Zhang Xinlan announced that the cover version of Walking in the Rain will be officially released at 8 pm, but in fact, at 2 pm, Zhang Xinlan has already uploaded the music to the music library of the music platform.

The person in charge of the music platform's connection with Zhang Xinlan is called Dashan. His name is a stage name, but this person's work ability is very strong. After Zhang Xinlan fell silent, she wanted to return to the music scene. When everyone disliked her, it was Dashan who first contacted Zhang Xinlan and invited Zhang Xinlan to join this music platform.

At that time, this incident became a point of attack for Dashan’s internal opponents. I felt that Dashan used such a good contract to sign a singer who was destined to rush. This was irresponsible to the platform, and Dashan lacked working ability. which performed.

But in the end, her opponent was slapped in the face, and Zhang Xinlan became popular through a music variety show. Later, she released several new songs that were popular, and the new album was a hit. The music platform also followed her to earn a lot of fame and traffic.

As a result, Dashan jumped from a small employee to a department manager. His power expanded a lot, and he came into contact with more singers and artists, but he always kept in mind who gave him what he is today. Zhang Xinlan has always done her best.

Therefore, when Zhang Xinlan revealed the news of the cover of Walk in the Rain, Da Shan dug out all the versions of the song, together with Lin Fan's ins and outs.

Then Da Shan clapped the table and decided that he must make a good ranking for Zhang Xinlan's version! Recommendations, channels, publicity, linkage... all must be included! Because, the first time Dashan heard this song, he realized with his keen intuition that this song would definitely become another representative work of Zhang Xinlan!

The irreplaceable kind!

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the assistant told Dashan that the audio file of Zhang Xinlan's version had been sent, and Dashan immediately put down his work, clicked on the audio source from the background, and listened to it in the office first, so as to adjust the details of the publicity plan , so that the publicity effect can be optimized.

A few minutes later, Dashan opened the office with excitement, and shouted to the employees in the department: Move! Everyone! Check Zhang Xinlan's new song promotion plan for any omissions! Talk to the technical department as well. Well connected, feedback data at any time! And who is in charge of the outreach? Is there any difficulty? Let me tell you, if you do this well, our bonus for this month will be settled!

Apart from bonuses, the only thing that can motivate employees is double bonuses! As soon as Dashan's words came out, the staff couldn't help being shocked, and they responded with a cry, and devoted themselves to more enthusiastic work.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, the original advertisement in the center of the banner on the head banner of the music platform's homepage was removed and replaced with Zhang Xinlan's Walk in the Rain recommendation.

At the same time, the channels related to the music platform have also been replaced by Zhang Xinlan's version of the recommendation, and many music critics have also published music review articles to promote Amway to fans and the public.

[Zhou Xin: Zhang Xinlan is one of my favorite female singers. Although she has experienced a trough in her life, she is not afraid to start all over again, and walks in the rain, as the sun should be warm. Everyone should have a dream, and if you have a dream, don't be afraid of pain. It should be a summary and sublimation of Zhang Xinlan over the years. I recommend Zhang Xinlan's version of Walking in the Rain. 】

[Music is boundless: I hope that the song Walk in the Rain can be heard by those who are working hard and become the driving force for their progress. The thunder kicked off, and the heavy rain pierced the sky. Zhang Xinlan's fresh, clear and firm voice, like a warm sun, brought bright hope to the cold rainy day, and gave people the courage and motivation to move forward. 】

[Voice of the soul: Due to some well-known reasons, Zhang Xinlan's career has experienced a long period of low ebb, as mentioned in the lyrics, There is thunder that keeps rumbling,

The rain splashed into the eyes and I couldn't see clearly, who was soaring rapidly. Splash the mud all over me, even in the face of difficulties, you are not afraid to shrink back, turn setbacks into strength, and start again. No matter who you are, no matter what you are going through, hold on, and you will see the strongest self. 】


Dashan has been staring at the background data. From the moment when Xinlan's version of Walking in the Rain was released at 8 o'clock, the audition data and download data have been rising rapidly!

Especially during the hour from 8:00 to 9:00, the download data has always been higher than the audition data! It wasn't until an hour later that the download data slowly dropped, narrowing the gap with the trial listening data.

That means a lot of people just downloaded the song without even trying it out! Da Shan knew that part of these people's trust in Zhang Xinlan was Zhang Xinlan's fans, as long as it was Zhang Xinlan's song, they were willing to pay for it, even if it was just a cover version.

The other part is the traffic brought by the song itself. You know, the popularity of Lin Fan's version of Walk in the Rain hasn't gone down yet! This song has been hanging on the original list of Tianlai Music Platform, firmly occupying the number one position!

Walking in the Rain, trial listening 1398709, download 1387905.

Dashan looked at the data display in the background and was so happy from ear to ear! Zhang Xinlan's song performance has always been very good, and she has always been the top singer on the music platform, and she is a partner that the platform attaches great importance to. But like now, it is rare for Zhang Xinlan to get such a good result in two hours!

In just 2 hours, the number of paid downloads of Zhang Xinlan's version of Walk in the Rain has reached nearly 1.4 million, almost a 1:1 trial download ratio. Such a good result has not appeared in the music industry for many years. If it is true If there is, then the stats of crazy fans of those popular idols can overwhelm this statistic, but everyone in the music circle knows that such idols are just a joke.

If you don't go out of the circle, you will never become a climate!

So what if your download data exceeds 100 million? People outside the circle have never heard of it, and if it is not widely sung, it cannot become a golden song.

Now Zhang Xinlan's data seems to be more than a million, but this is a real download volume, one download per ID, not the kind of ridiculous data that a fan downloads tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. How could this make Dashan's mouth crooked! Not to mention, the lively scenes in the song comments!

[Just get over it: I have liked Zhang Xinlan since a long time ago, and it turns out that the person I like is also very good! Walk in the Rain is a very inspirational song, the song is like the person, the person is so inspirational, and the song is so inspirational. This is how we should chase our dreams, keep walking in the rain, no one knows what our fate will be, so we should go all the way! 】

[The little fairy who has passed away: I just cried when I heard it! This song is too good to cry! Don't be afraid of pain in chasing your dreams, you must have the courage to pass five levels and kill six generals, and you must have the ambition to pursue the more difficult it is! 】

[I'm just stupid: I came from Fanfan next door, and I came here to listen to this version because I like Fanfan's songs. I didn't expect to be completely conquered by Zhang Xinlan after listening to it! This song is really made for her! 】


Zhang Xinlan's version of Walk in the Rain is on fire!

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