Lin Fan plunged headlong into the editing room, not listening to anything outside the window, and only thinking about how to finish the precise editing of the film and create a perfect effect.

It's just that Lin Fan was so focused that he completely ignored his cheating. Without noticing it, [Passive Skill - Filmmaker] was activated quietly, countless inspirations, and Lin Fan's countless movies over the years Experience, at this moment, all merged together silently.

It turned into the knowledge, ideas, experience, lessons and inspiration that Lin Fan could truly master, and integrated into his body, mind, and even the depths of his soul.

Lin Fan didn't notice anything, but felt that countless inspirations and ideas emerged in his mind, and each inspiration and idea could bring different effects.

And I only need to choose the one I need from these effects, and then go upstream, and I can understand all the steps to achieve this effect.

This feeling is very strange, like seeing a flower that is about to bloom. In the next second, I saw this flower blooming in the sun, gathering in the moonlight, withering as time passed, and then growing green. Fruit, and then slowly mature the same.

Lin Fan didn't know where this wonderful feeling came from. He only knew that this should be some kind of opportunity, which can be met but not sought after. If you miss this time, you may never meet again in the future.

So Lin Fan didn't think too much, just immersed himself in this wonderful feeling, emptied himself, like a sponge, tried his best to absorb the water of knowledge and enrich himself.

And the editing of this movie, also in Lin Fan's mysterious state, was progressing at an astonishing speed.

On the other side, Liang Wen, who had been hiding for almost three days, finally received a call from his assistant. After learning the good news that all actors with similar looks who would blind him had been screened out, he returned to the At the scene of the role audition, I seriously started to choose the right actors for this group drama.

Needless to say, Liang Wen's efficiency in selecting roles has improved significantly after eliminating those actors who entered the audition process through the back door through their connections.

It was originally estimated that it would take three months to finalize the plan for all the actors, but it was completed one month ahead of schedule.

Yang Hongxia got the list of roles submitted by Liang Wen, and after holding a final confirmation meeting with the entire crew, she began to contact the actors one by one, sign performance contracts, finalize the pay and roles, determine the final shooting time, and so on.

Very busy.

Zhou Xiang also received a notice that he was about to formally join the group.

Lian Xiaoyu came to Zhou Xiang's house in person,

Together with Zhou Xiang's assistant, they helped Zhou Xiang pack his luggage. While tidying up, he exhorted: This time is different from the last filming. You are the absolute heroine. When you arrive on the set, you must show your heroine demeanor, you know?

And I asked Director Liang, the psychology and image of your role have changed a lot before and after, you must support this role. As long as the filming of this drama is finished, and you are working on the post-production film, then you will become an undisputed first-line popular actress whether it is on TV or in movies!

At that time, the only ones who can compete with Zhou Xiang in terms of fame and resources are probably only actresses who have won the Best Actress Award, or actresses who have not won awards but are well-fed in China and overseas.

In other words, in China, except for a small number of top actors, Zhou Xiang's achievements are almost the highest.

For the rest, the distance from the first line to the top is that outsiders cannot help, and can only rely on Zhou Xiang to continuously hone his acting skills, continue to produce excellent works, accumulate slowly, and climb up slowly.

Zhou Xiang also understood this truth, and nodded seriously: I will definitely not let Miss Xiaoyu, Director Liang, or everyone be disappointed!

Not only this work, but every future work, I will go all out to do my best, and keep climbing towards higher peaks.

Lian Xiaoyu personally drove Zhou Xiang and her assistant to the crew, and then took the assistant to recognize a group of people in the crew—although it was the crew of Earthman Studio, the assistant didn’t know everyone. .

Even Xiaoyu asked Liang Wen for a list of the crew, and only then did he recognize the people. Although it was not necessary to know every crew member, but it was necessary to say hello, and even Xiaoyu didn't leave a single one.

Then even Xiao Yu ordered an afternoon tea for everyone in the crew. After Zhou Xiang settled down, he left the crew.

After Zhou Xiang and his assistant watched Lian Xiaoyu's car leave, they turned and went back to their lounge, ready to familiarize themselves with the set again.

That was Miss Xiaoyu just now, right? She looks so beautiful, has a good figure, and has a unique temperament. If she debuts as an artist, she must be a first-line star!

A voice came from the set. It sounded a little strange. It didn't sound like a crew member, but probably other actors.

Zhou Xiang and his assistant stopped walking at the same time, wanting to wait for the speaker to leave before walking in, so as not to bump into someone and whisper, which would embarrass everyone.

Another voice came: It's not rare for her to be an artist! Her own conditions are so good, her family is so rich, and she and Xia Yan grew up together, and don't you know? Brother Fan back then It was she who dug it all by herself, without her, Brother Fan might still be working in a certain milk tea shop now!

Someone else echoed: Although she was the one who brought Brother Fan into this circle, there was nothing wrong with that, but she almost cheated Brother Fan back then! When Brother Fan made his first appearance on the stage of Morning Star, he said that his agency It closed down, isn't it all her fault?

Oh, apart from the parties involved, who can really know what happened here? Anyway, all I can see is that sister Xiaoyu led Xiangxiang, worked together all the way, overcame obstacles, and achieved her current status in the entertainment industry. and grades!

Yes, yes, I don't dare to think about it, sister Xia. I can be signed as an artist under sister Xiaoyu, and I can be so happy that I can't sleep for three days!

That's right, Miss Xiao Yu is now a very popular manager in the entertainment industry! As long as you bring out a few more first-line artists, you will be able to become a gold medal manager. At that time...

Zhou Xiang and his assistant listened to the voices of the actors' conversations fading away. They looked at each other, and then walked in slowly, as if they hadn't heard anything or happened.

But Zhou Xiang was happy for Lian Xiaoyu. After all, Xiaoyu's dream was to become an excellent manager and cultivate excellent artists.

And now, she did.

-----Off Topic-----

Boss Lian has been around for a long time, does anyone still miss her?


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