Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

The first thousand and fifty-seven chapters

On Emperor Vision, the first episode of The Family of Gold Fans is currently on the air.

The moment Lu Bingyang, who played the leading role Jin Yanxi, appeared in the camera in a white suit, fans couldn't help but gasp: When did my brother Lu look so handsome, he was born a romantic boy What does it look like?

In fact, according to the aesthetics of modern people, an all-white suit is very picky. Once it is not worn properly, it will have a funny effect.

But in this drama, I don’t know if it’s because of the good makeup, the good filters, or simply the director and the cameraman’s shots. In short, Lu Bingyang supported this all-white look, And it also revealed the elegant demeanor of a romantic son in the period of the Republic of China.

It makes people want to add a chicken leg to the whole crew!

In the beginning, a short conversation between Jin Yanxi and Bai Xiuzhu in the garden also reveals the character of Jin Yanxi.

Bai Xiuzhu said: Having power means having money. If you don't have power, who will care about you?

But Jin Yanxi thinks: This is only seen by ordinary people.

It can be seen that Jin Yanxi looks down on vulgar things such as power and money in the world, and the image of a wealthy son who does not eat the fireworks of the world is established in this simple dialogue.

And Bai Xiuzhu, who was angry because of Jin Yanxi's common people, also fully revealed her temper as a young lady who was raised by a rich family.

But Jin Yanxi was not used to this eldest lady, she turned around and reported to her mother, and then slipped out of the house.

Jin Yanxi was driving in the alley at night in her own car, a slender figure in front caught Jin Yanxi's eyes.

A gust of wind blew, and the manuscript in the girl's hand was blown away by the wind, messing up the ground, and even a few pages were blown onto Jin Yanxi's car.

The girl had to pick them up one by one, but some papers were crushed under Jin Yanxi's wheel. The girl politely asked Jin Yanxi to let the car go. After picking up the papers, she thanked her and left.

During the whole process, Jin Yanxi kept looking at the girl without saying a word, or in other words, his entire mind had been attracted by the girl, and he couldn't even speak.

This is a very classic story of love at first sight, but it is different from the routine, exaggerated, dramatic encounter and love at first sight in modern dramas.

The first encounter between Jin Yanxi and the heroine, the picture is beautiful, but the two of them didn't even say a word, and they didn't even meet their eyes.

If it wasn't for Jin Yanxi's eyes that were deeply attracted by the girl, and continued to chase after the girl after she left, the audience might think that this encounter was just a chance meeting.

At least, in the heroine's heart, it is like this: beautiful and peaceful.

But she didn't know what kind of ripples the wind in the alley in the middle of the night, her thin back, and her beautiful face left in the heart of that romantic and affectionate son.

Maybe it was really fate. When Jin Yanxi was traveling with friends, he happened to meet the girl and her mother going down the mountain. Jin Yanxi took a photo of the girl's back in a hurry.

In order to find this girl, Jin Yanxi hired a private detective to find the girl with two big braids in BJ City.

As a result, hundreds of girls were found, but none of them were her.

As a last resort, Jin Yanxi went door to door to find someone, but she still couldn't find the girl.

But some fates are just so wonderful. Jin Yanxi suddenly decided to go to a flower shop to buy flowers, but in the flower shop she picked at random, she met the girl she was longing for.

The pot of pure white lilies contrasted with the girl's delicate face, so beautiful that people couldn't bear to blink.

Jin Yanxi was dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that she just met the fairy of her dreams.

But in an instant, the girl left, Jin Yanxi hurried to chase, but accidentally knocked down the flower stand beside her, Jin Yanxi didn't want to delay even a second, hurriedly sprinkled a handful of money, and ran after the girl go out.

At this time, the sky suddenly flashed and thundered, and the rain poured down. The girl was sitting in the rickshaw holding the lily, unaware that there was a fool running in the rain, chasing her.

It wasn't until the girl entered the courtyard with the word cold that Jin Yanxi stopped, slumped on the ground, and grinned loudly, as if she had finally found the dream she had pursued all her life.

Lu Bingyang's acting skills were fully displayed at this moment.

Everyone could feel Jin Yanxi's joy from the heart, the love that was almost overflowing in her eyes, and the enthusiasm of running and chasing in the rain.

This scene really touched countless audiences, and made everyone full of good expectations and longing for the love between Jin Yanxi and Leng Qingqiu.

But this Golden Fan Family is not just about the love and hatred of this pair of young people. Love is just a bright color in that turbulent era.

More, it is a doomed tragedy.

In that era, the warlords separated each other and current affairs were complicated. As a wealthy family of several generations, the Jin family possessed powerful power and financial resources, but temporary glory did not mean eternity.

The Jin family has no successors, and after the head of the Jin family resigned as the prime minister, no one in the Jin family can support this big family.

The sons of the Jin family don't have any sense of being prepared for danger in times of peace. They just drink and have fun all day long. Under the drastic changes of the times, they will eventually become a bubble of the times and be overwhelmed by the rings of history.

As for the love between Jin Yanxi and Leng Qingqiu, no matter how beautiful, touching, and enviable it was at the beginning, it is already doomed to a tragic ending.

This is not only the tragedy of the two, but also the tragedy of the times.

But this is still the first episode, and the audience does not have a God's perspective to know the follow-up plot in advance. Just judging from the plot of the first episode, it is undoubtedly a sweet love drama of the Republic of China.

Especially what Jin Yanxi did for Leng Qingqiu, seemingly silly but very affectionate and romantic actions, really pierced the hearts of the audience.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: I can only say that it is indeed the script written by Brother Fan himself? Brother Fan's accomplishments in romantic dramas have reached the peak, there is no love story that Brother Fan can't play! 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: ahhhhh, brother Fan is too good at it! This old man's teenage heart is about to be overturned. If the old man meets a man who has one-tenth of Jin Yanxi's persistence, we don't have to be single until now! 】

[Aunt Bohemian: Brother Lu and Xiangxiang's acting skills are simply amazing! I have always stayed in the youthful look when they were making movies. But I didn't expect that after two years, both of them's acting skills have improved so much! 】

[Beauty sees the same thing: Brother Lu and Xiangxiang really match each other. I respect the cp first. I just hope that the screenwriter will not throw a knife. But when I think that the screenwriter is Brother Fan, I think about it again. In brother love movies, either the heroine dies or the hero dies, or they die together, I feel a little suspenseful...]


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