
Facing the protests from the audience on the Internet, not only Lin Fan was able to completely ignore it, but even Yang Hongxia, Liang Wen, and even the actors in the play were able to completely ignore it.

Because this kind of thing has happened too many times, they are already mentally fatigued. Unless the audience has done something extreme, it will not affect the mood of any of the small partners in the Earthman Studio at all.

There are even some people secretly betting on how long this incident can last before it completely dies down.

Someone guessed for a week: Because this kind of thing happened too many times, everyone was immune. At the same time, Brother Fan's attitude was the same. The audience made a fuss for a while, and if no one paid attention to them, they would leave by themselves. So, One week, no more.

I guess it's half a month. After all, the show The Family of Gold Fans still has a lot of stamina. It's not surprising that fans are making trouble for half a month.

I said, did you forget something?

Everyone turned their heads: What's the matter?

We are about to enter the intensive promotion period of Detective Chinatown! With this movie diverting the audience's attention, do you think they are still in the mood to entangle with the ending of The Family of Gold Fans?

Everyone suddenly: Yes!

Earthman Studio is about to release another movie, and when the full publicity rolls out, who will still be obsessed with a TV series that has already aired?

Even if you are still struggling, you will be distracted by the new movie to some extent!

As long as the attention is diverted, can the fans still make a fuss?

The friends of the Earthman studio also know Lin Fan's fans very well: the more they pay attention to and talk to them, the more noisy they will be.

But if no one pays attention to them, or if there is something else, such as Lin Fan's new work coming out, then they will move their positions as quickly as possible.

As for the fuss before, hey, just kidding, don't take it too seriously.

In short, it is particularly flexible and stretchable.

And now, Earthman Studio is about to enter the intensive promotion period of Detective Chinatown. Although this movie was not shot by Lin Fan himself, Lin Fan wrote the script himself!

What's more, after the script was written, it was also perfected by Wen Hongjun, a gold medal screenwriter of suspense films recognized by the industry. Such a strong combination, a work of two swords, even if Lin Fan didn't star, it would not be bad.

Moreover, after the verification of Wulin Biography, The Family of Gold Fans and The Little Thing of First Love\

,"Everyone also understood that even if Lin Fan only produced the script, did not act in the role, or even served as the director, it would not affect the quality of the film and television dramas produced by the Earthlings.

Maybe, this movie can also bring you different surprises like The Family of Gold Fans?

For example, Li Xiaodong, who has always wanted to be a variety show star and comedian, was suddenly assigned such a role, such a script, and such a movie by Lin Fan. Can his performance stand up to Lin Fan's love for him? trust?

Everyone will wait and see.


Soon, the publicity of Detective Chinatown covered almost all publicity channels, from online to offline, almost as long as the channels that people have to come into contact with in daily life, Yang Hongxia spent a lot of money to win it.

Li Xiaodong was inexplicably nervous when he saw Yang Hongxia throwing such a large amount of money out: Sister Xia, do you need to spend so much money on publicity?

This publicity fee is almost catching up with his total investment in this movie!

Li Xiaodong was really scared, if the box office of the final movie was not satisfactory, then he would not only have to pay for the production cost of the movie, but would he also have to pay back the promotional expenses?

This, this, can your own property afford it?

In the past, Li Xiaodong always felt that his family was quite rich, even if it was a so-so list of the richest people in China, they could barely squeeze into the first echelon.

But after coming to Earthman's studio, Li Xiaodong realized that the little money he had was really not much here!

Making movies, TV series, and doing variety shows are all in units of 100 million. Of course, what you get back is also income in units of 100 million, including but not limited to money, popularity, and other invisible profits.

Not to mention the global box office of Titanic.

So Li Xiaodong has always been worried that this movie, which he made for the first time as the leading role, will become the first work in the history of Earthman Studio to hit the street.

Really going to hit the street, Li Xiaodong is afraid that he will be so guilty that he will sell the iron and make up for the money lost by the company: because even if Fan Ge is not in charge of other works, there is no problem.

If there is a problem with your own movie, then the problem must be on yourself, and you can't escape.

Of course, Yang Hongxia didn't know that Li Xiaodong had such a miraculous idea, and seeing that Li Xiaodong was very concerned about this issue, she casually explained to Li Xiaodong: Of course we have to spread the propaganda!

You are different from Lin Fan, he has a huge fan base and passers-by, and he has always been successful and never failed, so everyone has developed an inexplicable sense of trust in him.

As long as it is a film and television drama produced by Lin Fan, everyone will buy it, and it only needs word of mouth among fans, and the publicity effect is already very good, so there is no need to invest too much in publicity.

However, there should still be some publicity and planning, but it will not be as comprehensive and nuanced as it is now.

And Li Xiaodong couldn't compare with Lin Fan in terms of popularity or strength.

Although the movie Detective Chinatown is Lin Fan's script and the work of Earthman Studio, it has its own halo, but everyone will inevitably say: Lin Fan didn't act in it!

Therefore, large-scale and in-depth publicity is very necessary.

Li Xiaodong understood that Yang Hongxia was doing it for her own good, but she was still a little uneasy: Then if the movie...

Hey hey! It's unlucky for children to talk nonsense, hurry up! Yang Hongxia quickly interrupted a certain word that Li Xiaodong was about to blurt out.

Li Xiaodong's emotions were suddenly incoherent!

Sister Xia, let me tell you something serious!

What the hell, can we stop being so superstitious!

Yang Hongxia said earnestly: This matter is very mysterious, I'd rather believe it or not! Anyway, don't be discouraged, after our movie is released, it will definitely sell well at the box office. Anyway, did you pooh just now?

Li Xiaodong: ...Can I not bah?

Yang Hongxia: Give you a look and experience it yourself.

In the end, Li Xiaodong still succumbed to Yang Hongxia's majesty, unwillingly: Bah!

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