Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 116 No matter how difficult the dream is

Lin Fan had never seen Xia Yan like this before, so he couldn't help feeling a little worried: Miss Xia...

Lian Xiaoyu is no longer surprised: It's okay, Yanyan is like this, as soon as she gets inspiration, she will fall into it, and no one can disturb her until she finishes handling it herself.

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief, he thought it was his singing that made Xia Yan autistic! I just wanted to say when I became so powerful, but in the end I was being self-indulgent. Fortunately, I didn't say it directly just now, otherwise it would be a scene of social death!

However, this is also Lin Fan's original intention. He sang this time to give Xia Yan more inspiration. The original singing is very good, but Xia Yan also has his own style. Looking forward to seeing this song shine in another world in the future.

Copy books, but not all.

This is the highest state of copying the book.

Lian Xiaoyu said: I don't know how long Yanyan will last like this, and no one else can help, otherwise I'll send you back to Dachang first. It's fine to have Yuanyuan take care of you here.

Zhang Xinlan also nodded, and said: Yanyan will be fine, she will find the state she wants soon.

Lin Fan shook his head slightly. In Xia Yan's state, maybe he will need to discuss with himself in a while. It is actually not good for him to leave now.

Zhang Xinlan's cover version of Walk in the Rain will be officially launched on the music platform at 8 o'clock in the evening. There are still many things to deal with, so I can only bid farewell to everyone and leave.

Seeing that Lin Fan insisted on staying, Lian Xiaoyu had no choice but to accompany and wait for Xia Yan. Chen Yuan hurriedly went outside to order a meal, and everyone could only wait while eating.

It wasn't until after 11 o'clock in the evening that Xia Yan returned to his soul, and Lin Fan hurried forward: How is it, Miss Xia?

Thank you so much!

Xia Yan showed a bright smile. Although she recorded the song all day and thought hard all night, she was still in high spirits at this time. She looked at Lin Fan with bright eyes, as if she had a different look.

Oh, look how polite you are, you've helped me so much!

Lin Fan waved his hands again and again, indicating that what he did was just a trivial matter, Xia Yan didn't say a word, just looked at him with a smile.

Lian Xiaoyu was too sleepy a long time ago. Seeing that Xia Yan was over, she stood up and said, I told him that I don't need to wait for you. He insisted on waiting. I'm afraid you have something to discuss with him. Since It's over, then I'll send him back.

Walk, walk, I'm sleepy too!

Lin Fan felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird, so he quickly pretended to be sleepy and walked out of the recording studio.

Xia Yan looked at Lin Fan's back with bright eyes, and smiled slightly.


Back in Dachang's car, Lian Xiaoyu asked Lin Fan while driving, You really don't want to debut?

Of course! Lin Fan was a little surprised, Why did you say this all of a sudden?

It wasn't sudden either. Before the group night, the heads of various brokerage companies will get together to hold an internal meeting with the big factories. As for the content of the meeting, I think you don't care anymore, because you don't want to make a debut anyway.

Lin Fan understood, this should be Xia Yan reminding himself through Lian Xiaoyu, even if he didn't express his desire not to make a debut, he would not be able to make it to the debut position in the end. There is too much capital wrestling in it, it is impossible for Lin Fan, a young man, to turn the tables against the wind.

Yes, it really has nothing to do with me. Lin Fan smiled at Lian Xiaoyu, Boss Lian, thank you for taking care of me during this time.

Lian Xiaoyu knew what Lin Fan was planning when she heard it. The child wanted to leave her behind and sneak away after leaving Dachang! mock up! Sis can't deal with you anymore!

I remember you said that you wanted to open a homestay in a tourist attraction, right?


Lian Xiaoyu smiled at Lin Fan: Then,

Sanitation permits, business licenses, tax registration certificates, special industry permits, fire inspection qualification statements, and food distribution permits or catering service permits required to open a can handle all these things, right?

Lin Fan: ('⊙ω⊙`)?

What did I hear?

Lian Xiaoyu had a triumphant smile on her face. During this period of time, she wasn't just wandering around for fun, but calmed down to learn how to be a professional manager from Sister Xia, and by the way, she checked a lot of information about opening a homestay.

Even Xiaoyu is determined not to give up on Lin Fan's money tree, but if he wants to grab Lin Fan's heart, he has to be tough himself. Lian Xiaoyu has already understood that this Lin Fan has to smooth out his hair, whether he is soft or hard, if he wants to win, he must follow his will.

Don't you want to open a homestay? Can! I take care of you comfortably.

Don't you want to fall in love? Can! I have a large group of girlfriends here, and I can't handle you, a little virgin who has never seen the world, if you pick out one or two at random?

When everything is smooth, I don't believe you won't come out for business!

Hehe, do you really think that opening a homestay is that simple? Do you really think you don't need money to fall in love? Do you really think that when you have a child, you don’t need to think about milk powder money, cram schools, interest classes, tuition fees, etc.? Do you really think that if you can be a bachelor, you don't need to buy a house, a car, and cosmetics for your wife? Do you really think that your future child doesn't need to prepare a wedding house for him? Are you sure you only have one child in the future?

Hehe, man!

Do you know why you are called a man? Because you will be in trouble for the rest of your life!


Lin Fan fell silent.

At the fan meeting before, Yu Mengmeng provided himself with a well-prepared homestay planning book. He wanted to read it carefully after leaving Dachang, because it is useless to read it now, and he has not yet received the start-up funds. , It’s useless to look at it.

Now being asked by Lian Xiaoyu again, Lin Fan still feels that his dream is not that simple, even if he has been a human being for two lifetimes. Nothing is simple, not to mention that he regards opening a homestay as his dream. How to make this homestay, how to operate it, how to sustain it, all aspects need to be carefully considered by yourself.

Dreams are beautiful, but how to achieve them requires continuous dedication.

Singing Walk in the Rain by myself is not only for those students, but also for myself. No one can replace yourself to face those ups and downs, and no one can replace yourself to go through all the ups and downs. If you want to achieve it, you must have the courage to face it.

If you want to realize your dreams, it seems, it seems, you need to work hard from now on.

However, so what if the dream is difficult?

That is my dream, let me realize it with my own hands!

Don't be afraid, don't run away!

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