Silver Flash desperately fled in the void with Mira and Shu Lao's seeds. The green land of Order has been destroyed. They have also lost their own plane and the Kingdom of God. They have lost contact with the Order camp for a long time. Now they only have Can go to Irving like a lost dog.

As for Owen's current situation, they don't know, but reality forces them to take a gamble. If they lose the bet, they will die together. If they win the bet, they will probably die late. Who made the order camp offend too many forces in the past? , now they are being besieged by a group of people, and those who want to add insult to injury have to queue up, and there is no way for them to survive.

It seems that there has been a big war here, but who can beat the orcs like this. Silver Flash said in surprise. He had never seen the orcs beaten so badly. The void was full of corpses that had no time to decompose, and even There is also the most troublesome war land fragment for the orcs. This thing can even smash the demiplane into pieces like cheese, but now it is scattered into the void waiting to be decomposed, causing the concentration of nearby void matter to increase a lot, so the corpse That’s why it decomposed so slowly.

I haven't heard that there is any powerful force here? Mira emerged from the silver shining mane, looked at it carefully, and then said doubtfully.

There is no fluctuation in divine power. It seems to be just a mortal war. However, it is really amazing that the orcs who can fight with the power of mortals are stopped. Silver Flash said in amazement, even he has never seen such a thing, and Mira kept saying it. Nodding in agreement, because the plane that belongs to them has not resisted, but it can only be said to be better than nothing.

Orcs don't know magic, and their biggest reliance is the power of qi and blood. This is a huge disadvantage, but the power of qi and blood is one of the few powers that is not affected by the void, so it is easily restrained by magic in the plane, but it is difficult to use in the void. When using magic, an orc can kill a fragile mage with one finger. Even a unicorn cannot fight against more orcs in the void, let alone the fragile goblin.

The powerful physique and terrifying numbers make any mortal force extremely powerless in the face of the orc void invasion. Therefore, gods must intervene, otherwise it is only a matter of time before destruction.

But once the gods intervene, the orc gods will definitely jump out with their mouths wide open and beat the opponent violently. This trick has been tried many times.

Therefore, facing the invasion of orcs is always a headache, because you can't defeat it, but if you can defeat it, you will see if these gods will kill the orcs.

Now there is actually a powerful force that is on par with the orcs who are as powerful as hobs. How can they not surprise Silver Flash and Mira.

As the silver flash continued to deepen, the grand battlefield taking place in the void slowly unfolded in front of him and Mira. It turned out that what they saw was just the beginning.

In the endless void, giant metal ships that are hundreds or even hundreds of meters long are flying at extremely fast speeds driven by powerful engines. Their thick armor and multi-layered energy shields allow the warships to completely ignore the corrosion of the void and not care. The corpses and debris floating in the void were like wild boars rushing into the farmland.

Silver Flash and Mira had never seen such a huge metal creation, it was completely beyond their imagination.

In their astonishment, this steel fleet, led by the largest warship, violently smashed the weak dimensional barrier of the orc war land, suspended there like an aerial fortress, posing the greatest provocation to countless orcs.

The angry orcs ignored their kin who were drawn into the void. Under the leadership of the war chief, they roared angrily and tried to attack those human creations that dared to stay above the orcs' heads.

In the Golden Shield first-class battleship, Shu Liya reclined lazily on the powerful and comfortable captain's chair, recalling the beauty of last night. I have to say that the demonized elves are very powerful for both men and women.

Shu Liya's handsome appearance, charming temperament, proficient skills, flexible tail, and amazing endurance have made Shu Liya unable to stop after having a taste of it all these years.

But in comparison, Shu Liya was more interested in war, especially leading the imperial fleet to fight countless enemies in the void. In comparison, as a pirate queen, she was as childish as playing with a duck in the bathtub.

Don't these orcs know how to learn their lesson? Shu Liya said boredly as she looked at the orcs charging towards the battleship under the leadership of the demigod war chief.

Release the Void Wanderers to guard the battleship, find the hidden orc priests at the same time, solve these troubles, and then warm up the main guns, ready to give the orcs some color. After all, Shu Liya never underestimated these orcs, and followed the steps issue orders.

As the armor unfolded, the void wanderers hidden inside were like a swarm of bees leaving the hive. Some guarded around the battleship, and some lowered their altitude and shuttled over the orcs, looking for the orc priests.

Since there are orc gods, there will naturally be orc priests, and they are also the very few orcs who have the ability to cast spells.

However, most orc priests only like to rush forward and crush the enemies after being in a blessed state. Only a few weirdos like to use long-range spells to solve the enemies.

Although there are few, it has to be said that the orc priest's spells are in the same style as the orcs and are famous for their powerful power. Therefore, out of caution, Shu Liya plans to resolve these unstable factors first.

Facing the Void Wanderers flying in groups, the orcs can only rely on long-range attacks such as throwing axes, which they are not good at. However, the speed of the swooping Void Wanderers has reached the speed of sound, and the frontal exposure area is very small. If you want to rely on If you hit with the ax throwing, it really depends on your luck.

And even though the Void Wanderer is not that big, it is faster and more flexible. Not only does it have wings that are sharper than blades, it can also emit high-temperature rays. Although it is not fatal to the orcs, it will immediately expose itself once it is damaged. And it is very powerful. Even if the skin is as thick as an orc, it will be blown to pieces, which is fatal.

As a result, a group of orcs either had their hands and feet cut off by void wanderers that passed by at low altitude, or their skin and flesh were scorched and rotted by heat rays. If they were unfortunate enough to see the dive, the explosion in the blink of an eye would turn the unlucky orc priests into charred pieces. By the way, all the orcs around him were implicated.

But what really caused the orcs to feel the pain, and shocked both Silver Flash and Mira who accidentally entered the battlefield, were the metal projectiles fired by those giant ships.

The weight of each heavy artillery shell is measured in tons. After being launched, it still maintains strong kinetic energy and sinks deeply into the extremely hard ground of the war land, just like a lead ball falling on a sponge pad, but the power it explodes is as powerful as a small one. The volcano is enough to turn an area of ​​several hundred meters into a hell. The only difference lies in how many pieces the orcs will break into.

When prepared, a single salvo can send an orc into a state of ecstasy, and that's just the beginning.

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