Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 154 No one can avoid the system's coquettish operation!

The scandal between Xia Yan and Lin Fan had only been hot for a day, but Xia Yan's clarification and gossip about Xiao Yu's background quickly shifted the focus of the public.

The public relations team quickly took advantage of this wave of enthusiasm to release Xia Yan's new album, which was equivalent to dozens of times the usual popularity and instantly turned into purchasing power, pushing the sales of Xia Yan's new album to an astonishing data.

While people in the industry were shocked by Xia Yan's appeal, they were also a little skeptical. Did Yang Hongxia create the previous gossip and marketing articles by herself, playing negative marketing?

When those movies come out, don’t they all play with a wave of specious scandals about the male and female protagonists, and then make a “fake show for real”, and then the movie will be launched, and the fingers will be clasped, and finally when the heat passes, the scandals will be clarified quickly.

Isn't Xia Yan's routine the same? Although Lin Fan's coffee position can't be the hero, but this kind of princess and troubled boy with poor status is the public's favorite! Not to mention how talented this troubled boy is, the title song of Xia Yan's new album is still composed by Lin Fan, and the news here is definitely worthy of a scandal!

Otherwise, no matter how good the quality of Xia Yan's new album is, the sales shouldn't be so high! This wave of scandals is definitely a big contributor, no wonder everyone speculates that Yang Hongxia directed and acted on her own.


However, this is not what Lin Fan is concerned about. What Lin Fan is most concerned about now is the data of the two new songs and the decoration of the homestay.

Since the last time the system deducted 1 million people's popularity without authorization to upgrade, Lin Fan has been very resistant to look at the negative popularity in the system.

Lin Fan swears, he has read so many system novels, none of them are as bad as this broken system! Worse than Lian Xiaoyu! It's a sinkhole!

Although the system is a tiankeng, Lin Fan is still a little curious about how much popularity these two new songs can bring to him. Well, it is definitely not because he has illusions, thinking that he can still save it, and change his popularity from negative to Become a positive number, and then embark on the road of lying and winning by exchanging popularity points for soft sister coins.

It can be seen from Teana Music that Glory and Running have been uploaded for a week, and they have been firmly occupying the first and second places in the original list of Teana Music. But Lin Fan understood that this ranking would be threatened soon.

Because the data of Xia Yan's new album's title song Bubble is also very good, and it is rushing up quickly. Looking at that posture, it will be a matter of time before it hits the top of the list.

It's a pity that this song Bubble is not the exclusive copyright of Teana Music, but the copyright of the entire music platform, otherwise this month's top spot would not be another choice. But the current data of this song is already very good,

With full stamina, it is only a matter of time before hitting the top of the list.

On this month's Tian Lai original music list, three of the top ten songs are Lin Fan's songs. Coupled with the previous scandal, Lin Fan's popularity has risen slightly.

Originally, someone like Lin Fan who was born in a talent show but failed to make his debut, even if he is popular, it can only be regarded as an accident, like water without a source, without foundation, and will soon be forgotten.

But Lin Fan was an exception.

Lin Fan has his own original songs, and he also wrote a title song for Xia Yan's new album Bubble. With the raucous scandal and Lian Xiaoyu's background, it was really hard for Lin Fan not to be noticed.

[Current popularity value: -734861, total popularity value 1224461]

Huh? Lin Fan blinked his eyes. If he remembered correctly, the popularity value he saw last time should be -959322. In other words, these two new songs have brought him an increase of more than 200,000 popularity points in a week!

Lin Fan couldn't help feeling a little hope in his heart: According to this progress, can brother still be rescued? Try to turn the popularity value into a positive number for a month or two?


After reading the popularity value, Lin Fan, who was satisfied, began to pay attention to the second major matter: decoration!

The renovation period will take a full two months!

It will take two months for Lin Fan to open for business, receive single girls, and have fun with single girls! But now, Lin Fan has to go to several decoration companies every day, constantly communicating decoration plans and quotations, it is really tiring!

Under the scorching sun of Huahai Island, Lin Xianyu was thoroughly dried into dried salted fish.

Coming out of the decoration company again, Lin Fan braved the scorching summer and came up with a plan: System? Brother System? Master System? Are you there?

No response.

The system is as cold as ever.

Lin Fan is used to the coldness and ruthlessness of the system: Oh! Why is this decoration plan so annoying? I don't know if I have design skills. It would be great if I could get a decoration plan. Get it done for me, it will be more perfect!

【Ding! The host's needs have been detected. As a future superstar, you can't delay your career because of these trivial matters in front of you. Therefore, the superstar system specially exchanges the compulsory skill for the host—design master, and deducts 2 million popularity points. Please check with the host. 】

【Ding! Detecting the needs of the host, the superstar system has exchanged for the host the top decoration team - Wushi Decoration. Wushi Decoration is the top construction team in China, so 1 million popularity points need to be deducted as the appearance fee of Wushi Decoration. 】

【Ding! Detecting the needs of the host, the Supergiant System has specially prepared a comprehensive design and decoration one-stop service for the host’s homestay. The drawings have been sent to Wushi Decoration Company, and the design fee for the drawings will be deducted from the popularity value of 500,000. Thank you for your patronage! 】

【Ding! Wushi Decoration Company has accepted the order. This renovation needs to pay 1.5 million decoration fees. The system has automatically deducted the corresponding fee from the host's bank card, so there is no need for the host to be tired, thank you! Remarks: 1.5 million is the hard decoration cost, excluding furniture, bedding, bedding, bathroom, electrical appliances and other soft decoration costs. 】

[Current popularity value: -4234861, total popularity value 1224461]


In just one second, the popularity value changed from -734861 to -4234861!

Lin Fan's eyes darkened, and he almost passed out! After finally coming back to life, he opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a long time!

Finally, I couldn't help but yelled: F*ck! System! Get out! I'll beat you to death! If I don't beat you to death today, my surname will not be Lin!

How dare you! ! ! How dare you deduct my 3.5 million popularity points!

How dare you! ! ! How dare you directly deduct 1.5 million decoration fees from my bank card! ! !

I'm going to kill you!

Lin Fan felt like he was going crazy!

I just complained, who would have thought that this system would have such a showy operation! You bastard system, now you can do what you ask for! When grandpa begged you, where did you die?

Brother still wants to use these popularity points to exchange soft sister coins!

The result is this damn system! 3.5 million popularity points were deducted directly! It was originally a negative number, but now it is still deducted!

Who promised to deduct it for you?

who? !

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