This book is the longest one I have written. Generally speaking, the early stage is okay, the middle stage is average, but in the later stage, it has an old problem and is a bit out of control.

The main reason is that I don’t have an outline and rely entirely on inspiration and constant revision, so sometimes it’s painful to write by myself, but I can’t bear to end it, so I can only hold on.

But generally speaking, we are still making progress. After all, the collection of the first book was only in double digits, and then it went from a few hundred to a few thousand, and now to over ten thousand. To be honest, as a non-professional writer, it all depends on luck. Hobby, the current results are pretty good.

Of course, this is completely inseparable from the support of readers. Many old readers have followed several books. Although I have never thanked those who voted and rewarded in the chapters, my ability to persist until now is really due to all of you. support, otherwise the subscriptions for each chapter are only over 100 now, and they would have been cut off long ago.

I don’t know how far I will continue to write in the future, but at least I will persist until my inspiration and love are not completely wiped out by life.

I don’t smoke, drink or drink, and I don’t like human interaction. Apart from novels and writing, I have no other hobbies, so I won’t disappear for the time being.

The new book The Bronze Door Through Time and Space was found from a pile of folders with only the header opened. The subject matter is a bit old, so I tried to make it as special as possible.

The protagonist will not be too evil. After all, life is much more than fighting and killing, and his mind is not that smart, because there are more smart people in this world. He will not leave no room for anything, nor will he be merciful. He just wants to go on alive and try his best in the process. Just be comfortable, not ambitious, and just be happy.

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