"It's the root-level law of destruction. Is this the standard outside the world?" Owen said with some emotion.

The root law is not a big cabbage. There are only a few in the whole world, and although it can be destroyed, it is indelible. To put it simply, it can be broken, but it will not disappear. It will eventually reappear, just like an immortal saint, so once you rely on it The law of origin means immortality when one becomes a god.

Unlike the gods in the world, they all rely on secondary laws born from the root laws and cannot be fully integrated, so there is a risk of complete demise.

But the root gods are not invincible, at least not to Owen. What he is worried about now is how many root gods there are like this.

"You are strong enough to leave the world, why are you still here?" Even Eurotata's voice carried the power of destruction. The surrounding space first squeezed out wrinkles, then shattered, emitting an indescribable white light, until Only when the space is repaired can we see things again, but the two parties do not rely on vision, so it has no impact on the conversation.

"Because there is no target yet." Owen's voice contains vitality. Countless spore fungi are produced out of thin air, multiplying infinitely under the influence of chaotic spiritual energy, making the surrounding space sticky. At this time, no matter whether living things or matter, as long as Anyone who enters the range will become nourishment.

"The outside world is vast." Eurotata knew what beings like the other party wanted to know most, so he branched out a little bit of consciousness.

It is said to be divine consciousness, but it contains the consciousness of destruction. Even gods and demons at the level of the Lord God will completely disintegrate once they come into contact with it.

Owen stretched out his fingers and tapped lightly, and the vast starry sky appeared in his consciousness. This is the world that Eurotata has experienced, or the world that has been destroyed.

Eurotata, like Owen, is a detached person from a certain world, but he soon discovered that he was just jumping from a small world to a larger world, because the shell of the world still exists here, just like a matryoshka doll Same.

The unwilling Eurotata tried to break the shell of the world and wanted to see the outside of the world outside the world, but he failed. At the same time, the law of the source of destruction was also out of control, causing him to have to relieve the root of destruction by destroying the world. The pressure of the law on himself, but the more destroyed, the more powerful the law of the source of destruction. As a last resort, Eurotata chose to seal himself and relied on instinct to act. In the end, he almost sealed himself.

"I'm very interested in the Shell of the World. Take me to see it." Owen said unceremoniously.

I don't know what Owen's words touched, but Eurotata's consciousness of destruction suddenly took over. In the huge metal body, endless divine power of destruction began to emerge. There was no target and no need for a target. The result was destruction.

The chaotic planet under his feet could not withstand the power of destruction and began to disintegrate, so Owen began to retrieve the authority stored in the subspace.

As the avatar of the master of subspace, Demon Owen has the authority over life, nature, reproduction, rebirth, disease, plague, hope, etc. With the return of these authorities, the real him begins to revive, and his form gradually reveals the essence of subspace, almost infinite Endless chaotic spiritual energy forms a frenzy and emerges into the total reality. The nearby shell of the world is twisted and activated in an instant, like a mutated starfish, beginning to devour the main material world inside, and even destroy the divine power.

In other words, Owen didn't do anything at all, but just the impact on the surroundings destroyed a world.

Eurotata's remaining consciousness did not understand what was in front of him. It was completely different from everything he knew.

However, as the law of the source of destruction continues to revive, his self-awareness is gradually suppressed. Divine power full of destruction continuously emerges from the huge metal body. The surroundings are affected by the law of destruction. Countless substances and laws collapse, and with Owen The life forces collide.

The collision of destruction and life is more exciting than life and death. With Owen as the center, countless spore fungi appear from scratch and continue to grow, making everything around them slimy and making it feel like breathing is stringy.

The collision between the two sides is like water and fire, but even the Law of the Origin of Destruction has nothing to do with the life transformed by Chaos Spiritual Energy, because Chaos does not have the concept of being destroyed, but instead stimulates the subspace to release more Chaos Spiritual Energy. Gradually approaching Eurotata Tower.

By the time Eurotata realized something was wrong, he had already fallen deep into the subspace.

"Where is this place?!" When Eurotata woke up, he was horrified to find that the law of the source of destruction had failed. He was now just a tall metal giant and could not be called the destroyer of the world at all.

"Let me see what you are hiding." The Elf Sage Owen appeared at some unknown time, expressionlessly manipulating psychic energy to dismantle Eurotata's metal body, kneading his consciousness, and extracting the source of his destruction. Laws, ultimately extracting everything you want to know.

The worlds are like seeds in a fruit, connected by branches that Eurotata calls rivers, and then small branches are connected to thick branches, and thick branches are connected to the main trunk, and finally flow into the roots of the tree.

As for what is under the roots of the tree, he does not know, because no root god who enters it returns.

"Original body, it's time to get up. We seem to have found a way." Demon Owen angrily turned the stripped out law of the source of destruction into terrifying lightning and threw it into the subspace.

This is similar to throwing a small cannon into the bed. It doesn't hurt much, but it is enough to wake up the sleeping body.

As the master of the subspace, Owen's awakening is not that simple. The entire subspace has set off an endless spiritual frenzy, which has even penetrated into reality. The main material world that is being eaten by the chaotic starfish transformed into the shell of the world is like The sand castle on the beach disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, and even the Chaos Starfish was sucked into the subspace and became one of the countless monsters.

After the subject wakes up, the two clones' consciousnesses are connected to it, exchanging memories of countless years.

"I've been sleeping for so long." Irving rarely sighed with emotion, but his unwavering heart made his behavior more like an imitation, imitating himself and this person.

However, his mood really fluctuated when he saw that the system's progress value had changed again.

As the progress value finally reached 100% and the system officially started to activate, Owen's mood fluctuated accordingly, and the side that had been forgotten by time revived. He recalled his time as a human being, and at the same time he was attracted by the side shown by the system. .

The inside of the system is not as mysterious as imagined. It is an aggregation of blessings from countless Yan Xu and Owen, and the number of this aggregation is 666.

"That's it." Owen smiled, he was not alone.

After adding your own blessing, separate a portion from the aggregate and throw it into the void.

Owen looked at the reward given by the system when it reached 100%, Minecraft, and began his own journey of creation.

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