Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1108 In China's territory, is it completely possible to ignore them?

The good news brought by Zhou Yang surprised Yang Hongxia, because a project like the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park is still an entertainment project in the final analysis, and can barely be included in the tourism development project, but it is not a key support at all. within range.

Now being included in the support project, it can be seen that Lin Fan's achievements in the film industry have been unanimously recognized by the whole of China, and the officials have tried their best to treat Lin Fan preferentially.

Even though this is just a quota for a support project, it has too many benefits for the entire Prehistoric Universe theme park project.

Especially for the Earthman Studio, which is currently in dire straits, it is simply a rescue from heaven, saving the Earthman Studio from the fire and water.

Yang Hongxia's smile couldn't hold back at all, she personally arranged a reception banquet for Zhou Yang, and told Zhou Yue to treat this honored guest well!

Reluctantly, Zhou Yue took his own brother back to his recording studio: You stay here, I'm busy here, don't look for me if you have anything to do.

Zhou Yang doesn't dislike Zhou Yue's attitude at all, because this is the normal way for two brothers to get along with each other. If Zhou Yue suddenly became warm to him that day, he might not be used to it.

What are you busy with now? I heard that Mr. Yang and Director Lin have cast four films in one go and plan to finish them before the end of next year.

What happened, why are there so many shooting tasks suddenly arranged? Tell me what difficulties you have, and make me happy too.

Listen, listen, is this human speech?

Zhou Yue didn't want to talk to Zhou Yang very much, but it wasn't a secret. Zhou Yang asked Yang Hongxia later and he could get the answer as well. Then he might be charged with poor hospitality.

Why bother!

Therefore, Zhou Yue said impatiently: It's nothing, Lin Fan wants a longer vacation, so he will squeeze his work into next year.

Zhou Yang tried his best, but he couldn't think that the reason for such a big movement and such a big investment in the Earthman Studio was because Lin Fan wanted a vacation? !

How capricious and chic this is!

Zhou Yang had nothing to say, he could only give Zhou Yue a thumbs-up, everything was speechless.

Seeing that Zhou Yang was choked and speechless, Zhou Yue immediately felt relieved, and said: Don't talk about it outside, it will damage the dignity of our director Lin!

Zhou Yang couldn't help but slander: Your director Lin is so majestic, isn't it very fragile?

Is it difficult to maintain it on a daily basis?

Thank you so much.


Ah Choo! Lin Fan rubbed the tip of his nose, What's going on? It's summer, do I have a cold?

Moreover, the frequency of sneezing has been too high recently, which made Lin Fan suspect that he definitely has a cold!

Otherwise why?

Is it because many people are scolding themselves?

Liang Wen also said: It's quite normal to catch a cold in summer, and it's cold in summer, maybe it's caused by the air conditioner.

Yes, it must be so.

It's definitely not because it's too late to find thread ends recently.

Lin Fan nodded, and turned his attention back to the sample film he was editing: Director Liang, the special effects of this film are very demanding, and we must not be sloppy at all. We would rather make it slower than let this The movie has any flaws.

This special effects blockbuster Lin Fan was shot very early, but because there are too many special effects that need to be done, it has not been completed until now.

Of course, since it can be called a blockbuster with special effects, it is enough to prove that this movie is very huge in terms of investment, size, and expected box office after its release.

Yang Hongxia has also been sending a special person to watch the production of this movie, just waiting for it to be released simultaneously on all Blue Stars after it is completed, and then once again rake in a wave of box office for Earthman Studio, and invest the funds spent during this period All come back.

The best thing is that after the box office results are divided among all parties, the amount returned to the Earthman Studio can not only fill the gap in funds, but also generate a large surplus.

Therefore, Yang Hongxia has been acting like crazy recently, asking about the production progress of the film according to the frequency and time of three meals a day.

The friends in the animation studio are almost driven crazy.

Fortunately, Lin Fan was busy with the Pirates of the Caribbean road show, and when he came back to the company, he helped the animation studio's friends to say a fair word, which barely suppressed Yang Hongxia's enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

But only temporarily.

With the four films under preparation, the upcoming filming is slowly getting on track, and the funds on the book are being spent like running water, and Yang Hongxia's anxiety about lack of money will still recur.

At that time, even if Lin Fan wanted to buy more time for his friends in the animation studio, he would not dare to face Yang Hongxia who was short of money.

Liang Wen also had a headache: These special effects are the most taboo to be rushed, but any special effects that need to be rushed, the final visual effect will be greatly reduced.

Now Mr. Yang insists on setting this movie for next year's summer vacation. To be honest, wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel. I don't think much about this time. How about you, Director Lin?

At this moment, Liang Wen wanted to hear Lin Fan willfully say: Then skip the ticket!

Who made the studio short of money now?

Lack of money has become a curse on the heads of every partner in Earthman Studio. Yang Hongxia is the one who masters the spell. It is impossible for her not to recite it at all. Lin Fan can only let her recite it five times a day. Just read it three times a day.

So facing Liang Wen's intentional or unintentional inquiries, Lin Fan could only say: I must take the vacation. I have very important things to do.

Liang Wenchang sighed: That's fine, let's think of a way to see if we can improve the work efficiency of this movie.

Fortunately, Lin Fan didn't want to be the shopkeeper: I'll be watching the later stage of this movie during this time. If you have other things to do, Director Liang, you can temporarily hand over the work of the animation studio to I have it in hand. When the new album gets busy, I will transfer the work back to you.

This is also a way.

You don't plan to take advantage of this time to make a new movie?

Lin Fan has three movies to work on. Although there is still a new album to be released, such a long time is actually enough for Lin Fan to make a movie first.

In this way, Lin Fan's work arrangement for next year will become more relaxed.

Lin Fan has his own ideas: The second and third parts of Pirates of the Caribbean can be filmed together, so it must be filmed next year.

As for the second part of Gu Xi and Xiao Bao's movie, I'm going to shoot it in China. Therefore, it is better to arrange the holidays of those young actors overseas at this time.

After all, no one knows that if all the young actors are invited to film in China, will their protection association send a commissioner to stare at me and try to find out if I have violated the protection regulations during the filming process, and then Deduct your own shooting time?

In other words, in China's territory, is it possible to ignore them at all?

However, for the sake of the child's growth, forget it!

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