He Li is a loyal backbone of Xia Yan's fan support club. She has joined the fan support club since Xia Yan's debut. She has also witnessed that since Xia Yan's debut, her first song has become an instant hit, and she has successfully won the best newcomer in Chinese language. Award, My Favorite Female Singer, Best Song Award, Best Female Singer Award and many other awards.

Now Xia Yan is only one platinum album away from a first-line singer, and one best album award. Usually this year's platinum record is basically the winner of the best album award, so Xia Yan's new album Bubble is very important.

Xia Yan's fan support club is also under Yang Hongxia's personal command to help Xia Yan promote her new album, publicize and build momentum, anti-criminal control reviews, etc., and contribute to Xia Yan's entry into the front line.

However, He Li's condition is not very good recently, because she broke up with her boyfriend who has been in love for many years. There is actually nothing to say about the reason for the breakup. It is that the two people have been together for a long time, and the passion has receded, and the relationship has gradually faded.

This kind of thing is too common, in fact, it is not impossible to make do with it and continue to live, but the two finally chose to break up, and from now on, the road will go up to the sky.

He Li didn't feel much at first, but there was one less person in her life, and she felt a little uncomfortable, and she felt that she would get used to it gradually. But soon, she found that she was wrong.

It may only take a second to like someone, but it takes a long time to forget someone, even if the relationship has faded. Every time she is alone, He Li will involuntarily think of her ex-boyfriend, and every touch can bring back her deeply buried good memories.

As a last resort, He Li began to paralyze herself with work. In her spare time, He Li devotes herself more fully to Xia Yan's fan support club.

In Music Without Boundaries, Xia Yan was hacked by the fans of the artist who released the album at the same time. He Li opened 30 trumpets by herself to tear each other up! Marketing account spreads rumors Xia Yan has an ambiguous relationship with Lin Fan, He Li reports the marketing account for spreading rumors every minute!

Someone picked up the relationship between Xia Yan, Lin Fan and Lian Xiaoyu, and He Li couldn't help but complain crazily.

[Lili Lili: The former manager didn't have a brain hole, did he put the hole on his neck? 】

Huh? Some people were not convinced and opened a trumpet to refute? He Li also switched trumpets, and the thirty trumpets were torn apart from each other!

After tearing up the Internet for several hours, He Li finally suppressed the other party. Seeing that there was no reply for half an hour, she probably ran away in anger. He Li finally went offline with satisfaction.

But after going offline, looking at the night that I don’t know when it has fallen, looking at the whole room except for the fluorescent light on the computer screen,

There was darkness all around, and He Li's heart seemed to be hollowed out, empty.

No matter how hot the virtual network is, it seems that one person is fighting against the whole network, but in reality, He Li is still living alone after all.

Isn't it just a lovelorn! What a big deal! He Li comforted herself, stood up slowly, shook her numb legs, and went to the kitchen to get herself something to eat.

But when she went to the kitchen and saw the mess, He Li remembered that she had finished cooking and ate in a hurry yesterday, and she hadn't had time to clean it up yet! Forget it, order takeaway!

He Li ordered takeaway with her mobile phone, logged in to Wangsheng Music's account with her computer, selected Xia Yan's song, released it to the public, and then mustered up her courage to clean the kitchen.

Foam in the sun, colored—

Xia Yan's singing came from the player, and the good timbre that could not be covered by low-pitched singing caught He Li's ears immediately.

This is not the first time that He Li has heard this song Bubble. She has fallen in love with this song since the first release of Music Without Boundaries. But never has it been as embarrassing as it is now.

Yes, He Li is also a senior white-collar worker of a well-known foreign company in Shanghai. She has a high income and is also a very delicate and independent woman in her life. She usually sits comfortably on the sofa when listening to music, drinking delicious drinks while wandering In the ocean of music.

It's not like now, fighting in front of the computer for a whole day, without combing my hair or makeup, just wearing home clothes, and cleaning in the kitchen wearing plastic gloves! She looks like an abandoned widow!

He Li despises such a self!

Isn't it just breaking up, why make yourself so embarrassed? The big deal is to find another one, maybe the next one will be better?

Love is a bubble

if you can see through

what's sad

Why are you sad

what's sad

Why are you sad

It's all bubbles—

The high-pitched and loud singing directly hit the heart, and He Li, who had been comforting herself, was directly overwhelmed by the torture of the soul. The pretendingly strong shell could no longer hide the surging sadness in her heart, and she burst out with tears .

It wasn't until this moment that He Li realized that she was not sad, but too sad. Even if some people retreated passionately, he had already taken root in his heart. When he left, he would still vividly express everything from the bottom of your heart. Take it away, the heart is riddled with holes, how can it not be painful, how can it not be sad?

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Ho Li! He Li! Are you at home!

He Li recognized it, it seemed to be her good friend Qi Qi's voice. She took off her gloves, wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hand, and then went to open the door, and there was indeed Qi Qi outside the door.

Seeing He Li's red and swollen eyes, Qi Qi froze for a moment, pretended not to see it, and forced her way through the door: He Li, have you eaten yet? Look what I brought you! Boiled mutton! Beef louver! Squid! Kelp! Tofu skin! Let's have hot pot at home today!

Qi Qi broke into He Li's kitchen with two bags of ingredients, and immediately gasped: My sister, you haven't cleaned it up for a few days? Is the bowl moldy? Can it still be used? What is this bowl? Here comes the trash?

Garbage! He Li followed Qi Qi into the kitchen, I ordered takeaway, it should be here soon, right?

What do you eat for takeaway? Isn't hot pot delicious? Come and help us clean up together. There is nothing that one hot pot meal can't solve. If there is, then two meals!

Qi Qi stuffed two big bags of ingredients into the refrigerator, picked up the gloves that He Li had just used, and began to divide the work: I wash the dishes and you mop the floor, I wash the vegetables and you chop them, I eat meat and you drink the soup... …No, let’s eat together. Let’s play some music.”

Leave it alone! He Li had no choice but to hear Qi Qi's arrangement and find the mop.

Really, whose song is it?

I love beans! Xia Yan's new song Bubble!

It's okay.

The two were noisy, and with the sound of music, the originally cold house gradually became lively, and a smile slowly appeared on He Li's face.

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