Blue Star Music copyright website, the technicians are inspecting the background program on a daily basis, and suddenly found that a certain account has uploaded a large number of original content in a short period of time, applying for review and certification, and all the review procedures have passed!

The technicians couldn't help being suspicious. Could it be that someone uploaded a large amount of fragmented content to apply for certification? Many people did this kind of thing before, especially when the copyright protection law was just implemented.

Many musicians have a lot of creative elements in their hands. Due to various reasons, they cannot form a complete work, but they are worried that these creative elements will be used by other musicians, so they simply upload the certification first, so as not to be preempted by others.

What's more, even a chord has been uploaded and certified.

For this matter, the music copyright website also specially improved the certification rules, stipulating that the creative elements must meet a certain standard before they can apply for review, and they must be perfected into finished products within the specified time after the review before they can be certified, otherwise they will not be certified.

This reduces such incidents to an acceptable range, but cannot be eliminated. Because some musicians just think that their creative elements are enough to be certified, some are taking advantage of the loopholes in the certification process, and some are simply here to make trouble, and they are repeatedly banned, which is very annoying.

This time, the technicians also thought it was the same type of incident, and applied for a review for an account that had just been reviewed, so they stopped paying attention. Generally, if a large amount of fragmented content is really uploaded, the review will not pass.

He only needs to wait for the review to end, and there is no need for manual review.

Well, definitely not because he's lazy.

But half an hour later, a notification popped up from the background program: [The review of the application by the management personnel has been completed, and there is no abnormality in the account 'B\u0026B Boss', the original review results are maintained, please check. 】

Review, passed?

Is it really not fragmented content? Or is it a program error? If the former is okay, it has nothing to do with him. But if it was the latter, he would be responsible!

The technicians didn't dare to be negligent, and directly opened the account of the homestay owner to conduct a manual review.

As soon as he entered the account of the 'B\u0026B Boss', the technical staff froze for a moment: a whole page! All of them are newly uploaded! Moreover, all are finished songs! Not one is in pieces!

so much!

The technical staff's face is not very good-looking, so many songs, one by one comparison, I am afraid that today is the rhythm of working overtime! But in the evening, I asked my young lady to make skewers together! How can this be good?


Pretend to report a bug? Do you work overtime together?


Other staff in the technical department also received a program notification: [Administrative personnel apply to check the abnormal data of the account 'B\u0026B Boss'! 】

Huh? Is there a bug? Others didn't realize that it was someone's trick, and they clicked on the account of the owner of the homestay to check the information.

Wow! So many works uploaded at once! Could it be all fragments? Some people were dissatisfied.

It's not fragments, it's all finished products! get off work has started, let's divide it up, compare the data, and make a quick decision. It's time to get off work!

Seeing that his colleagues didn't think much about it, a certain person secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and took a few songs to compare.

In fact, comparing the data is not troublesome, the program can run automatically, the main reason is that the database is too huge, and the copyright database of Bluestar Music is world-class, and it takes time to wait for the results to be compared. If one person does this work, it is really You can wait for someone to die! It's okay if one person divides a few songs.

So, an hour later.

The comparison result is normal and meets the audit standard!

Me too!

Me too, no abnormal data!


So, what went wrong?

One of the technicians who first discovered the anomaly looked at the songs on the entire page and suddenly realized that it was not the program that might have gone wrong, but himself!

This id called the owner of the homestay may have uploaded dozens of original songs at once! And no plagiarism! Fully compliant with program review standards!

He looked at that page, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

This is really, great!

Others gradually realized this, and looked at the page speechlessly until: I'm so stupid! Awesome! Who is the owner of this homestay? It's too awesome!

It's a pity that the Blue Star Music copyright website is well kept confidential. Employees can't see the real information of the copyright owner in the account. Only the system administrator can check it, and all employees have signed a non-disclosure agreement. This is because they are afraid that some employees will guard against themselves , so everyone looked at the catalog of this talented man's work, but they could only look at it, and couldn't share this big melon with outsiders!


Lin Fan is also updating the music copyright website, because previously uploaded songs were quickly approved, but this time they were delayed, which made Lin Fan a little uneasy.

Is the website stuck? Or are there too many songs to review? In other words, it is similar to the song that has already been certified, so it is suspected of plagiarism?

The first two are easy to talk about, but the latter is not easy to handle!

Lin Fan learned that in Blue Star, the awareness of copyright protection is very strong! In various creative fields, once someone is confirmed to have plagiarized, not only will he face sky-high compensation, but he will also face industry bans and market resistance, and a bad record will be left on his personal file.

This made Lin · Time Traveler · Wenchao Gong · Fan tremble for a long time, afraid that when he releases a song, a colleague will jump out from a certain corner and accuse loudly that it is not his original creation at all, but plagiarism!

So the copyright website has not been approved for a long time, Lin Fan is a little panicked.

Fortunately, 2 hours later, Lin Fan was relieved when he saw the backstage display showing that all the new songs he uploaded had been approved.

yes! There are dozens more long-term meal tickets!

what are you doing?

Lian Xiaoyu looked up from the sofa and looked at Lin Fan, Crazy for recording songs?

Nothing! Lin Fan coughed dryly to cover up, and quickly changed the subject, Boss, why are you still here?

Lian Xiaoyu wondered, Where am I not here?

Shouldn't you go home? After all, Miss Xia is not here now...

Do you always go back and forth from where? Don't get in the way of my eyes!

Lian Xiaoyu instantly sensed Lin Fan's unfinished intentions, couldn't help but sneered, and cursed secretly: Although I'm bankrupt, I can only eat and drink while hugging my best friend's thigh, and then find a way to get your salted fish Kidnapping and debuting to make money for my old lady, but my old lady is not something you can dislike now!

But what came out became: It's okay, I have nothing else to do anyway, just stay.

mad at you! My wife won't leave!

Lin Fan smiled politely: But even the boss, you are bankrupt, shouldn't you start a new business actively?

do not you know?

what do you know?

Because of the company's bankruptcy, I used all my savings to pay off my debts, and I was so poor that I couldn't even afford food. Lian Xiaoyu smiled sweetly, So, my dear dad transferred the company under his name The shares gave me a little bit, and when the dividends are paid at the end of the year, I will have money to start a company again. Xiao Fanfan, are you happy? Do you want to come to my company to be an artist? The conditions are good!

Lin Fan was shocked: Fuck! You bloody capitalist!

Can you still play like this? What's the difference between you and Resurrection Armor? After reading the article, he will be resurrected with full blood! And there is no limit to the number of times!


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