Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1168 Director Liang and I are very confident in this movie!

In any case, the groups that Lin Fan cared about basically solved the problem of concert tickets, and Lin Fan couldn't care so much about other people.

After all, there are still many jobs waiting for Lin Fan.

The choreography for the concert was finally finalized, and Lin Fan also added Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang to the dance troupe.

After all, these two guys have been practicing dancing with him for so long, and when they had no reason to go on stage, they abandoned them instead.

The rest of the stage effects, song arrangement, etc., have also been finalized in detail, and we just wait for the various departments to finish their work, and everyone gathers together for rehearsal.

But that's all for next year.

The most urgent thing before Lin Fan's eyes is nothing else, but the upcoming Spring Festival, the movie that will be released by Earthman Studio.

That's right, it's the movie starring Zhou Xiang and Riemann.

It took a long time to edit the movie, but no matter what, Lin Fan finally made the movie.

At the company's internal screening meeting, Liang Wen also expressed his approval of the final effect of the film: In this way, the different styles of the two people's shooting in the film will not be seen at all. No, it should be said, everyone I will think that Director Lin did it on purpose.

Lin Fan nodded: If it's intentional, it's actually true. After all, I decided from the very beginning that I want to use the combination of color contrast and montage to switch scenes in many clips of the movie. The most intuitive effect of fast switching shots is to bring It not only creates a visual spectacle, but also plays an important role in the presentation of the film's themes of humanity and eroticism.

However, the final effect was perfectly presented in Lin Fan's and Liang Wen's shooting techniques, which were similar but had core differences.

More complicated, more entangled, and more inseparable.

Of course, what Lin Fan and Liang Wen were discussing was about film art, did Yang Hongxia understand it?

Yang Hongxia only looked at this movie from the perspective of an audience: How should I put it, this is a very attractive movie. But I can't clearly attribute it to a certain framework or routine. Anyway, I watched it very well. Fun.

Yang Hongxia has never been a person who watches movies with her head.

For an audience group like Yang Hongxia, deep thinking about the art of film, the profound meaning expressed by the film, the intention of the director, or the metaphor of the story itself, etc., are not things they will do.

This type of audience is a purely visual audience: watching movies just to entertain themselves.

Movies that can make visual audiences feel happy are mostly commercial blockbusters, grand scenes, brain-burning plots, exciting actions, or excellent special effects and other elements, all of which can accurately hit their pleasure points .

Visual audiences are not suitable for watching literary films, because they are impatient and unwilling to spend too much time thinking.

However, this type of audience accounts for the largest proportion among the audience group. After all, everyone is busy with life and work. If it is not for other reasons, such as enjoying elegant movies and conveying profound thoughts, who has the energy? and patience to waste precious leisure time for a movie?

Therefore, Yang Hongxia expressed her opinion,

It is basically equivalent to the opinion of most audiences: whether a movie is good or not depends entirely on personal preference.

Don't tell me about the profound meaning in the film, what social phenomena it revealed, and what alerted the world, it's too profound.

If you still need to understand these things to watch a movie, then I might as well not watch it, and I feel tired.

Therefore, Lin Fan and Liang Wen didn't feel that Yang Hongxia was superficial and didn't know anything about movies. Instead, they were listening to Yang Hongxia's feedback seriously.

After all, there were not many people in the entire studio who could show their true attitude towards movies in front of Lin Fan and Liang Wen as calmly as Yang Hongxia.

The friends who can enter the Earthman Studio, even if they are not majors in film-related majors, are all groups with online aesthetic ability and high appreciation level. Even if they don't understand movies, they can still say one, two, three.

A purely visual audience like Yang Hongxia is actually the most scarce in Earthman Studio.

So Lin Fan asked directly: Sister Xia, what do you think is good about this movie?

Yang Hongxia also answered directly: The picture is beautiful, and the story is very reversed, but each character has its own characteristics, which is different from the stereotyped, rigid, NPC-like characters on the market. Of course, this It is the characteristic of our Earthman studio.

The key is that after watching a movie, you can see the growth and depravity of each character; you can see the cruelty of reality, but also the beautiful side... In short, if it were me, I would watch it a second time when I had time.

This is a very high evaluation for Yang Hongxia.

Similarly, for the vast majority of audiences—especially non-fan audiences, being willing to spend money to watch it a second time is the greatest recognition of a movie.

No matter what the reason is.

Lin Fan and Liang Wen looked at each other, and Lin Fan spoke on behalf of him: That's enough. Sister Xia, prepare for this movie, it can be finalized.

Yang Hongxia immediately jumped up from her chair: I've been waiting for this sentence! By the way, what do you think about the expected box office of this movie? How much? One billion? Two billion? Or three billion? ?”

Finally, after spending so much investment and donating so much proceeds, Earthman Studio finally ushered in a money-making project!

The lack of money debuff on Yang Hongxia's head shone brightly, almost blinding Lin Fan and Liang Wen's eyes.

Especially Lin Fan, who just donated all the proceeds from the entire album to charity, couldn't face Yang Hongxia's strong aura of making money at all, and cautiously proposed: This, sister Xia, you also know, Director Liang and I are making movies, how do we know about expected box office?

Doesn't our company have dedicated financial personnel responsible for accounting in this area? How about, Miss Xia, hold a meeting with them and study it?

But Yang Hongxia didn't listen to it at all. I don't know if she was talking to herself or telling Lin Fan deliberately: Then let's start with 2 billion, otherwise it won't be enough to fill the company's cash flow. Especially this movie, Director Lin and Director Liang are also brought together, the wisdom of the two of you, I am very confident in this movie!

Presumably you also think so, right?

Lin Fan glanced at Liang Wen: Director Liang, do you think so?

Liang Wen glanced back at Lin Fan: Director Lin, I'm just a substitute!

Huh? Yang Hongxia smiled and waited for their answer.

Lin Fan had to show a guilty smile: Yes! Director Liang and I are very confident in this movie!

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