Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 639 The shortcomings of the empire

A large number of small pieces of ore that disintegrated in the air were embedded in the land, densely packed with pits upon pits, which was very ugly.

However, the mining truck reacted very quickly and immediately put down the shovel-like device in front of it to crush the soil and collect the ore. After removing impurities such as earth and rocks, it stored it in the ore box at the back for further processing after returning to the base.

No one dared to relax their vigilance during this process. Except for a driver, there was also a miner who was responsible for manipulating the machine gun, because no one knew what else would fall with the ore. If they encountered a void creature, they could only pray. The 12mm heavy machine gun on the roof of the car and the pistol carried with you can protect yourself. Facts have proved that although this is not a psychological comfort, the chance of surviving safely is indeed not high.

Although the process is very dangerous, it must be said that the efficiency of this method is amazing.

After void decomposition and airdrop burning, the purity of these ores has been close to metal, and there are no large fragments. They only need to be collected simply, saving a lot of manpower and material resources, so even if there are risks, they are ignored.

When the on-board communicator flashed red, the mining vehicle that was collecting ore immediately opened the throttle and turned around as quickly as possible to rush out of the area where the meteorite landed. Otherwise, they would be like the wreckage of the mining vehicle abandoned here. The metal is broken down by the meteorite into finer metals and then recycled along with the ore.

New ore rain fell, and a new mining vehicle rushed in. This nearly full mining vehicle arrived at the base safely after repelling various strange creatures that accompanied the meteorites from the void.

After skillfully dumping the heavy ore onto the conveyor belt connected to the steel-making furnace for preliminary purification, the mining vehicle will be sent to the repair shop for maintenance. Otherwise, if it breaks down, no one will be able to come back alive.

When the mining vehicle is refueled for maintenance, the miners also get valuable rest time. After blowing off the toxic dust on their bodies under the strong wind of the high-power blower, they take off their heavy and smelly life-support devices and enter the deepest part of the entire base. In precious artificial gardens.

The fully enclosed artificial garden is planted with some magical plants from the empire. Although the number is not large, in this desolate plane, these plants that represent vitality have become the spiritual sustenance of the miners.

Looking at the vibrant plants, even the tasteless starch blocks no longer seem so unpalatable. The strange-smelling drinking water that has been filtered countless times also has a hint of grass, which reminds the tired miners. The planting world where I grew up. Although it's boring and boring, it's at least safe.

After a short rest, the mine carts once again headed to the dangerous area where meteorite fragments had just fallen to collect more resources for the base and the empire. This was their job and the mission given to them by the empire.

The resources initially refined in the steel-making furnace will be sent to the second casting plane for further processing.

Compared to the dilapidated appearance of Mining Plane No. 1, Foundry Plane No. 2 is better. At least the ground is flat. However, there are tall chimneys and roaring machinery everywhere, causing the sky to be always dark and the air pollution to be serious. If you don't wear a gas mask, you will soon suffer from respiratory diseases, or even be contaminated by the power of the ancient gods due to reduced resistance, and strange limbs will grow.

However, these factories and cumbersome machinery that bring serious industrial pollution can smelt the transported metal into various standard alloys with extremely high efficiency, and then cast them into qualified parts, which are then further processed by workers wearing gas masks. After polishing and testing, they are loaded onto a transport ship and sent to the third military industrial plane for assembly into finished products.

Compared with the ruin-like first plane and the wasteland-style second plane, although the third plane also has a harsh environment, it shows the beauty of machinery.

On the flat and hardened foundation, production lines ranging from hundreds of meters to several kilometers long assemble the transported parts. From cheap rifles in the hands of the Astra Militarum to heavy tanks dedicated to the Warhammer Legion, everything is available here. The only difference is It’s just the length of the production line.

Currently, the longest production line is used to cast void battleships. The long production line extends almost from one end of the third plane to the other, directly entering the void port.

Although this method occupies an area and has extremely high requirements on the foundation and production line. After all, a slight deviation will have a fatal impact on accuracy, but the production efficiency is higher. The huge machinery seems to be constantly devouring parts and growing on the assembly line. Likewise, when it is fully formed, it will turn into a life-devouring steel monster of the empire.

It can be said that when facing endless enemies, the empire has used its manpower and material resources to the extreme, and has completely ignored the issue of humanity, because everything must make way for survival.

Under such high pressure, the empire gradually stimulated its own potential and fully demonstrated it.

The lack of foundation in the empire has long been supplemented by Owen. Not to mention the scientific and magical knowledge of various systems in different worlds. In the material world, from magic to fighting spirit, from alchemy to mechanisms, all these precious knowledge are placed in high-level In the library of the school, any student can watch it as long as they have enough credits.

This knowledge is enough to allow a commoner to grow all the way to a demigod, and beyond that it is not a matter of knowledge accumulation.

The Imperial Academy developed from the Northland Magic Academy has trained hundreds of thousands of middle and high-level talents. Otherwise, how could the Empire achieve the accumulation of technology.

This is just one of them. The academy city that the original main world empire was proud of has now become a new academic center in subspace. While filling in the shortcomings of the empire's schools, it is also creating and improving a new system based on psychic energy.

Coupled with the empire's large-scale scientific research department and industrial system, the empire that walks on two legs has achieved overtaking.

Having reached half-stellar level in terms of technology, and perfected the demigod route in the extraordinary realm, it can be said that the current empire is at the top of the material world.

But the empire was still lacking in terms of gods.

Apart from Owen, the only person in the empire's pantheon who can stand alone is Angel, the goddess of death.

Other goddesses are either not good at fighting or lack accumulation.

This cannot be solved by simply infusing divinity and granting priesthood.

Now Owen has two choices. One is to recruit gods from the material world as his subordinates, and the other is to rely on system summons.

Obviously there is only option two. Owen has no confidence in subduing those gods, and the powerful ones will definitely be difficult to deal with. What is the use of the weak ones, so system summoning is more time-saving and labor-saving.

For a long time, Owen has used progress points to fill in the empire's heritage, and the effect has been remarkable.

At present, the empire's foundation is not lacking, and it is in a critical period of digestion. Owen can use the progress value to enhance the empire's pantheon.

But which character to summon gave Owen a hard time.

In so many worlds in the system, there are countless protagonists, geniuses, gods, and demon kings. Who is more suitable for the current empire?

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