Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1048 Let's rise up and pray


Four gorgeous and ghostly sopranos, combined with the rhythm of guitars and drums, kicked off the mysterious prelude to this classic, dark, gloomy, and playful song.

The audience only felt that the goosebumps that had just calmed down climbed up their backs along their arms. More importantly, there was a feeling that their souls were about to be pulled out, and they were having a strong sense of pulling with their hearts. .

This one-minute prelude has been fully shown to every audience. This is a very unique and unusual song.

Some people have even realized how much impact the song they will hear next will have on the entire music scene.

At this time, the accompaniment ended, Lin Fan also stopped his prayer, and slowly raised his head, with a trace of pity hidden in his deep eyes.

Cool morning dew

wet black dress

foggy stone road

father whispering

helpless consciousness

can only be more cruel

All for the way to the sanctuary

lingering fog

Hidden intention

who paces softly


too late to cry

The bullet that goes through takes away the heat—

It turned out to be, rap!

No one expected that Lin Fan spent so much effort to create a religious atmosphere with prayer monologues in Italian, and the soprano sang to add to the sense of religion and darkness. A listener, who paints a picture of tenderness and cruelty, ends up interpreting the song in a rapping way!

When everyone first listened to the prelude that was like a movie soundtrack, they thought it would be a classic song like !

But who would have thought that Lin Fan would be so unconventional.

No, it's not that Lin Fan didn't take the usual path, Lin Fan didn't walk on the path at all, but stepped on everyone's heads directly!

Yes, just the prelude of this song, which is gorgeous and ghostly, with both religious classical and dark atmosphere, has already thrown all other rappers in the Chinese music scene to nowhere!

Each of us is guilty

guilty of different

i can decide who is right

who should sleep

Arguments can't be resolved

in the never ending night

shut your mouth

the only favor

whoever stands in the way is guilty

Regret and no way out

judge in the name of the father

It doesn't feel right for the vocabulary

like laughing and crying

staring into total blackness

Tragedy that stops tragedy from spreading makes me drunk—

Lin Fan's voice was lazy and loose,

There is still a touch of compassion in the eyes that is hard to ignore, but the lyrics sung are very domineering, deep and dark, making people want to listen to it but feel that they should not listen to it anymore, but they can't stop the temptation of the song .

It's like a movie, with the music and Lin Fan's singing slowly kicking off.

The first shot of the movie tells everyone that after watching this movie, you will fall into hell forever. But before the movie ends, you still have the opportunity to cover your eyes, plug your ears, or even turn off the movie, and exit the crisis of sinking.

But no one can extricate themselves, unable to stop.

I had no choice but to follow Lin Fan and sink into this enchanting and psychedelic melody.

Look down and kiss my left hand

in exchange for the promise of forgiveness

old pipe organ in the corner

all the time, all the time

The black curtain is blown by the wind

the sun penetrates silently

Sprinkle on the beasts that I have tamed

Shout out silently Shout out silently

Loneliness begins to ferment

keep laughing at me

Memories gradually burn

once pure picture

brutally tender appear

vulnerable time

Let's pray together—

As soon as these three lyrics came out, the audience seemed to understand the story told by Lin Fan.

The first paragraph tells the story of a young man who is burdened with blood and deep hatred, but cannot get rid of this painful situation, and his heart is full of unspoken secrets, so he can only struggle with himself.

In the second paragraph, Lin Fan's ability to write lyrics once again shocked all the audience. Only a few short lines of lyrics, Crying while laughing and Tragedy that prevents the spread of tragedy, conveyed the two great contrasting emotions of the teenager. Blending together, it reflects the strong inner conflict and struggle of the protagonist in the story.

The third paragraph is a link between the past and the future, telling everyone that the boy has grown up from ignorance, and has grown into a godfather who is terrifying and at the same time willing to surrender.

The whole lyric is extremely gorgeous, elegant and rigorous, and it also makes the best foreshadowing for the following chorus.

Lord Father, I have fallen into

A country that does not see sin

please forgive my ego

no one can say no one can say

so hard to bear

Behind the glory is engraved a lonely

I close my eyes and see again

The picture of that dream

the sky is foggy

father holding my hand

walk gently

The quiet stone road in the early morning—

Lin Fan held the microphone with both hands, as if clasped together, lowered his extraordinarily dazzling head, and closed those deep eyes, like a most devout believer, sincerely repenting to his godfather.

The interlude also sounded at this time, and in the elegant piano sound, the elegant opera soprano sounded again.

This time, she melodiously sang a prayer from the Bible:


merciful jesus

please forgive the sins of the world


Give them rest in peace—”

It is like the guidance in the dark night, the redemption in life, and the bewitchment in the darkness, the sinking in the depths of the soul, holy and ghostly, looming, making people struggle out of the dark story.

But, the next moment!






Five gunshots in succession shattered all the ghostly and psychedelic dreams, broke all illusions, and revealed the naked and bloody reality.

Where is there any repentance, where is there any redemption, this is clearly a journey of revenge!

The young man seemed to reveal his truest inner monologue, constantly repenting to the heavenly father, trying in vain to obtain the salvation of the heavenly father, but it was because the young man killed his enemy.

From then on, the boy fell into that abyss.

Lord Father, I have fallen into

A country that does not see sin

Please forgive me

my ego

engraved with a lonely

Merciful Father I have fallen into

A country that does not see sin

please forgive my ego

no one can say no one can say

so hard to bear

Behind the glory is engraved a loneliness—”

Lin Fan's voice changed suddenly, making it look more desolate and painful. While staring at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.


The belated sixth shot of the revolver fired, and the boy finally completed his self-salvation.

The mottled family crest was wiped overnight

Only the radiance of loneliness understands the feeling

Candlelight keeps flickering

owl on window sill

Looking into the distance

corridor leading to the hall

same indescribable vicissitudes

No hustle and bustle, only tranquility around

i slowly fell asleep

Dawn just broke—

When the last note in the song fell, the scene was completely silent for three seconds.

The lights on the stage turned on silently, like some kind of signal, waking up everyone in the audience stunned, and also waking up the audience and fans in front of the screen who were beyond shocked.


With a boom, applause, cheers, and screams, there was a bang on the scene!

ps: In the Name of the Father, Jay Chou

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