Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1064 Brother Fan, are you smart?


Lin Fan didn't respond to the appeal of the fans, and everyone didn't feel much regret. After all, Lin Fan is an artist and not a professional novel writer. It's normal if such demands are not met.

Moreover, if Lin Fan had to satisfy every request of the fans, would he still have time to do other things?

Besides, who doesn't know about Lin Fan's dog temper, it's good to ignore you, and when he thinks about it one day, it will make you doubt your life.

It's better to start a live broadcast and fight face to face, he talks, the kind you type!

Are you saying that you are angry or not?

Forget it, let's go, I can't read the novel, so I'd better go back and watch the TV series.

As a mature fan, you have to learn to reconcile yourself: how good is the TV series, the handsome men and women, the makeup is exquisite, and the camera pictures are also beautiful. Isn’t this more conscientious than other shoddy fairy tales?

What kind of bicycle do you want?

Ever since, under the fans' self-reconciliation, the ratings of Golden Fan Family jumped up again, officially breaking through 3%, and with a relatively obvious trend, it rose clearly and firmly.

Under such a trend, as long as the following plot does not collapse, then when the finale is broadcast, it may be able to break through 4% for a short time!

As long as it breaks 4, then this drama will become a phenomenal TV series!

The friends of the Earthman Studio are very happy, but the audience is very depressed, because of the following plot, it has begun to attack!

In the play, although Jin Yanxi and Leng Qingqiu finally abandon the concept of hierarchy and get married, it is also doomed that these two people will eventually break up because of the disagreement of the three views.

Because Jin Yanxi has not changed from the beginning to the end, he is romantic and affectionate, he is suave, and he does not understand the sufferings of the world.

As for Leng Qingqiu, she was too proud and stubborn, and maintained a noble spirit from the beginning to the end, without any fireworks.

Although such two people, under the confusion of love, broke through layers of barriers and finally entered into marriage hand in hand, they are destined to not go far, because what they love is the person in their imagination, not their real selves .

And with the love of two people going to an irreversible ending, there is also the rich and noble Jin Mansion.

A Family of Gold Fans is full of the ups and downs of wealthy families and the human condition of the world. Everyone's fate is infused with a sad background by the turmoil of the times. Behind the luxury of gold and pink, there is a background of historical turmoil, the intrigue of warlords, the murderous intrigues, the feudal family ethics of wives and concubines, the warm smiles of family affection, and the debauched and decadent life.

Everything is teetering on the verge of collapse and reconstruction.

In the end, a fire caused the rich and noble Jin's mansion to decline and disperse, and burned up the love-hate relationship between the rich and noble son Jin Yanxi and the commoner woman Leng Qingqiu.

Especially in the last episode, Jin Yanxi rushed into the burning house to look for Leng Qingqiu, and he said: How did I lose her, I remember how good she is.

There is also the scene of the two passing each other at the train station at the end, which tortured the audience to death. At least half of the papers at home were killed in battle!

After crying, great anger followed, and this anger was all directed at Lin Fan:

[Take the hand and drag it to feed the dog: Brother Fan, do you have some hidden disease? Do you never see couples in film and television dramas who live happily ever after for a hundred years? Are you smart? Letting a pair of lovers finally get married, and the prince and princess live a happy life from now on, will it have any impact on you? 】

[My five elements lack a partner: Brother Fan, I am really convinced, really, how on earth did you manage to break up couples in such a reasonable and well-founded way? In other people's film and television dramas, the young couples break up and reunite. To be honest, I am quite annoyed watching them, because the reasons for breaking up are so weird that I dare not speak!

But Brother Fan, you are awesome! Every couple separated by you has to break up. Xiaoqian has to be reincarnated, Zhu Yingtai has to die in love, the white snake has to become a fairy, the princess has to bear her own responsibilities, and even Ruth wants to live a good life because of her promise to Jack ...I'll just wait, what reason can you come up with to dismantle CP in your next drama! 】

[My screen name really has ten characters: To watch Brother Fan's drama, you must prepare mentally and materially early, like me, I have already stocked up a whole box of paper towels. Sure enough, how sweet the front is, how terrible the knife is in the back! My heart, liver and lungs were thrown into the trash can along with my tears along with the paper...]


In fact, China's film and television dramas rarely end in pure tragedy. Even if it is an unsatisfactory ending, it will always leave a little comfort and a little hope for the audience. In short, it will not torture people too badly at the ending.

Because the audience will really send blades to the screenwriter!

But Lin Fan doesn't!

Lin Fan's film and television dramas almost never have a happy ending. Even if it looks like a happy reunion, it is actually a tragedy.

At the end of The Legend of the White Snake, it seems that everyone has fulfilled their wish and became immortals, but the relationship between the white snake and Xu Xian has been completely broken.

Fengshen Yanyi King Wu succeeded in overthrowing Zhou, and Jiang Ziya conferred the gods on behalf of the heavens, but these gods are nothing more than a strand of soul, and they will be bound forever in the list of gods, how sad.

In Journey to the West, the four masters and apprentices went through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties to retrieve the scriptures, and were rewarded by the Buddha respectively, but does Monkey King, Monkey King, really want to become a Buddha?

Some things can't bear to think about, some details can't bear to study deeply, so I can only smile with everyone under the colorful flowers, and whitewash the peace.

But these film and television dramas are all dramas that the audience has sincerely pursued. When watching the drama, they are substituted with real personal emotions, so that when they see the finale, many audiences find it difficult to bear.

Of course, there are audiences who accept it well, but they can't understand the psychology of these unacceptable audiences: If you can't stand it, why don't you watch it?

You insist on watching it, and after watching it, you will feel uncomfortable, and you will go to the Internet to cry and complain, and you will scold the screenwriter, are you tired?

This part of the audience said: Tired!

But who made Lin Fan's film and television dramas so good that he would feel sorry for himself if he didn't watch them?

Then they tried to force Lin Fan to change the ending by protesting.

Yes, the audience of The Family of Gold Fans again requested Lin Fan to change the ending.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan said: I am familiar with this! Every time I have a new film and television drama to the finale, there will always be audiences crying and running to me to change the ending.

But has Lin Fan changed?

Absolutely not!

If I had to change the ending every time you asked me to, wouldn't I be too busy?

Therefore, it is impossible to change the ending, no matter how much you make a fuss, just ignore you and it will be over!

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