Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 656 The Explosion and Restart of the Material Realm

The incident that occurred at Recycling Base No. 36 was just an ordinary trivial matter for the Empire. Even if a recycling base was razed to the ground, after the incident was over, it would only be turned into a thin file and placed in a huge and dark archive. In the library, it is estimated that there is no possibility of being checked by anyone.

And today's empire has no time to pay attention to these small things. In fact, even Owen rarely pays attention to the prayers of believers, even those nuns with fanatical beliefs, because he has more important things to do, waiting for the explosion of the material world. That day.

Only when the material world explodes, space is shattered, and the laws are reorganized can he successfully pull the Northern Group of Galaxies into the subspace. Otherwise, the fluctuations alone can kill most of the life in the empire and even cause the plane to shatter. But at this moment, there is no Keep Owen waiting too long.

The location of the Initial World is not a secret. Most gods know where it is. As the center of the material world, the birthplace of the Root Law, and the location of the inner network of the Divine Network, the Initial World is the strongest and most stable place, and it is also the camp of order. The last refuge.

In the Land of Order, several big guys from the Order camp were discussing something with the still-living God of Order. It could be seen that everyone's expressions were not very good, because the out-of-control situation forced them to make a difficult decision.

Okay, we are all gods. We know very well that since the ancient gods escaped from contaminating the material world, there is only one choice left for us. The person who spoke was not a big boss, but a very ordinary god of order. Oh, but it was his words that made all voices stop and fall into silence.

He is right. There is no point in arguing and discussing. Let's make final preparations. The boss who spoke made the final announcement.

But I'm still very unwilling. It's obviously only the last step. Another boss clenched his fists, but was full of helplessness.

Who told us to do too much, leaving no room for compromise? It is not normal for the other party to choose to die together. Because the outcome has been determined, no one cares about superiority, an unknown ordinary god mocked Speaking of.

The faces of the big bosses who made the decision were not very good-looking, but just as the god said, it was their no-nonsense approach that caused the situation to completely collapse.

In any case, the outcome has been determined. No matter what emotions they have, all the gods in the order camp choose to burn their divine power, divine body, divine personality, and everything they can burn, just to leave their mark on the order more deeply. In law.

As the God of Order disappeared, the land of order that had lost its maintenance began to collapse, triggering a chain reaction.

Because of the disease in the material world, the law of order has been doing its best to maintain the final bottom line from collapse. However, after losing the god of order, it was like all the staff ran away, completely out of control, and the order as the root law was shaken to its foundation.

The extremely stable root laws that were originally the pillars of the material world have been loosened one after another, and even impossible collisions have occurred with each other.

The root law is the basis for the existence of the material world. Just like one plus one must equal one, and a thrown apple must fall to the ground. Each root law as a pillar extends out countless secondary laws, which are connected to each other like steel wires. Building the foundation for the existence of the entire material world, their collision is by no means as simple as a collision, but a complete collapse.

I don't know how long it took, but Owen, who was in the subspace, finally waited for an explosion that was enough to shake the entire material world. In his perception, the material world that had turned into a cesspit first bulged into a big bag, and then an infinite shock wave swept through most of it with a loud noise. In the material world, in an instant, countless planes dissipated like bubbles and merged into the void.

But these are just appearances. In addition to matter, the explosion originating from the root law also destroyed the law network of the material world.

Without the law network as the underlying support, the material world loses space, loses time, loses everything that can be lost, and turns it all into nothingness. After all, this is a restart that turns everything tangible and intangible into nothingness. The explosion is just an appearance. .

But because the material world is seriously polluted, the twisted laws have offset a lot of its power. After all, complete Lego bricks will break when dropped, and the only way to use the tool box is to use the tool box for deformed parts.

The explosion originating from the Initial World is gradually weakening in power as it spreads, because the mutated laws are more difficult to destroy. The impact that could have completely shattered matter and laws can now only push away most of the matter and remaining laws that are difficult to decompose. , just like throwing a firecracker into a pool full of garbage. The middle of the explosion is clean, but more garbage accumulates on the edge. For example, ancient gods and those corrupt gods, only a few died in the explosion, and the rest were pushed away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Owen successfully pulled the Northern Group of galaxies into subspace and completed his escape plan, but the changes caused by an explosion in the material world had just begun.

But Owen didn't expect that the aftermath of the explosion in the initial world would stop at the edge of the material world, which meant that the power of the explosion was not enough to shatter the entire material world. This was by no means good news, because those ancient people who were pushed here The gods and corrupt gods are still alive, but they are wrapped in layers of material that is difficult to dissolve, which is a kind of alternative seal.

Without enough time to pay attention to these, Irving focused on the next changes.

As the aftermath subsided, the huge vacuum created by the explosion began to disappear, just like the surrounding water would automatically backfill after the power of the explosion in the water ended.

The incalculable void matter that was purified in the explosion just gathered together at an extremely fast speed as the vacuum disappeared. Something beyond imagination was bred in the extremely high mass of the core, and the remaining edge of the material world was Like an abandoned snake shed, it still carries the mark of the old era, but there is nothing between the two.

It is not void, because there is no matter or law between the two, including time and space. Therefore, even the ancient gods cannot travel through it because it does not exist at all.

But this has no effect on the self-contained subspace. No matter the law or the mass, it is enough to fill the void that disappears in the middle. Therefore, after pulling the Northern Group of galaxies into the subspace, Owen has always paid close attention to the next changes and has not missed it. Every bit.

The laws disappear, and those who are not at a sufficient level may not even know what is happening, but Owen, as the master of subspace, can sense everything.

The originally collapsed root law is being rebuilt, discarding useless structures and adding new elements, becoming more streamlined and stronger.

As the root laws are rebuilt, slightly turbid substances begin to precipitate. The clear ones rise and the turbid ones sink, outlining the prototype of a new world. New laws are also born again from the roots, weaving into a network, accelerating the formation of the world. , everything is changing for the better.

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