As a result, the directors of the major cinema chains received another invitation to watch the movie from Earthman Studio.

The people in charge of the major theater chains have become accustomed to this kind of behavior of not preparing in advance, hiding good films, and refusing to release them until the last moment.

Of course, Earthman Studio had the confidence to hide the movie until the last moment. If you switch to other producers, it depends on whether the major theaters will ignore you!

However, it was impossible for Yang Hongxia to think of jumping in line when the situation was really imminent. Such a thing as jumping in the queue is a must. The Earthman Studio has done it once before, and doing it now will easily arouse the resentment of the heads of major theaters.

So several months ago, Yang Hongxia contacted the distributor and the directors of the major theaters to confirm that there will be a new film released by the Earthman Studio in the New Year's time.

It's just that which movie will be released is still unclear.

The people in charge of the major theaters can only say: You just need to be happy, can we not agree to reserve a film for you?

And the producers of other movies: It’s even more irritating to hear. We worked so hard to finish the movie. The movie ended up not being released.

But you guys are lucky, you dare to set the schedule and schedule before the film has even been seen, and the key is that the distributors and major theaters have agreed.

People are really more popular than people!

However, the box office results of the movies produced by Earthman Studio are their greatest confidence and reliance.

Distributors and theaters both want to make money. The higher the box office of the movie, the higher their share and the more they earn. Of course, they are holding onto such a god of wealth as Earthman Studio.

Can't compare, can't compare.

So everyone is waiting, after the representatives of the major theaters watched the samples, Earthman Studio officially announced the news of the movie.

That's right, this movie that is about to be finalized has not leaked any news outside.

Different from other movies, other movies started from the establishment of the project, and all kinds of news, reports, and various Reuters have not stopped, just to maintain the popularity of the movie itself, and it is also convenient for publicity after the movie is officially finalized. Work.

But the movies of the Earthman Studio don't do this. They don't know who they learned the bad habit from, and they like to keep their movie information secret.

Until the last moment, the mystery will never be revealed and the information of the movie will be revealed.

If this approach is applied to other movies, if it is not for the extremely strong cast and the huge amount of publicity funds, it will be overwhelmed by the publicity of other movies every minute.

But Earthman Studio is not afraid, because whether it is the cast lineup, the strength of publicity, or the market influence, the box office appeal far exceeds the level of ordinary movies. Even if it is a low-cost movie, it is no less powerful than the commercial blockbusters produced by other producers.

As a result, audiences who were already very optimistic about the films produced by Earthman Studio became more curious and full of expectations for the new film.

This effect,

It's really not reproducible at all. No matter how jealous other movie producers are, they have to admit that this is a strong foundation laid by Lin Fan with one excellent movie after another.

As long as Lin Fan hasn't overturned his car, this kind of strength will always exist.

Therefore, after the viewing session ended, Earthman Studio directly announced the news of the new movie's finalization:

[Earthman Studio: The movie Green Snake starring Xiangxiang @周祥和曼姐@李曼 is scheduled for this year's Spring Festival. It is said that there is love in the world, but what is love? See how Green Snake is interpreted, love and hatred in this world. This New Year, Green Snake will see you all! 】

Immediately after Earthman Studio, Zhou Xiang and Riemann released super blog news at the same time, forming the first wave of interactive publicity for this movie.

[Zhou Xiang: After a few years, I can finally cooperate with Sister Man @莱曼 again! This New Year, Green Snake and I will see you all! 】

[Riemann: It's the first time in my life to make a movie, so excited! And I'm still working with Xiangxiang@周祥, my starting point is quite high, Xiangxiang, you have to take me with you! This New Year, Green Snake and I will see you all! 】

As soon as these three news came out, it immediately awakened a memory that everyone had almost forgotten.

[I have small breasts and I can't go up: Hey, Earthman Studio is releasing a movie starring Zhou Xiang this time! I remember that last year, in order to select a suitable female supporting role, Earthman Studio publicly campaigned for the role. At that time, this matter caused quite a stir in the circle, but I did not expect to choose Riemann in the end. 】

[Little turtle that can bend and stretch: Sister Man really made a movie! This is really great, I have always thought that Sister Man's acting skills are very good, better than many movie actresses, but I don't know why, but no one asks Sister Man to make a movie. It is still the atmosphere of the Earthman studio, so I directly chose Sister Man! Just for Sister Man, I have to go to the cinema to support her! 】

[Lie down where you fell: Riemann's name is still behind Zhou Xiang's name, and it can be seen that Zhou Xiang is the one in this movie. No wonder the casting was so hard last year. In the end, an actress from the TV industry was chosen. Maybe Zhou Xiang was not a first-line actress at the time of the casting. Many first-line movie actresses were not willing to support Zhou Xiang. 】

【Bajie, you peeped at my screen name again: Those upstairs didn’t know about it. Later, those first-line movie actresses thought twice, figured it out on their own, and came to participate in the role competition again. But no one thought that the director who was in charge of casting the cast would just pass them all, and instead chose Sister Man, who was very proactive from the beginning...]


I have to say that the eyes of the netizens are sharp, and they almost restored the real situation of last year's casting.

It's just that there are many people complaining about those first-line movie actresses who are unwilling to support Zhou Xiang. They must not have thought that Zhou Xiang would become a first-line actress so quickly.

And the Earthman Studio is still so young. At first you were unwilling to support Zhou Xiang, and you didn’t come to run for the role. Later, when you saw that the limelight was not right, you came to run so aggressively. We don’t want any of us like this!

In the end, Riemann, a first-line actress in the TV circle who had never acted in a movie, was chosen to be Zhou Xiang's partner.

This operation is also very Lin Fan.

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