Facing the many different choices of gods and demons, Owen didn't care. It was like watching different TV programs at the same time. He still sat there and watched while continuing to release chaotic spiritual energy to distort and corrode the brass planet, as if he wanted to Let a healthy apple rot as quickly as possible.

This time with many gods and demons as moving subspace markers, Owen released more chaotic pollution and spread over a larger area, leaving the apple covered with mold spots and immediately activating more defense mechanisms of the Brass Planet.

Because the entire planet is a mechanical body, no one knows how many things are hidden inside. All they can see is the endless brass tauren, like white blood cells in the human body, swarming in from all corners, fighting with the Orc demons and The Chaos Demon Army launched a fierce war, relying on their numerical superiority to nearly drown the two.

But it's useless. Ork demons reproduce very fast. There are almost as many Ork demons as there are spores. With the blessing of Chaos spiritual energy, the growth rate is incredibly fast. It can be said that one spore is a mushroom. A mushroom is an Ork Demon, so it is almost inexhaustible to kill. Even if the Brass Minotaur repeatedly crushes every inch of the ground with its hard hooves, more mushrooms will always grow in the corners, even when the Brass Minotaur on the body.

Although there are not that many Chaos Demons, and their reproductive capacity is not that strong, they are immortal, so you can see that the Chaos Demons here were just killed by the Brass Minotaur, and they were reborn from the vented Chaos Spiritual Energy. , and the position is refreshed randomly, just like the endless wild monsters in the leveling area, it is almost time to refresh the screen.

Fortunately, the Brass Minotaur is a puppet with no self-awareness. If he has any consciousness at all, he will probably collapse.

The increasingly serious crisis finally reached the point of awakening the planet's consciousness. In order to avoid being oppressed by the mass that exceeded the upper limit, the poor planet's consciousness began to wake up and was forced to bear the seriously overloaded mass.

"The intruder cannot be eliminated. Activate the escape device."

For some reason, Owen was stunned to hear a feeling of joy from the last sentence, and then found that the entire planet began to decompose.

First, there is the heavy outer armor shell like a continental plate. After the explosion bolt detachment device is activated, and the crater-like connecting device spurts out flames hundreds of meters high, the armor begins to detach, followed by the internal mountain-like metal frame and transmission structure. , power structure, as well as resource recovery conversion and power system.

The whole system is not complicated, but the layers are added up to build this behemoth, which makes the original core unbearable and even impossible to get rid of, because according to the original setting, even the core cannot disintegrate itself in violation of regulations, even if this can It is free from constant self-sacrifice.

Therefore, the intruder represented by Owen gave the other party a chance to escape.

After realizing this, Owen just laughed. The tortoise who had shed his shell was much lighter. The question was, could he run away?

But don't worry, let it take off its shell first. Owen calmly uses those gods and demons as nodes, and uses spiritual energy to attract those shells that have separated from the main body of the brass planet. This makes those gods and demons the first to be eliminated. The targets could only run around in embarrassment, which made Owen laugh out loud. In order to make them last longer, they were given more chaotic psychic energy according to different performances, and even directly resurrected those who should have returned to the subspace to lie down and wait for recovery. The unlucky guy.

Gods and demons are not ordinary chaos demons. Their resurrection is more troublesome, but for Owen, these are not problems. Sooner or later, it is not him who has the final say.

After discovering that they could not die no matter what, and even became stronger and stronger, many gods and demons who took refuge in the subspace realized the power of the supreme master of the subspace, so they became more attentive and even sacrificed to achieve their goals, because the gods and demons It is clear that sacrifice is nothing compared to pleasing the Supreme Being.

After many gods and demons invented various ways of death, brass armor plates in the void as big as land were attracted to each other under the influence of Chaos Spiritual Energy. Then Owen opened the Chaos Channel, forming a crack, and a massive amount of Chaos Spiritual Energy It can be poured down thickly, melting or twisting all these metals, and forming a planet of chaos.

Because the influx of chaotic spiritual energy was too large, it began to cause extremely terrifying phenomena to the outside world. The originally colorless void was distorted and turned into colorful black. At the same time, the shell of the world not far away was also corrupted. It is like turning into biological tissue, and some twisted monsters are born from it, each one more ferocious than the last.

These monsters are not Chaos Demons, but lower-quality derivatives, just like barnacles growing on the bottom of ships, but that does not mean they are useless, because Owen needs more and more complex materials to build his planet. , so the already damaged shell of the world cracked, and under the influence of chaotic spiritual energy, it was thrown into the forming chaotic planet.

Every part of the Brass Planet is extremely pure, and every part of the World Shell is extremely chaotic. The two sides should be completely incompatible, but nothing can reject the Warp, and nothing can resist the distortion of Chaos Spiritual Energy, so the two The matter just stirs together to form a weird planet.

At this time, all the shells of the Brass Planet have been decomposed, and a large number of internal parts have been discarded. All of them were absorbed by Owen, who never refused to come. They all fell to the Chaos Planet, and were picked up by the cheering Ork Demon with a smile on his face. They began to use their imaginative and unconstrained methods to create the Anxunsi flow.

A hole was dug in the middle of the Chaos Planet, and an indescribable cannon was gradually knocked out by the Ork Demon, which made Owen's brows jump when he saw it.

The Ork demons on the surface are building huge metal machines. They actually imitated the fine gold mechanical tauren to build the ancient giant foundation belonging to the Ork demons.

"Still lacking motivation." Owen murmured to himself, then stretched out a big hand to catch Bolsharo, who had also landed on the Chaos Planet, but was hiding and shivering.

"Although it's a little thin, I can only make do with it." Although Owen was a little dissatisfied, he still didn't let it go. He lit Bolsharo like a candle and stuffed it into the core of the Chaos Planet, like a spark plug. Ignite the continuous infusion of chaotic spiritual energy to provide powerful energy for this battle planet with endless wails.

With sufficient power, the Ork Demon became more motivated and prepared for war.

Owen also saw the true form revealed by the Brass Planet, a metal giant that started at a hundred kilometers.

Although the metal giant is tall, it is obviously small compared to the previous metal planet. No wonder the oppression almost wiped away its self-consciousness. Even now, it has not fully recovered. He vaguely felt the threat posed by the chaotic planet and condensed into The actual world-destroying divine power directly ignored the space on both sides and fell on the chaotic planet, almost tearing the entire planet apart, and countless Ork demons were destroyed along with it.

With a touch of Owen's hand, time was reversed, the cracks disappeared, the divine power was swallowed up by the subspace, and everything was as before.

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