Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 114 Can you still play the guitar?

Since there are two songs this time, the time in one day is estimated to be a bit tight, so Lin Fan decided to record the accompaniment first, as long as he can use it on the group night. The first one is one, and the second one can watch the remaining time. If you really don’t have enough time, then take the time to come back and record slowly.

[Elementary Arrangement], [Intermediate Music Theory], [Staff Specialization], [Photographic Memory], and [Absolute Pitch] were activated together, and Lin Fan recalled the entire arrangement of these two songs almost instantly. The music, all the instruments that need to be used, the high and low bass and instrument switching between each part, etc., the score he has written now is very perfect, and he can almost quickly record the accompaniment with the score.

After Xia Yan and Zhang Xinlan read the music score of the first song carefully, they came up with their opinions: Although your song is in the trend of pop music, it also has light rock elements in it, so this song needs a lot of effort. A professional band! This way the effect will be better!

Tsk tsk tsk, really professional! Lin Fan nodded. Now he is not a novice who doesn't understand anything. He knows very well that if this song is not performed by a good band, the effect will be poor.

I have no money!

In front of women, it takes courage to admit that you have no money. Although Lin Fan has always been shameless, his voice is rare.

It's okay. I have a professional band in my recording studio. As for the cost, it can be deducted from the cost of my song.

Xia Yan knew very well that Lin Fan was poor and destitute, and he borrowed the money for the dinner last time, so he didn't care.

I mean, the accompaniment of this song, the guitar part, I can do it myself! I can also try the bass, so you just need to help me find a drummer!

In line with the idea that saving a penny is saving money, Lin Fan, who has two skills of [Guitar Specialization] and [Introduction to Stringed Instrument Fingering], does not blush.

Can you play the guitar?

Several people were stunned, what else does this Lin Fan know? Can write songs and arrange music, can play guitar, can wash, cut and blow, and can skin care skills...

A little understanding! A little understanding!

Lin Fan was quite modest, but he just opened his mouth and said, I don't have a guitar and bass, so I have to borrow a guitar and bass.

It's okay, I have all these instruments here!

Xia Yan smiled slightly, this request is simple, her interest in Lin Fan is getting bigger and bigger, this man is simply a treasure, at such a young age, he is already so talented, his future is really limitless.

Well, unfortunately, I just want to open a homestay! And only! catch! treat! one! body! small! sister! sister!

I'm not mad, really!

You don't need to look for a drummer, I'm the best! In addition, I need an electronic organ, which Xia Yan is good at! Zhang Xinlan was also a little itchy. During the period when her career was at its lowest point, she often used the drum kit to vent, so the drum kit Played very passionately. And Xia Yan is a genius girl, a mere electronic piano is really not a problem for her.

Small case!

That's great!

When Lin Fan heard that there was no need to spend money to hire outsiders, he was ecstatic, and rushed to the recording studio shouting: Then what are we waiting for, let's start now! Finish the recording early, and go to dinner early!

All the girls looked at each other and smiled. It was the first time they saw Lin Fan being so active, and everyone was infected by him. They walked into the recording studio together with a relaxed pace.

The accompaniment of the two songs was better recorded than Lin Fan imagined. After all, they are all experts. Needless to say, Xia Yan's electronic piano and Zhang Xinlan's drum set, it took only 20 minutes for two geniuses to record these two songs. Even Lin Fan himself has [Guitar Specialization] and [Plucked Instrument Fingering Introduction], whether it is guitar, electric guitar, or bass, he can easily control it, and Xia Yanhe is even more familiar with it. In just 2 hours,

Everyone has already recorded the accompaniment for the two songs.

The moment Lin Fan picked up the guitar, Xia Yan and Zhang Xinlan were completely amazed. They thought that Lin Fan was just blunt, or just to save money, so they said that he was good at guitar. Who knew that as soon as Lin Fan picked up the guitar, the two experts A super singer immediately understood it. Lin Fan's saying that he understands a little is completely modest. His guitar level is already comparable to that of a professional player.

No, not only equal to, but surpassed many professional players!

Lian Xiaoyu stood outside the recording room, and the only one who could express his admiration was 666!

The biggest failure in my life was the investment failure, but the most successful one must have been my discerning eye to discover the treasure of Lin Fan. Wasn't it good to praise Lin Fan back then? Don't you know that once you invest, the depth of investment is like the sea?

Xia Yan's assistant, Chen Yuan, looked at the shocked appearance of her boss and Zhang Xinlan, and then looked at the domineering appearance of her idol holding the audience. With You Rongyan, she felt that it was rare for her to chase stars, but she actually chased one of the most A worthwhile idol, it's not a shame that he is undercover every day among the cooks.

What's more, I will be the first fan among all the rice cookers to hear Lin Fan's new song. Telling this story will definitely make those rice cookers envious.

It's a pity that Jinyi Yexing, this matter can't be leaked no matter what, so I can only have fun secretly.

Wow, so happy!

However, this scene has to be recorded, maybe it will become a famous scene in the future!

As a good assistant, Chen Yuan is too aware of how precious the picture in front of her is. One is popular in the music industry, one is a supernova in the music industry, and one is a future star who has not yet debuted. one thing.

The cooperation with professional players is like this. The more professional you are, the easier it is for you to enter the state. The better your state is, the more you can drive the state of your teammates. It takes 2 hours for everyone to make the accompaniment better, otherwise it is just a An hour is enough for the accompaniment recording of 2 songs.

After recording the accompaniment, Lin Fan is already gearing up to enter the recording studio. Today is a tight schedule and heavy tasks. We can't waste the good opportunity of Bai Nupiao Xiayan's recording studio. Hurry up and upload it to make more money.

As soon as Lin Fan opened his voice, Xia Yan realized something was wrong!

Lin Fan's singing skills have improved again! And already infinitely close to Xia Yan himself! Not to mention the emotions injected into Lin Fan's singing, which are rich, delicate, and layered. This is already a very mature singer!

How much does this Lin Fan hide?

Lin Fan sang for a long time, but he didn't hear Xia Yan's familiar do it again. He felt a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but stop.

Xia Yan heard Lin Fan's silence in his ears, so he raised his head and looked at Lin Fan through the glass. I saw Lin Fanzheng looking at him with an uneasy expression on his face, as if he was a little at a loss. Xia Yan somehow understood what Lin Fan wanted to express.

Therefore, the corners of Xia Yan's bright red lips curved slightly, and said softly: Do it again! Start from the beginning!

Hearing these familiar words, Lin Fan felt as refreshed as Zhu Bajie had eaten ginseng fruit!

That's right! Although Xia Little Witch Yan may be late, she will never be absent!

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