Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 113 Are you copying your homework?

Early in the morning, Lian Xiaoyu took Lin Fan from Dachang to Xia Yan's recording studio.

Lin Fan was 120,000 amazed that Lian Xiaoyu could appear precisely at the time he needed to record the song every time.

In this regard, Lian Xiaoyu said: Of course you can also use the recording studio of the program group, but the cost, the quality of the equipment, and hiring a professional producer...

Lin Fan quickly interrupted her: Boss Lian, you are so kind! You are so considerate of me! I really don't know how to thank you! How about this, let me sing you the new song first?

Lian Xiaoyu snorted, Save those perfunctory rhetoric of yours for later!

Lian Xiaoyu would never admit that she has been paying close attention to Lin Fan's live broadcast room anyway. If Xia Yan hadn't stopped her, Lian Xiaoyu would have heard Lin Fan promise to release two new songs when she saw the live broadcast of the fan meeting. The moment she gave back to the fans, she had already rushed over and stuffed Lin Fan into the recording studio!

How can I wait until today!

Soon, Lin Fan understood the meaning of Lian Xiaoyu's words.

Ms. Zhang? Why are you here?

Zhang Xinlan smiled and bent her eyebrows: Why can't I be here? Don't you remember that I said that I am looking forward to your new song?

It was Xia Yan who helped to explain: Sister Lanlan's version has been recorded, and we are finally checking for omissions. If there are no other problems, then at 8 o'clock tonight, it will be officially uploaded to the music platform.

that version? Of course it is Zhang Xinlan's cover version of Walk in the Rain!

Lin Fan's eyes couldn't help but brighten up: Can I hear it?

Of course! Zhang Xinlan readily agreed.

Therefore, Xia Yan released the sound source to the public.

Zhang Xinlan's voice is very recognizable. Similarly, her experience is well known to the public. Others singing this song can only be regarded as an interpretation, but Zhang Xinlan sings herself. No one on this blue star is better than her. suitable for this song.

The song was played in just a few minutes, and Lin Fan didn't wake up from the emotional immersion until the next note fell.

Zhang Xinlan is also very satisfied with her performance in this song: Lin Fan, what do you think?

Very good! Thousands of words flashed through Lin Fan's mind, but in the end he could only come up with this sentence, Life is like a song, this song should be born for you, and you have injected soul into this song!

Xia Yan also nodded: There is no flaw.

Lian Xiaoyu, a layman, can only say: It's very nice! If someone else sang this song, I might get tired of listening to it a few times. But if it's your version, I think I can listen to it for a lifetime and never get tired of it!

Xia Yan's assistant, Chen Yuan, and Zhang Xinlan's assistant, Xiao Yue, also nodded their heads in agreement.

Zhang Xinlan said with a smile: I have a thick skin. If you praise me like this, I will take it all! But I really like this song very much. I think I will never get tired of singing this song in my life.

But I'm also very worried. After all, Lin Fan, you are the first, and now you have occupied the top position of the new song list for two consecutive weeks. Even I Caught a Cold in That Corner has been occupying the second place on the new song list. I'm very stressed!

Lin Fan smiled shyly: Really? Is my song so good?

Lian Xiaoyu was impatient: You won't be humble? Mr. Zhang is speaking kindly to you!

Ha ha!

Everyone laughed together, Lin Fan didn't care: You all know that I can't get on the Internet all the time in Dachang, I don't know how my song is, but I listened to Teacher Zhang's version, I Believe me, my song will be squeezed out immediately! Teacher Zhang is so good at playing!

Everyone laughed.

Now that there is no problem with the sound source confirmation, the rest is to follow the original plan,

It will be released on the music platform at 8 o'clock this evening, and at the same time cooperate with the platform to promote and hit the charts.

But this has nothing to do with Lin Fan. At that time, Lin Fan only needs to help promote it on Chaobo. And since Lian Xiaoyu can log into Lin Fan's super blog, this matter is left to Lian Xiaoyu.

Now, the most important thing is the accompaniment of the two songs that Lin Fan promised to give back to the fans.

According to the usual practice, Xia Yan gave Lin Fan a staff book and a signature pen, and then Lin Fan silently wrote down the numbered notation and lyrics of the two new songs in front of everyone.

When Zhang Xinlan and Xiaoyue saw such a scene for the first time, they were a little stunned.

Is... so willful?

Zhang Xinlan has never seen such a contestant who writes a line of numbered notation, and then writes a line of lyrics, regardless of where the numbered notation and lyrics of this line are broken, just go to the second line and continue to write numbered notation first, and then fill in the lyrics, repeating the cycle !

It's like copying homework from a homework book!

Lian Xiaoyu was a complete layman, and didn't know what this meant, so he said carelessly, Lin Fan has always been like this, probably because he already has a finished product in his mind, and now he just moves out the things in his mind.

Zhang Xinlan was speechless. It turned out that not only was Lin Fan very willful, but Lin Fan, the former boss and former agent, were also quite willful! Really, it's not that one family does not enter one family! No wonder Lin Fan was so fooled by Lian Xiaoyu back then, and now he still can't get rid of her.

Xia Yan didn't notice what they were talking about, but focused on the numbered notation and lyrics that Lin Fan wrote line by line, his bright and clear eyes flashed with splendor!


These two songs written by Lin Fan are very distinctive. One of them should be a light rock song. It is not obvious just by looking at the lyrics, but after reading the score, Xia Yan already has a feeling that he can't help humming. The impulse, and the other one, is even better.

Standing aside, Zhang Xinlan was also stunned. She had always known that Lin Fan was talented, but after seeing it with her own eyes, Zhang Xinlan couldn't help but sigh, God rewards you so much, you only want to open a homestay Eat and die?

Lian Xiaoyu doesn't know what others think, she only knows that after she finished watching, she suddenly felt an indescribable sadness. This first song seems to be another inspirational song, but no matter how you look at it, it makes you want to cry Perhaps, these lyrics are not only about inspiration, but also about Lin Fan's life.

Lin Fan wrote down the scores and lyrics of the two songs with a few brushstrokes. When he raised his head, he was suddenly startled. He saw several pairs of glowing eyes.

What happen to you guys?

What did you say?

Xia Yan reached out to take the two sheet music, and after reading it silently for a few minutes, handed it to Zhang Xinlan, calming down a bit. She couldn't remember how many times she was amazed by Lin Fan, but she believed that with these two songs, Adding the previous two songs and the one I gave to myself, five songs are enough for Lin Fan to gain a foothold in today's music world!

What Lin Fan lacked now was no longer resources, but time.

When the time comes, Lin Fan will naturally become an A-list star! And it's the kind that stands very firmly!

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