Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 641 The Clone Legion and the Joy of the Machine Soul

Although he has created a super trump card, Owen does not intend to expose the Queen Mother now, let alone have anything to do with the Empire. It is obvious that this will also turn the Empire into a public enemy in the material world. After all, no one likes to devour everything. Zerg, so most of the time, the empire still needs to rely on itself to fight. In this case, he must cheat for the empire.

The first is the problem of population. The main force of the empire's battles is humans, but there is an upper limit to how many humans can reproduce, and it is impossible for humans to breed like offspring one after another.

Since the Zerg were all out, Owen, who no longer had any scruples, simply used the cloning technology.

In many game worlds, human cloning is not a sophisticated technology, and there are many who can achieve mass production. However, they are limited by the so-called morals and ethics of civilized society and dare not do it openly. As for privately, if there is no, Where did the cloning technology come from?

The Empire didn't have these concerns, and even if it did, it couldn't care less about it now. So after Owen redeemed a variety of cloning technologies, the Empire's scientific research center quickly integrated a cloning technology or cloning machine called Hive.

The structure of the integrated cloning machine is similar to a honeycomb. After concentrating most of the functions on a huge metal column, a series of culture chambers are spliced ​​outside the core of the central column. They are shaped like pine cones and can theoretically be spliced ​​infinitely. However, in order to It is convenient for construction and maintenance, and the upper limit will not exceed 10,000.

However, due to the excessive pursuit of efficiency, the clones produced have various defects, such as slow reaction, physical weakness, and inability to take care of themselves.

The Empire did not need a group of bodies that could only crawl on the ground, so it improved the original design again. In addition to adding memory infusion and brainwashing devices, it also added strengthening potions and bioelectric currents.

The former will allow the clones to have the memory of basic education and incomparable loyalty to the empire from birth, while the latter will allow the clones to have strong physical fitness and corresponding muscle reactions, like elites who have been trained for many years.

I thought this would be perfect, but the problems of genetic defects and collapse of consciousness persisted, and the defective rate remained high.

Later, after repeated inspection and research, I found that this was not a technical problem, but caused by insufficient life source and incomplete soul.

There is an upper limit to the number of lives that can be reproduced in each plane, otherwise the planes would not be graded.

Theoretically, the higher the level of the plane, the more intelligent life it can sustain. Therefore, once the life beyond the upper limit of the plane is reproduced, there will be inherent deficiencies.

There is nothing Irving can do about this. After all, the total amount is only so much, and he can't make something out of nothing.

However, if internal strength is insufficient, external strength can still be sought. Owen, who knows how to adapt, immediately ordered the empire to transform the clone hive into a void spaceship.

The modification is very simple. First strengthen the overall structure, then fix it on the keel, then cover the shell and install the engine to take off. Anyway, there is no need to consider combat issues. The weapons and armor only need to be kept to a minimum.

After arriving at its destination, the hive spaceship, which is as bloated as corn, is inserted into the Void Fruit driven by spiritual energy, and then continuously absorbs the magical substances in it.

The Void Fruit is the beginning of all life in the material world. Everything from a plane to an insect is derived from the Void Fruit.

Therefore, after absorbing the power of the Void Fruit, the flaws of the clones have been completed. In addition to similar looks and the same consciousness, they are not very different from normal humans, but it is difficult to adapt to normal life, let alone integrate in, because of their There are no such life experiences in his memory, and he lacks all kinds of desires, but as a soldier, the clone is undoubtedly perfect.

They are loyal to the empire, abide by discipline, do not question or hesitate, obey orders and prohibitions, and have no fear of any enemy they face. They are simply the perfect soldiers that any officer dreams of.

Thanks to the improvement of cloned hive technology, the empire has a steady supply of soldiers. The ten hives built in the first phase alone allow the empire to obtain 100,000 high-quality soldiers every year.

Ordinary soldiers only need more than this time to train, not to mention that the training time can be shortened to thirty days if no matter the cost.

Although the soldiers cloned in this way have mental and genetic damage and their life span will not exceed three years, as emergency products, they are undoubtedly qualified.

This is just the beginning. The empire plans to increase the number of clone hives to one hundred within ten years so that it can cope with the increasingly large-scale void war. As for how many clone hives will be built in the end, it can only be said that the empire is very ambitious, because that is A five-digit number.

After the population problem was solved, Owen then exchanged the source of fire.

There are elemental creatures in the material world, but silicon-based life forms like the Autobots have never appeared, and there is no basis for their existence, unless Owen is willing to hand over the source of fire and let the source of fire become part of the laws of the material world. .

Of course Owen was unwilling, so he threw the fire source into the subspace to strengthen the machine soul, making the empire's huge number of machines seem to have souls and undergo incredible changes.

Although there are more cumbersome rituals to pray and praise the machine soul, and a huge number of bells have to be cast, the machine soul's joyful machine can often create jaw-dropping miracles, such as a thirty-round bolt gun. After firing hundreds of rounds of bullets, the void battleship drifted in the enemy formation.

Why is it becoming more and more like Warhammer? Owen, who was staying in the subspace to observe the material world, suddenly felt a bit of toothache.

Is it because of him or the material world? Anyway, the smell of Warhammer is getting stronger and stronger, and Owen doesn't know whether these changes are good or bad.

But think about the other side of the Warhammer Four Peddlers, Khorne who represents courage, Slaanesh who represents joy, Nurgle who represents life, and Tzeentch who represents wisdom.

Maybe these changes are for good.

Owen thought this unconfidently. As for whether he really thought so, it didn't matter. He was forced to do it anyway.

While Owen was busy helping the empire cheat, he did not realize that the orcs and void zerg had already involved more forces.

The orcs will fight anyone, and the Void Zerg will eat everything. In the eyes of both sides, there are no allies or camps at all. It depends on who fights whom, and who eats whom they see. As a result, more and more unlucky people are involved along the way. , eventually turned into a fierce melee.

There are only a few gods who can push the plane and run. Even if they can, they can't outrun the orcs and void zerg. As a result, any force that encounters these two can only choose to resist to the end or escape alone.

If you look at the empire, you will know that any resistance is a joke, even the gods are no exception. Therefore, countless planes and kingdoms of gods were destroyed.

On the contrary, this caused the void material concentration in Owen's area to skyrocket again, because the plane that still persists here is like an attractor, attracting the birth of new life here.

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