Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1140 Aren't we talking about those brats?

Movie peripheral products do not sound like a particularly big project, but in fact, the sales volume of movie peripherals is still very amazing.

The so-called movie peripheral products refer to products developed based on the characters, scenes, props, signs, etc. in the movie, including toys, clothing, accessories, audio and video, books, daily necessities, etc.

The main support is the popularity and influence brought by the release of the movie.

In China, the film peripheral products have just started, and the best one is currently made by none other than Earthman Studio.

After all, just one Journey to the West and one Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World, the peripheral products are about to sell like crazy! The peripheral sales of the later Titanic and Pirates of the Caribbean are also very good. The benefits are huge.

When the film exhibition hall is officially opened for business, Lin Fan believes that it will drive another sales boom of these peripheral products. After all, you have come to the exhibition hall to play, and you may also bring your partner and children. Buying peripheral products is just a matter of convenience. .

Why not do it?

When building this prehistoric universe theme park, Lin Fan had discussed with Yang Hongxia how to quickly pay back the cost of this park.

The first is of course to sell tickets, open exhibitions and amusement parks, hotels, and restaurants to attract tourists, just like Disneyland on Earth.

The other is to rent out the venue and supply the crew in need for framing and shooting, which is similar to the business model of a film and television city. The third is the sales of supporting peripheral products.

At present, Earthman Studio is considered to be the best entertainment and cultural company in the whole of China in terms of production and sales of movie peripherals, but its shortcomings are also obvious.

That is, the Earthman Studio has no way to open its own store and sell its own movie peripheral products. It can only distribute these peripheral products to shopping malls, movie theaters, video stores, etc., and let others sell them.

The Earthman Studio exists as a manufacturer or a brand designer, accepting reservations from other stores, and then delivering the finished products to them, without directly contacting the market for sales.

But with the Prehistoric Universe Theme Park, this problem is no longer a problem. The previous reservations were made one by one and shipped one by one.

-make one-

The one-by-one sales model is going on as usual, and Earthman Studio can also rely on the prehistoric universe theme park to conduct retail sales by itself.

Don't think it's just in Paradise,

It's just this one point of sale, but as long as it is well managed, the profit will not be worse than that of the first sales chain.

At the same time, through such a theme park, Earthman Studio can integrate all its works, so that whether it is subsequent product development or simply showing strength, it is more intuitive and convenient than now.

The potential is also greater.

Of course, it is also possible to quickly develop a live broadcast sales model. Lin Fan also mentioned it before, but this requires a professional operation team. In the name of Universe Theme Park, Lin Fan would show his face from time to time, so he could lie down and collect money safely.

This is also the most important reason why Yang Hongxia finally gritted her teeth and agreed to this decision when faced with such a huge, long-term investment and risks: the benefits are too great!

Yang Hongxia is so old that she is willing to spend all her family property and fight for it once.

Of course, this project also took out almost all of Lin Fan's working capital, and he had to pour money into it every year to maintain the construction of such a large project.

So, that's right, although it's a bit embarrassing to say it, in fact Lin Fan is now supported by his wife. Those who eat Xiayan, those who live in Xiayan, and those who spend Xiayan, Lin Fan feels that he has nothing to repay, so he can only promise with his body.

Cough cough! Yang Hongxia coughed dryly, pulling back Lin Fan's thoughts that she didn't know where to go, The series of movies you are shooting now are mainly aimed at the children's market, but I have read the script and feel that it is a Among adults, this series of movies should also have a high degree of acceptance.

Lin Fan agreed: Yes, although the protagonists of the movie are all children, they will grow up. The audience will also grow up with the protagonists, so the development of this series of movies is sustainable.

Moreover, as you said, Sister Xia, although it focuses on the children's market, from the perspective of adults, this movie will not be very naive, so its audience should be similar to Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World. It resonates from teenagers to adults.

Of course, the big head must be between the two age groups of children and teenagers

And audiences of these two age groups are also the main audience groups of the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park. As long as the two are well planned and operated, the effect of one plus one greater than two can definitely be achieved.

Yang Hongxia understood: You plan to open this part of the park at the same time as the first movie is released, so that relying on the influence of the movie, you can first promote and publicize this park, so as to drive the opening and operation of other parks in the later stage.

Lin Fan nodded: Yes, that's what I mean. This is a series of movies, and the entire world view structure is very complete and independent, enough to support the open exhibition of this part of the park.

Then after that sci-fi blockbuster was released, our film science and technology museum was also able to open. The principle is the same as that of this series of film theme parks. It is hoped that the film itself will drive the opening and operation of related parks.

Of course, the parks involved in Journey to the West and Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World can also be opened simultaneously. When the movie came out before, it was fine if there was no movie here. Now that other parks are open, there is no reason why the Huaguoshan and other areas that were completed the earliest should not be open.

No matter what others do, but in Earthman Studios, the release of new movies is the best publicity method and plan. After several years of Lin Fan's management, Huaxia and even all Blue Star fans know that as soon as Lin Fan's new movie is released, everyone's attention will be attracted, even if they are not Lin Fan's fans, they can't help paying attention Lin Fan is a person who pays attention to Lin Fan's new works.

At this time, no matter what the promotion is, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

As for the Prehistoric Universe Theme Park, several large areas have already been built. Not only in terms of capital return, but also in terms of publicity effects, it is indeed the best choice to open for business when the new movie is released next year.

As for waiting until the entire park is completed before opening?

Do not make jokes!

Does the rest of the park construction cost nothing?

Is daily maintenance free?

Not to mention anything else, just the daily water and electricity labor, and even the garbage cleaning fee are not small figures!

If this paradise doesn't open quickly and recover some funds, Lin Fan will really be unable to sustain it.

Obviously, Yang Hongxia thought the same way: Then I'll go back and make a plan. I need to have a detailed plan on how to publicize and open up.

Lin Fan naturally agreed to everything.

Only Li Xiaodong was at a loss: Aren't we talking about those brats? Why did it suddenly become a paradise?


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