Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 157 Correct use of [Photographic Memory]

Xia Yan hung up the phone and asked Chen Yuan beside him, Did the money be transferred to Lin Fan?

Chen Yuan nodded: It's already been transferred. But, Yanyan, why did you lend Fanfan so much money? And it feels like you deliberately spent all of Fanfan's money, so that Fanfan would open his mouth and borrow money from you!

Xia Yan smiled: My friend asks to borrow money, and if he can help, he will naturally help. There is no reason.

is it? Chen Yuan doesn't believe it, so why don't you lend money to that person, so-and-so, and so-and-so, but only lend it to one person? Even your best friend, even Xiao Yu, you didn't lend her any money, did you?

I always feel that there is a conspiracy. Chen Yuan couldn't figure it out, Aren't you afraid that Fanfan will repay your money?

I'm not afraid. Xia Yan replied lightly, You can earn back this little money by doing any variety show or making a song.

But Fanfan hasn't debuted yet, even if a variety show asks him, he won't accept it!

Then make your debut!

Chen Yuan was suddenly speechless, she seemed, as if, understood what Xia Yan meant.

Lin Fan's dream is to be an otaku, that's because he doesn't have to worry about life, but once he owes a butt of debts and is called for by the creditors, can he still live in the otaku?

Xia Yan doesn't care what Chen Yuan is thinking about. While she is busy with the announcement of the new album, she also has to worry about the concert. Finally, she has a little time and spends it on helping Lin Fan buy, buy, buy He didn't even have time to help Lin Fan record a new song.

Sister, I am so tired!


Yes, Lin Fan borrowed Xia Yan's recording studio to record songs.

Lin Fan actually didn't expect to record the new song so soon, but who made him owe a lot of foreign debts? The amount of money owed to Xia Yan can be deducted from the future song share, but if the popularity value owed to the system is not obtained soon, it will be repaid with soft sister coins!

Don't say anything, first record the song, as for uploading or not, let's see the situation.

It's not the first time that Lin Fan has recorded songs with Xia Yan. He is quite familiar with the musical instrument teachers who have cooperated with Xia Yan in the recording studio. Well, he is familiar with the people, not the appearance fees of the musical instrument teachers!

Xia Yan is very busy, very busy,

So I can't record songs for Lin Fan. Although I greeted the musical instrument teachers and asked them to help Lin Fan more, Lin Fan needed to do many things by himself, such as arranging music. Lin Fan didn't have the money to hire an arranger teacher to help arrange the music, so he had to do it himself.

Fortunately, now Lin Fan has the magical skill of the system [photographic memory]. Lin Fan found that after he got the song, as long as he thought about it carefully, he could recall the complete arrangement of the song he heard on earth. Lin Fan found that After this benefit, copy the arrangement directly instead of having to arrange it yourself.

In addition to arranging, for accompaniment, Lin Fan also handles many instruments that he can handle by himself, and asks the instrument teacher for help if he can't.

Anyway, it is a little bit to save a little bit.

It's just that without Xia Yan, without the familiar do it again, I always feel that something is missing! Efficiency has also dropped. When Xia Yan was here, he could finish recording one song a day. When the efficiency is high, it is not impossible to record two songs a day.

But without Xia Yan, Lin Fan handled those things by himself, and the efficiency was reduced by at least 50%! I'm afraid of comparison, I didn't feel much before, but when Lin Fan started to do it himself, he realized how important a good producer is!

Alas, another day when I miss Xia Little Witch Yan.

But by the way, when I play games or read comics, I just play music and listen to it, and I don’t even remember what songs I have listened to. Can you remember this?

Then, is it true that as long as I try hard to recall, I can recall all the songs I have heard in my previous life? Instead of only relying on the system lottery to get songs? Besides, the lottery draw by the system is so tricky, and it is not always possible to get a song every time.

Lin Fan's heart was moved, why not give it a try?

Just try it!

Lin Fan found a soft leather notebook and a signature pen, then sat on the sofa, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, calmed down, and sank to his dantian.

Then, with a bang, Lin Fan was almost sent away!

If I had known earlier, I would not eat that leek pancake at noon today! The taste is too big!

cough cough! Far away.

Lin Fan took his notebook and fanned himself vigorously around to dispel some unknown gas. He focused again and recalled the songs he was more familiar with. Those who don't remember all the songs, and finally recall those who have heard it but have no impression at all.

[Photographic memory] was activated, and clear memories gradually appeared in Lin Fan's mind, combined with [Staff Specialization], [Absolute Pitch], [Advanced Singing Skills], [Elementary Arrangement], [Intermediate Music Theory] and other fragmented skills Combined and upgraded [Advanced Music Literacy] skill, write the recalled songs silently on paper.





The more Lin Fan wrote, the more the corners of his mouth rose crazily!

That's right! That's it! Let the memories come more violently! Brother has [Finger Never Cramp], no matter how much you write by dictation, you are not afraid!

system! Come on! Brother will be self-reliant in the future! I no longer rely on you to draw good things for my brother! I can get the good stuff out of my head by myself!

mock up! Dare to deduct brother's popularity! Dare to steal brother's soft sister coins!

Brother now has so many songs in hand, I am not afraid of you anymore!

come! Hurt each other!

Lin Fan frantically tested the bottom line of the system in his heart, but he didn't get any response from the system. The system didn't move at all as if he didn't care about Lin Fan's provocation!

Lin Fan filled up the entire notebook before stopping to write, and then looked at the songs that filled the entire notebook, smiling like a 180cm child!

So many songs! Get rich! As long as all these songs are released, no matter whether you post them yourself or transfer the copyright, you can really make money lying down!

What kind of debt, what kind of popularity, go to hell! Even if my homestay doesn't have any customers in the future, I can live comfortably!

Lin Fan also seemed to have found a way to fight against the system. Lin Fan, who had been worried that everything he owned now would be taken back by the system, only now had such a sense of security.

That's right, Lin Fan has never felt safe since he traveled through time. He was afraid that if he did something wrong or violated the system's taboo, everything would be erased by the system.

The system can directly deduct popularity points for upgrades, adjust the popularity points required for lottery draws without authorization, and even directly transfer money from Lin Fan's account, so will the system be able to directly erase Lin Fan as well?

Lin Fan didn't know, no one knew.

But now, Lin Fan finally felt a sense of security, from Ruanmeibi.

After all, the world is so big, without money, you can't even see wool!

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