Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters Lin Fan's hero and heroine are notoriously unlu


In Lin Fan's film and television dramas, the male and female protagonists are notoriously unhappy - no, there is no perfect ending.

In A Chinese Ghost Story, the heroine Xiaoqian was reincarnated, in The Butterfly Lovers, the hero died, and the heroine died for the hero, and in Titanic, the hero also died in a shipwreck.

The ending is better, such as The Legend of the White Snake. No one died, but after becoming a fairy, I don't know if the gods in the sky can still be husband and wife.

Another example is Roman Holiday, the hero and heroine parted ways, and there has been no intersection since then.

This kind of ending, you say, is indeed a little better than the eternal separation between heaven and man, but in fact it is not much better, no matter how you look at it, it is a tragedy.

This time The Family of Gold Fans, the audience has no idea, so they can only hope that this drama is not starring Lin Fan, and he might be more lenient... A little bit?

Of course, this is all for the future.

The most important thing now is the ratings of The Family of Gold Powder.

Facts have proved that even without Lin Fan in person, the film and television dramas produced by Earthlings are still very popular. After the first episode of The Family of Gold Fans aired, the average ratings reached 2.81%!

As soon as the ratings come out, everyone will know. The Earthman Studio has released another drama king of the year. This year's ratings champion is no longer in contention. Let the crowd disperse. What should we do? .

Anyway, there is no point in continuing to watch, unless the follow-up plot of The Family of Gold Fans directly pulls the hips, the logic is directly tied to a knot, or the actors themselves do something outrageous, it is possible to increase the ratings of this drama It plummeted to make room for other film and television dramas.

But are these things possible?

Obviously impossible!

Especially the screenwriter of this drama is Lin Fan, you have watched so many films and TV works of Lin Fan, when did the plot ever pull your hips?

As for the actor himself, with Lin Fan's big name and popularity, there is nothing wrong with it. Who would dare to commit crimes against the wind under his command?

Aren't you afraid that Lin Fan might not like him, so you hide him in the snow?

Other artists can still rely on their large number of fans, or their popularity, or other conditions, to bargain with the brokerage company, playing big names or something.

But you try it in Earthman Studio?

One does one death, without the kind of overnight.

I was thinking about it,

There is no Lin Fan in this show, and even the director is someone else. Everyone thinks that they can fight for a little bit, maybe they can really win the Earthman Studio?

Who would have thought that even if Lin Fan only provided a script and handed over the rest of the work to others, the people on Earth would still make such a good film and television drama, how can everyone compare?

So let's go, let's go, this year is gone again.

Compared to the dejection of her peers, Yang Hongxia's side is full of spirits: Go ahead and get everyone ready, as soon as the ratings break through 3, we will hold a celebration banquet!

The requirement of breaking the ratings of 3 is the highest requirement for other film and television production companies, and it is still the kind that can be met but not sought after.

But in Earthman Studio, this requirement is really nothing.

Lin Fan doesn't have any TV series with ratings lower than 3%.

But Yang Hongxia also knew that Lin Fan was Lin Fan, and the others were other people. It's too cruel to use Lin Fan's standard to demand other artists, and it's easy to beat other artists to pieces without dignity.

So when facing the rest of the company's artists, Yang Hongxia made a clear distinction, and lowered the requirements to a position that they could achieve, so as not to damage their self-confidence too much.

Of course, the relatively low requirements in Earthman Studio are also very high in other companies.

Breaking the ratings of 3 is an achievement that deserves to be celebrated, publicized, and even recorded in the company's archives in the entire entertainment industry.

But in Yang Hongxia's case, it was at the level of being able to hold a celebration banquet.

But for Lu Bingyang and others, this is already the company's greatest recognition of themselves, and it's too late to be happy, so how can they have any opinions?

If you really have an opinion, please go to the company's merit wall first, and count the honors Fange has won before publishing.

The current average ratings of The Family of Gold Fans is 2.8%, which seems to be only 0.2% away from breaking 3, but even such a small gap took a full week, and it was not finally achieved until the weekend.

It can be seen how difficult it is for today's TV station ratings to increase a little bit. It also explained from the side why the film and television drama produced by Earthman Studio is so popular in the eyes of major TV stations, and they would rather spend much more than other film and television dramas to get this drama.

Moreover, the success of The Family of Gold Fans has also made more people understand one thing, that is, Earthman Studio has finally got rid of the predicament of Lin Fan supporting the entire company alone, and successfully won the No. Second-tier artist.

And the third-tier artists are also being cultivated.

This means that Lin Fan can focus more on what he wants to do, and the company also has more artists to seize other resources in the entertainment industry, and it also makes the company itself a top resource in the entertainment industry.

Just as Yang Hongxia said to Li Xiaodong, Lu Bingyang and Zhou Xiang: Your Brother Fan is the biggest pillar of the company, as long as he is there, no matter what challenges the company faces, it will not be defeated.

But Brother Fan alone is not enough. The country he conquered still needs you to protect it, to help manage it, and to set an excellent example for future generations.

So don't be proud of the achievement in front of you, and don't let down your Fan Brother's expectations of you. You Fan Brother needs you, and the company also needs you.

After listening to Yang Hongxia's words, Li Xiaodong and the others felt as if they had been beaten with blood. They were both excited and full of sense of responsibility. They all patted their chests and expressed that they would never let Brother Fan or the company down. .

Then everyone left with a thick stack of scripts.

Looking at the three poor children who were deceived and couldn't find the north, Liang Wen couldn't hold back, and asked Yang Hongxia: The company is really big, isn't it enough to only have one Lin Fan?

Yang Hongxia glanced at Liang Wen reproachfully: What nonsense are you talking about? Is it enough? Director Liang, don't you have any idea?

How could there be no count?

Liang Wen has joined Earthman Studio since Lin Fan's first movie, and he is one of the veterans who watched Lin Fan's rise with his own eyes.

Looking at the backs of the three of Li Xiaodong, Liang Wen could only sigh: It's the three little cows who were fooled again.

Yang Hongxia smiled and said, No one else has a chance to be a cow here!

Liang Wen had to admit: Well, it is true!

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