Liang Wen was very upset, but the gun had to be taken care of: After all, a piece of mouse droppings can't spoil a pot of porridge. If these little actors cause the whole show to be taken off the shelves, whose fault is it?

Yang Hongxia has a thick skin, Liang Wen still wants to show some face, isn't Yang Hongxia sternly pinching her for this?

But Liang Wen also had to think about his own eyes: Then you gather these actors who have the same looks, almost no acting skills, and similar backgrounds to audition on the same day! Make sure you have a good time and tell me, I won't come that day!

The assistant thought about it, and felt that this was also a solution. Director Liang couldn't really be blinded, could he? That is: Director Liang, one day may not be enough.

Liang Wen took a deep breath: How much benefits does Mr. Yang receive?

The assistant sneered: Isn't it, are we short of money recently?

Yang Hongxia is now nervous about money. Every time she hears the word money, her eyes turn red. Now no one dares to provoke her in person.

Liang Wen was no exception: Then, let's try to arrange concentrated auditions. If one day is not enough, then two days, and if two days are not enough, three days. In short, please remember to inform me, and I will not come when the time comes.

The assistant readily agreed: No problem, Director Liang, just leave this matter to me!

Even if you are blind yourself, you can't make Director Liang blind. The assistant said, I will bear this crime alone!

Liang Wen patted the assistant's shoulder in relief, gave him a silent comforting look, and then happily skipped work—it is impossible to skip work, even if you don't come to the audition scene, there is still a lot of work in the studio, Also waiting for Liang Wen to deal with it.

But Liang Wen would rather go back to the studio and work overtime than being blinded by a group of Internet celebrities with similar looks at the audition scene.

The friends in the animation studio couldn't help being surprised when they saw Liang Wen come back, but the heavy workload prevented them from having any desire to exchange pleasantries, so they went straight to the topic: It's great that you came, Director Liang, here Zhou Xiang The first cut of that movie is out, do you have time to watch it?

Liang Wen nodded: Then let's take a look.

Zhou Xiang was the last to complete the filming of this film, but the first cut was the first to come out. In the final analysis, it was because the film was relatively small in size, and the various post-production special effects were far less numerous and complicated than the other two films.

If nothing else, this movie may be released earlier than the other two movies.

But this is not something Liang Wen has to worry about.

Film promotion, finalization and launch are Yang Hongxia's scope of work.

The clear division of labor in Earthman Studio is what Liang Wen likes very much: everyone goes all out to do what they can do, and they have no interest or time to intervene in other people's work.

Although the reason for this result is that there has been a lack of manpower, the lack of manpower also has the advantage of being short of manpower. At least invisibly, it avoids the confusion of the studio's decision-making.

It’s just that the liver that has been raised with great difficulty can’t be kept for long, so it has to be donated, which is a bit too harmful to the body.

Liang Wen rubbed the center of his brows to relieve his visual fatigue, and then, under the guidance of the person in charge of the animation studio, he went to watch the first cut of Zhou Xiang's movie.

This movie is different from previous movies. It is directed by Lin Fan and Liang Wen respectively. Both of them have led the shooting for a period of time, so there is inevitably a certain degree of difference in shooting style.

Even though Lin Fan was greatly influenced by Liang Wen from the very beginning, the two people's shooting styles and techniques are similar to a certain extent, but they are still different.

I don't know if the audience can see it, but Liang Wen watched it by himself, which shot was taken by himself and which shot was taken by Lin Fan, they were all clear and distinct.

This is a big problem.

A movie presents two distinct styles. If it is not handled properly, the audience will immediately play after seeing it!

Liang Wen frowned and watched for a long time, but didn't think of how to solve this matter, so he called Lin Fan directly: There is something wrong with Zhou Xiang's movie, do you have time to come to the animation studio?

Of course Lin Fan is free!

Right now, Lin Fan is having a headache about dancing at the concert, so it's good to be able to get out and do something else to change his mind.

So three minutes later, Lin Fan appeared in the animation studio, and together with Liang Wen, he watched the first cut of the movie again.

The difference in style is so big. I paid attention when shooting, and checked the shots you took before. It can be said that I followed your train of thought. I didn't expect to cut the shots together. Compared So obvious.

Liang Wen also said: After I took over, I followed your train of thought to shoot down. When shooting, I specially called up your lens for comparison. I thought the style was the same before I went down.

Unexpectedly, there is still a difference.

And this kind of difference is very inconspicuous when viewed in individual shots, but once the shots are cut together, the sense of disharmony is obvious.

Yang Hongxia, who came over after hearing the wind, also watched the first cut, but couldn't see anything: What's the difference? I look the same?

Moreover, no matter how rough the first cut is, how chaotic the logic is, the overall effect will be terrible. Yang Hongxia couldn't tell the difference between the shots. She only knew that she wouldn't watch the first cut next time.

Spicy eyes!

No logic, no dubbing, no post-production special effects, the existence of this first-cut film is simply anti-human!

Lin Fan and Liang Wen glanced at Yang Hongxia, then directly ignored her opinion, and began to discuss how to remedy it: I think it is better to reduce than increase, to reduce some transitional parts, to make the camera cuts jump a little more, to let go of the shackles of logic, Should be able to show better results.

Liang Wen agreed: There is really no need for re-shooting or something. Although Yang is always an amateur and can't see the difference between the shots, she also represents the viewing level of the vast majority of audiences. We are unacceptable The lens difference may not be a big problem in the eyes of the audience.

It's even possible that most viewers won't be able to tell that the film was made by two separate directors. But this didn't make Lin Fan and Liang Wen, the two professionals, turn a blind eye to this, it was an insult to their professional level.

After agreeing on the direction of handling, Lin Fan directly took over the matter: Leave it to me, I'll watch the editor and make the fine cut, and then we'll see the final effect together.

Naturally, Liang Wen agreed: Okay! This movie will be handed over to Director Lin!


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