu was trembling with anger: Don't call me a cheater again! I cheated myself, but I didn't cheat you!

The tourists couldn't help but laugh, and the atmosphere of anger and anger caused by the landlord just now eased a lot.

The landlord also remembered that when Lin Fan came to rent the house, this woman also came with him.

But seeing that his good situation was disturbed by this woman, he couldn't pretend anymore, and jumped up to grab the trumpet: Who are you, why haven't I seen you! Don't be fooled by this woman, she won't It has something to do with our boss!

Lian Xiaoyu backed away quickly, avoiding the landlord: Don't come here, I'll call you molested if you come here again!

The landlord was so angry: I didn't even touch you!

That person lay down without touching you, why can't I yell molestation? You can and I can too! Everyone has seen it and can testify to me, can't they?

The tourists around have long been displeased with the landlord. Hearing Lian Xiaoyu's words, they all responded, Yes!

We've all seen it!

That's the little old man!

The landlord was almost pissed off, I'm only in my early forties, how can I be an old man!

Come on big brother! Yes, it's just this handsome big brother with flower arms, ​​Lian Xiaoyu said to one of the tourists, Please keep an eye on this little old man for a while, I'll call the police first.

The flower-armed brother readily agreed: Okay!

Want to call the police? The landlord's expression changed instantly, and he turned his head and squeezed out. While squeezing, he said stiffly: You all wait for me! I'll go and call my boss! He's a big star! You wait!

Although there are so many people watching the excitement in this circle, it is impossible to squeeze in, but it is easy to squeeze out. After all, no one really stopped the landlord from letting him go.

The landlord squeezed out of the crowd in twos and twos, and slipped away with his tail between his legs.


Fight with my old lady! You are still far behind!

Thank you everyone for your support! Thank you, big brother! Big brother is really awesome, he scared the little old man away with just one look. And this big brother who was almost blackmailed, I'm sorry to make you angry, I'm sorry.

Lian Xiaoyu smiled and thanked Brother Huaarm repeatedly.

The tourist didn't care about this, because it seemed that the landlord was here to make trouble on purpose. At first, everyone didn't realize it, and thought it was really Lin Fan's employee, but the landlord was exposed as soon as Xiao Yu appeared.

It's all right, but what's going on with that man?

That's right, you chase people away as soon as you come out, and what you say is ugly, it's clear that it's intentional.

Is it Lin Fan's black fan?

Even Xiao Yu didn't know what was going on, so he couldn't answer rashly.

Lin Fan, who finally squeezed into the crowd, stood up and said, We will take care of this matter. I am so sorry for causing trouble to everyone! Yearning Yard does not forbid everyone to take pictures and check in. If someone comes to make trouble in the future, Just call the police directly, don't get used to it!

Someone among the tourists recognized Lin Fan immediately: The boss is out!

Everyone came to check in at the yard they yearned for, not because of Lin Fan's fame. As soon as Lin Fan appeared, everyone's attention was immediately diverted.

Boss is so handsome!

Boss, take a picture together!

Lin Fan hesitated for a moment, but thinking of today's incident, these tourists were happy to come to travel and check in, but because of Lin Fan's dispute with the landlord, they were made into a bad mood, and Lin Fan couldn't refuse them.

It's just that he really wanted to take a group photo one by one, Lin Fan suspected that he was going crazy, because under the system's compulsory skills, he had to keep sculpting.

Concave shape is mandatory and cannot be controlled by oneself.

Okay, let's take a group photo together, and I will post the photo to Chaobo later, so that everyone can download it.

Well, you can also add a few ultra-blog fans to yourself, I am really clever!

it is good!

Of course the tourists agreed, this was earned for nothing, and it is not realistic to ask Lin Fan to take a group photo one by one.

So, under the command of Lian Xiaoyu with a loudspeaker on, it took a group of people nearly half an hour to line up, and then freeze the frame in Lian Xiaoyu's mobile phone camera.

Well, Lin Fan quickly made several poses in the fast-moving shutter!

The concave shape is so capricious!


Back in the longing yard, Lian Xiaoyu put the loudspeaker on the bar and took off his sunglasses: Xiao Fanfan, what's going on with that little old man?

Lin Fan had a headache: That's the landlord, you've seen it before, when you rented the yard.

Even Xiao Yu was impressed by this statement: It's him, but why did that little old man pretend not to know me just now?

Isn't this nonsense? If the landlord says he knows you, isn't that the same as admitting that he deliberately caused trouble?

Even Xiao Yu didn't worry about it: And why did he come to make trouble? What good does it do him?

The fans watching by the side raised their hands one after another, waiting for the opportunity to answer the question.

Seeing a large group of girls obediently raising their hands, Lian Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing: You! Yes, the one who is holding a stick and wants to fight someone, you answer.

It's a rolling pin not a stick!

That fan was a little speechless, even the boss doesn't even know the rolling pin, is it really a scam?

Liankeng... Boss, the landlord came here yesterday, saying that he wants to take back the house and ask Fanfan to move out within a week, or he can buy it with money, and the asking price is 13 million!

Besides, the landlord actually came here once today. He was kicked out by Fan Fan by taking random pictures in the hall with his mobile phone. Then he made trouble outside. I guess he wanted to ruin Fan Fan's reputation.

Lian Xiaoyu blinked: Take it back? How to take it back? Can the leased house be taken back at will?

The fans fell silent and just looked at Lin Fan.

Although Lin Fan really didn't want to admit that he was cheated, but now there is nothing to hide: There are loopholes in the contract signed at the beginning, and the landlord has the right to take back the house. He only needs to notify me one week in advance, and then compensate me for 3 months' rent That's it.

It was also the first time for the fans to know exactly what the loopholes in the contract were. Hearing this, everyone's faces were a little ugly.

Lian Xiaoyu took out his phone and began to look through the address book: Isn't this intentional to deceive people? Xiao Fanfan, don't be afraid, let's sue him directly! You don't have to worry about being a lawyer, I will take care of you. There are so many people! And I have never lost a lawsuit! I will borrow all of them to help you sue that little old man!

Yu Mengmeng's real name is envious, and there are many people in the legal department of Yu's father's company, but Yu Mengmeng has no ability to borrow them all.

Well, only a dozen can be borrowed!

Lin Fan said in a deep voice: I consulted a lawyer, and the lawyer said that it is best to negotiate a supplementary agreement, otherwise, even if you win the lawsuit, the follow-up will be very troublesome. You have also seen the virtue of that landlord, I am worried that he will come to make trouble in the future.

Lian Xiaoyu found the lawyer's number and was just about to call when she heard Lin Fan's words. She paused and continued to scroll down: Then just buy it! 13 million, right? I'm going to borrow money from my dad. !

No, even the boss, I can't use your money...

Before Lin Fan finished speaking, even Xiao Yu got through the phone, and the voice was still on: Dad! Lend me 13 million! I want to invest...

Before finishing a sentence, Lian Feng hung up the phone!

Even Xiao Yu didn't expect her father to be so decisive. He hung up the phone as soon as he heard the word investment, and didn't let himself say a word!

The call hung up too quickly, even Xiao Yu couldn't react, neither Lin Fan nor the fans could react, and the whole hall fell into a strange silence for a while.

I was afraid that the air would suddenly become quiet.

so awkward!

After a while, the girl with the rolling pin suddenly turned around: Ah, why am I still holding the rolling pin, I have to put it back in the kitchen! By the way, it's time to cook? Fanfan, what shall we eat today?

Uh, I'm going to the toilet...

I haven't finished watching the cartoon yet...

Everyone else found an excuse and slipped away.

In less than a minute, there were only Lin Fan and Lian Xiaoyu left in the hall. Lian Xiaoyu looked at Lin Fan with an ugly expression, and Lin Fan's expression was not very good-looking, holding back his laughter!

A gust of wind blew by, and a burst of cheerful laughter erupted from every corner of the yearning yard!

My God, even the boss is miserable! Being despised like this by my own father!

It really is a scam!

Even her own father doesn't believe her anymore!

Lian Xiaoyu only felt that she was going to explode in place!

The scene of a large-scale social death is just so desperate!


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