Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

The first thousand and forty-nine chapters #I don't deserve#

[Fuck! Brother Fan, you're fucked up! 】

The dense barrage instantly covered the entire screen of the show, making it impossible for people to see clearly what the guests in the show were like at this moment.

The attitudes of the guests can only be distinguished through the endless applause and exclamation.

Oh my god! What kind of divine comedy is this? I feel that I will never be able to write such a song in my life!

My scalp was numb all the time, as if I had watched an entire Avengers movie!

Brother Fan, do you still lack pendants on your thighs? The kind that can call 666 so that you don't cling to others?


Of course, the loudest one was Liang Ben's loud voice: Oh shit, it's a good thing I didn't agree to go on stage with Brother Fan, otherwise such a good song would always be ruined by me!

The other guests were deeply impressed, and kept nodding in agreement: Yeah!

Compared with the guests on the scene, they need to worry about the camera and pay attention to their manners. The audience in front of the screen doesn't have so many worries. One or two are like crazy, desperately brushing the barrage:

[Squatting in the toilet and singing anxiously: Ahhh! Fan brother is too x! so amazing! Too awesome! How could there be such a powerful person like Brother Fan in the world? How do you let other singers live like this? 】

[Too many enemies are inconvenient to disclose their names: Fanfan, you must be a woman in your next life, because in this life you will be fucked! 】

[Sleeping position determines hairstyle: I always thought that Blue and White Porcelain was already the ceiling of Fan Fan's music creation, but I didn't expect that I knew nothing about Fan Fan's talent! 】

[Calmness is naturally cool and no money is naturally thin: Others' ceilings are due to trying their best to reach this level, while Brother Fan's ceilings are because the ceiling is only so high! I believe that Brother Fan's song has pierced the ceiling and led us to the sky! 】

[Can the walnuts caught by the door nourish the brain: Oh my god, this song is so good! It's like watching a movie, no, it's like listening to an opera, no, I don't know how to describe this song, anyway, from now on, this is my favorite song in my life ,none of them! 】


Too many bullet chats are crowded together. Except for some specially enlarged and bold fonts that can be effectively read by people, the rest of the bullet chats are piled up layer by layer, and it is impossible to see what is written at all.

But the fans are still happy to send bullet chats, because if they don't do this, they really don't know how else they can express their shock, admiration, and love for Lin Fan and Lin Fan's song, etc. mixed emotions.

Many singers and entertainers who followed Lin Fan's latest news closely also watched the show and heard the song immediately.

Along with the live guests, countless audiences and fans, they witnessed the first appearance of Lin Fan's genius, even legendary music work.

That's right, even the singers who thought they were Lin Fan's competitors couldn't tell lies without conscience. The song In the Name of the Father is a song that has reached the legendary level.

It is only now that it has made its debut in front of the public for the first time, and it has already caused such a shock. Then, with the precipitation of time,

This song will one day be included in the history of Chinese music.

The song itself is outstanding, and Lin Fan's singing skills are even more outstanding.

Regardless of the rhythm of Lin Fan's singing, the speed of speaking is not fast, and even because of Lin Fan's singing tone, he seems a little lazy.

But in fact, the rhythm and rhyme of this song are very unique, the lyrics are also very full, and the overall changes are many, giving people the feeling that it is quite fast.

It was Lin Fan who sang this song lazily according to his own rhythm. This was due to Lin Fan's talent and singing skills. Not everyone could do this.

No swearing, no crying, no diss, no blah blah blah!

Lin Fan's rap is different from that of everyone else in the circle. He doesn't seem to have any specific flow, but whether it's articulation or sentence connection, he is very individual, and has a vitality that other people don't have.

Lin Fan used his strength to tell everyone that rap can still be sung like this!

All of these combined together completed today's stage, which can be called a legendary stage.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but agree with what Liang Ben said when he was solo before the show started.

I do not deserve.


Liang Ben didn't expect that one day he would be on the top three of the hot search list with such an attitude. Of course, the first and second lists were all Lin Fan and the song In the Name of the Father.

And it was thanks to Lin Fan that he was ranked third on the list.

Liang Ben didn't want such a blessing at all.

But no matter whether Liang Ben wants it or not, fans can just give it if they want it, and almost instantly, #梁本我不走# has become a hot word on the Internet, and it appears most frequently in the clips of In the Name of the Father.

Yes, it's no surprise that before the sound source of In the Name of the Father was released, the edited version of the variety show has already become popular all over the Internet.

At the same time, there was also Liang Ben's personal emoji: I don't deserve it.

Netizens had a great time playing Lin Fan's new song Fuck with Liang Ben's personal emoji I don't deserve it.

Even Lin Fan's friends in the circle posted news on their super blog and joined the carnival.

[Hui Qiaodan: Everyone, come and pay homage to the boss @林轩, #我不漂#! 】

[Zhou Yue: I think In the Name of the Father can get at least four nominations at this year's Golden Melody Awards: Best Song, Best Composition, Best Lyrics and Best Arrangement, what do you think? @ Meng Anping]

Meng Anping forwarded Zhou Yue's news to his own super blog, and then Aite checked the Golden Melody Awards Organizing Committee, and finally added the classic emoticon package #我不起#, and the whole process was very smooth.

Just after reposting Zhou Yue's super blog, Meng Anping called his old friend: This is what you said, so don't regret not coming when the time comes. No, whether you will come or not It doesn't matter, as long as your boss comes.

Zhou Yue's mind was full of question marks: What did I say? No, Lao Meng, are you floating or I can't hold the knife anymore. What do you mean it doesn't matter if I come or not?

Meng Anping plausibly said: You said that Lin Fan should be nominated four times for the Golden Melody Awards. If you don't come to the awards ceremony, how can we award Lin Fan? I have screenshots to prove it, you can't deny it!

Zhou Yue huh, judging from the quality of In the Name of the Father, if the four awards of the Golden Melody Awards are not even nominated, then the Golden Melody Awards will really be blind.

The point is that Meng Anping still has the nerve to threaten him with this!

Zhou Yue decided to teach Meng Anping how to be a man: Whether to go to the award ceremony or not, we have the final say. But whether you will be nominated for the Golden Melody Awards, you have no choice. And whether Lin Fan will go, do you want to give it a try? Did I say it counts?

Meng Anping: ... careless!

I thought I could bypass Zhou Yue and take Lin Fan directly, but now, Lin Fan didn't take it, and Zhou Yue is going to fly this time!

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