Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1107 I'll Help You Find Threads

The six words Congratulations shocked everyone, and the meaning behind them made some people dumbfounded and even speechless.

The first actor in China to break the total box office of 100 billion Huaxia coins!

The first director in China to break the total box office of 110 billion Huaxia coins!

The first screenwriter in China to break the total box office of 110 billion Huaxia coins!

Blue Star is the first actor to break the total box office of 15 billion US dollars!

Blue Star is the first director to break the total box office of 17 billion US dollars!

Blue Star's first screenwriter to break the total box office of 17 billion US dollars!

If the actors, directors, and screenwriters are qualified, the current Lin Fan is undoubtedly a god-level stronger than the king-level!

Because completing one of the achievements is as difficult as reaching the blue sky, let alone completing three achievements at the same time. This is a height that most filmmakers can hardly achieve in their lifetime.

It can also be said that from this moment on, Lin Fan has firmly stood at the pinnacle of the entertainment circle, overlooking all sentient beings!


This kid is really...

Xia Shaozhang stood quietly in front of the French window of the study, looking at the tall buildings in the distance.

He seldom looked straight at Lin Fan. Such a pig who was so devoted to his own cabbage was not worthy of him to look straight at him, but before he knew it, he slowly discovered that this pig, which had become a golden pig, had become a golden pig. Turned into a diamond pig, and finally, it seemed, like, a pig god...

A daughter slave who is as stubborn as Xia Shaozhang now has to sigh: I guess, in this world, there is no man who is more worthy of words than this brat!

Xia Yan's mother sat on the sidelines happily and called on the phone: Sister, let me tell you, my son-in-law has become Mr. Hundred Billion... That is, it doesn't matter who picked it! Let me tell you, my eyes Sure enough, I haven't met Fan Fan yet, but just listening to his songs, I know that Yan Yan is definitely his in this life!...

Xia Shaozhang, who was expressing his emotions, was startled when he heard the words, as if he had a mouthful of old blood in his chest, and he didn't know whether to vomit or not.


Director Lin, it's really too strong!

Riemann held his mobile phone and looked at the hot search over and over again, but his eyes had already begun to lose their focus.

The impact of this news is almost mixed for those in the film industry. The good news is that the Huaxia film and television industry has risen completely, standing in the sky above Blue Star.


Lin Fan is so good, can he give him some way to survive in the future!

The insiders who used to poke and play tricks in the past even smashed their heads with regret. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Now that Lin Fan has achieved such a good achievement, he has no black material or bad habits. He is a proper representative of the Chinese film and television circle Characters will soon be portrayed as a model of China's entertainment industry, and the road to the future cannot be called a broad road at all, it is a highway!

How could such a person be provoked again!

Even [Colorful Black] and [Qiong Xiaoxian] haven't dared to show their faces for a long time!

Whoever provokes Lin Fan now, just use one word - head iron!

Riemann's heart is also full of gratitude. He has lowered his attitude from the beginning and deliberately made friends. It is conceivable that in the future, he will be able to thrive next to the big tree like Lin Fan!

After all, Lin Fan is so moist!

No, Lin Fan is too milky!


Hahaha, as expected of Brother Fan, who else in this world can surpass Brother Fan? No! Only Brother Fan can surpass me!

No, I want to tell my dad that my choice back then was not wrong at all, I'm too good!

Li Xiaodong laughed loudly in the office, while Lu Bingyang and Zhou Xiang sat beside each other and laughed from ear to ear. At first, no one was optimistic about them, but now they are relying on Fan Ge, the uncle, and gradually began to take charge of the front line. , Chaoxian is gradually approaching, and even has the potential to become a superstar.

At this moment, they were sincerely happy for Brother Fan, and frantically called their relatives and friends to share the good news.

not for anything else but for

Let more people send blessings to Lin Fan.


What gift do you want?

On the phone, Xia Yan and Lin Fan were lingering, and Xia Yan called as soon as the good news came out.

Lin Fan lay lazily on the sofa, not wanting to say a word.

In fact, he doesn't pay much attention to grades or anything. He just feels that he is more integrated into this world now, and even has a deep attachment.

He who has always been lonely, in this different world, has her whom he loves and a group of good friends, which is enough for Lin Fan.

Lin Fan never paid much attention to box office and achievements.

I am just a porter, I should do well, but if I don't do well, it proves that I have lost my place in the earth-crossing army.

Now I abandon the instinct of salty fish and work hard. Apart from wanting to give myself and Xia Yan a bright future, more, I still want to leave a little mark.

Prove that I have been here.

In the evening, try putting on that new set of underwear? I'll help you find thread ends...


Compared with the autistic Chinese filmmakers, Earthman Studios can be called Xidapuben!

Especially the friends at the grassroots level were so moved that they were about to cry: because during this time, Yang Hongxia was using the excuse of the company's lack of money to squeeze everyone crazily.

Now that Brother Fan's movie box office results are so good, can it relieve the anxiety in Mr. Yang's heart, so that Mr. Yang will no longer squeeze us so crazily?

Facts have proved that before the money arrives, Yang Hongxia's anxiety cannot be truly alleviated: It's a pity that this movie has not been able to apply for an extension key! If it can be postponed, even for a month, then the box office performance There must be a lot more than now, and maybe it can be compared with Titanic!

Liang Wen couldn't stand listening to it anymore: Mr. Yang, give other Chinese filmmakers a chance to survive! There was Director Lin's movie, and we almost got the box office of the entire summer. If it is postponed again, Do you want to let other filmmakers live?

Now that we have gained both fame and fortune, let's keep a little conscience and don't kill them all, shall we?

I believe that when Yang Hongxia applied for the extension, the review unit also took this into consideration, so they reluctantly rejected the application for the extension of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean.

Otherwise, if you change a director or production company, judging from the quality, size and market feedback of this film, it is still very easy to apply for an extension.

After all, Huaxia wants to support its own filmmakers and expand the film market in order to achieve a rivalry with the overseas film market and avoid becoming a box office for overseas commercial blockbusters.

But now, this person is Lin Fan, and the production company is Earthman Studio, so there really is no need for special treatment.

In the absence of preferential treatment, it has already killed all the top films in the Chinese film market, made a fortune overseas, and in turn dominated the overseas box office.

If there is more special treatment, then other filmmakers in China really don't want to live.

Of course, there is no special preferential treatment for the postponement of the film, but Lin Fan's achievements are still worthy of China's official praise, sending out a pennant, awarding an honorary award, etc., to express the official's appreciation for Lin Fan's contribution to China's film industry affim.

It's just that what kind of award should be awarded, it has to be discussed internally first, and there will be no way to distribute it for a while. But the news can be leaked to Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia in advance.

It can be regarded as An An's heart.

So Zhou Yang, an old acquaintance who worked with Lin Fan several times within the system and was also a brother with Zhou Yue, was sent on this trip.

Lin Fan was still baffled by Zhou Yang's visit at first, but after hearing Zhou Yang's purpose, he immediately understood.

I don't care too much about these. Whether it is postponed or not, the box office of the movie is already very high. Other filmmakers

I really need this opportunity more, and I can understand it.

Zhou Yang said with a smile: I know your structure is not that small, and you won't care about such small things. The main reason is that this trip, there is another thing I want to tell you in person. It is that you have been playing with the theme of the prehistoric universe. Is it a paradise? As far as I know, it has been included in the national key support project, and the specific notice will come down soon, and you are ready to prepare.

Lin Fan: ...

Yang Hongxia: ...

And this good thing? !

It's not a fool, is it?

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