Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1139 What is the fans' favorite thing to do?

The shooting of Liang Wen's TV series and Lin Fan's movie is a powerful consolation for Yang Hongxia who has the lack of money debuff on her head.

After all, as long as there is a new film to be filmed, it means that a large amount of copyright fees, box office and other funds will be returned to the Earthman studio to fill the extremely empty and weak finances due to spending too much money recently.

As long as the money is in place, Yang Hongxia can completely get rid of this debuff state, and devote herself to her new job in full condition.

Even if the money has not really entered the company's pockets, Yang Hongxia's vision of future benefits is enough to restore his vitality.

The premise is that Lin Fan won't allow himself to clean up the mess.

What is this thing?

Yang Hongxia found Lin Fan with a stack of papers, and by the way, saw Li Xiaodong rescued by Lin Fan from a group of children just now, she couldn't help being startled: Li Xiaodong, what's wrong with you?

Why does it look like someone has just ravaged~ravaged~ a lot?

As soon as Li Xiaodong saw Yang Hongxia, he went up and hugged Yang Hongxia's thigh as if he was seeing a relative, and cried out, Oh my god, sister Xia, those kids are really scary! Brother Fan tricked me into signing some temporary Life teacher agreement, wow! I don't want to stay here, I want to go home!

Yang Hongxia pushed Li Xiaodong in disgust, but she didn't push, so she let him go and turned to Lin Fan: What's the situation?

Lin Fan sneered: Our Little Brother Dong heard that there is a classroom here on the set, and there are also lessons for the children. I was curious and wanted to watch the fun...

In the end, I became a lively crowd, surrounded by the entire crew, wouldn't this collapse?

Li Xiaodong cried even louder: Wow! I was wrong! I shouldn't have such thoughts! Brother Fan, I don't dare anymore, you return the agreement to me, and if I tear it up, I'll get out immediately and kill me I will no longer come here to be a life teacher!

Lin Fan said: That won't work. It's hard to chase after a gentleman's words. You have signed the agreement. Within the specified time limit, you still have to take on the responsibility of a life teacher. I believe in you, you will be able to get along well with the children, Let's play games with them!

Li Xiaodong regretted to death: I took them to play games, or they played me!

Yang Hongxia could see that Lin Fan was teasing Li Xiaodong, how old are these people, they are still like children, Yang Hongxia didn't even bother to talk about them.

Instead, he shook the paper in his hand and asked Lin Fan, What is this? Why did you put it there?

Yang Hongxia has actually read these papers, and they are all in the knowledge category of elementary school, and they are not beyond the outline. In addition, in order to take care of young foreign actors, I also specifically referred to their school's teaching progress. Everyone's test papers have certain differences, and it can be determined that the test papers are tailored according to the learning progress of each young actor.

It's just that except for a small number of young actors who had better scores in the quiz, the rest of the young actors answered in a mess.

This reminded Yang Hongxia of her relatives helping their children with their homework and being so angry that they almost had a cerebral hemorrhage. She couldn't help but subconsciously turn the paper over, with the back facing up, so as not to follow in the footsteps of her relatives: You must know that there is only one child in the relative's family, and his combat effectiveness is so amazing up.

There are dozens of young actors on the entire set!

Many of them were particularly capable of mischief, seeing how they played Li Xiaodong like this, Yang Hongxia knew that she might not be a match for those children by herself.

Or avoid its edge.

Lin Fan took the paper from Yang Hongxia's hand,

Flipping through it casually, facing the answer above that caused myocardial infarction and soaring blood pressure, I couldn't help but twitch the corners of my mouth: You put these up first, and you can put them in the film exhibition hall later, and open them up for tourists to see. .”

Of course, these are all approved by the children's guardians and themselves.

It's just that children don't take these things seriously now. When they grow up in the future, will they feel that this is their dark history?

Especially when the black history was still being exhibited, Lin Fan was looking forward to seeing their expressions.

Yang Hongxia's eyes also brightened: Can you still operate like this?

Why not?

You must know that this movie is a series, and it will take almost ten years to finish filming and release all of them. Such a long time is enough to cultivate a group of loyal fans.

And what are the fans' favorite things to do?

Group CP? Candy? Write a fan?

Well, we have all of the above, and we have to add an archeology.

Iron fans will look at this series of movies with a microscope, find out all kinds of clues that others don't know, and then perform self-interpretation, and look for relevant evidence elsewhere to support the content they have interpreted.

On Earth, this series of movies gained a large number of fans because the novel was published first, and when it was determined that the novel would be adapted into a movie, the country where the author of the novel was located, almost all the registered actors moved.

All but a few of the cast have starred in the franchise.

The audience watched the young actors grow up directly, and their love for the actors and the roles they played has penetrated deep into their hearts.

But in Blue Star, Lin Fan didn't want to write that novel. Don't ask, it's lazy, it's troublesome, and I already have so much money, why should I strengthen my identity as a novelist? , to increase the workload for yourself?

Of course, if there is time in the future, Lin Fan feels that he can still reproduce this novel, but it depends on the timing.

For example, draw a lottery to get the electronic version of this novel.

For another example, when you have children in the future, you can write for them to watch and play.

But that's all for the future. Even if Lin Fan wants to write this novel now, he doesn't have the ability, because like The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, this novel is not within the scope of Lin Fan's previous reading. .

I haven't seen it, how can I reproduce it?

But an excellent movie, even if there is no novel, does not affect its own excellence. This series of movies is a movie that even people who have not read the original novels, such as Lin Fan, like the movies very much. Its excellence and charm will not decline too much because there is no novel.

Therefore, the test papers, script books, small props, costumes, etc. of the young actors are also of extraordinary significance to die-hard fans. If they are placed in the film exhibition hall, they will definitely be very popular among fans.

Yang Hongxia even made inferences: We can also sell peripheral products, such as test papers made by young actors, props used, costumes worn, yes, and snacks they ate, etc.

Lin Fan smiled and said, Yes, that's right!

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