Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 638 Planting the World and the Industrial Plane

Regardless of whether the orcs or the orc gods give the impression to the outside world that they are powerful, brutal and unreasonable, the orcs have no allies and no enemies, because they will beat up everyone, including themselves.

Just such a weird race and god, running rampant in the material world and no one wants to mess with it.

Because no one knows how many orcs there are in the material world. These tenacious creatures are not only omnivores, but their reproductive capacity is comparable to that of goblins. Therefore, their traces are all over the material world, and their number cannot be counted at all.

Moreover, the orc gods are very strong. When the orc gods were first encircled and suppressed, there were not many gods who had not been beaten by the orc gods. They were ruthless characters who would knock the opponent's chin crooked even if his head fell off.

Most people really can't defeat the orcs, and those who can defeat the orc gods can't defeat the orc gods. Those who can defeat the orc gods can't destroy all the orcs. As long as the orcs are not extinct, the orc gods will appear in endlessly, which is simply inexplicable.

At this moment, Owen personally felt the power and pressure of the orcs. Meteor cannons and shells to transport troops were nothing. As the cornerstone of the plane, they could be transformed into weapons of war. This strength and imagination were extraordinary.

For this reason, the empire had to change its original step-by-step development plan. While giving violent counterattacks externally, it also adopted a strict and harsh management model internally to maximize the utilization of resources and manpower.

All the suffering and sacrifices suffered now are for the emperor, for the empire, and for victory!

Under this general trend, the five medium-sized planes that have been purified have become planting worlds that provide basic materials and soldiers.

The vast plains and hills of the plantation world were bulldozed and turned into vast farmland. Huge steaming agricultural machinery worked day and night on the fields, saving a lot of manpower from planting to harvesting, so that these saved manpower could be used. Become a soldier and a cheap worker.

But this is not enough. In order to save more space for planting, human settlements are moved to the mountains and dug underground, further reducing the area occupied by the population, even if this will cause the quality of life to become very poor.

However, although these planes are mainly used to grow food and provide soldiers, there is also a considerable amount of light industry, because this facilitates the work of people such as the elderly, weak women and children who cannot bear the labor of heavy industry, and does not waste precious manpower.

In the Empire, waste is shameful, and light industry will provide large and cheap military uniforms, munitions, and gauze for the Empire's large number of Astra Militarum troops.

These items consume a lot of money, because it is difficult to recover them from dead Astra Militarum. After all, the orcs will not leave whole corpses, and the dark elves will inevitably be contaminated with curses, so it is necessary to retain a sufficient amount of light industry to provide necessities.

As for the elderly and children, in the absence of retirement, the elderly have only two options: die in bed or die at work. For this reason, the management's inspections are more about carrying away workers who die at work, and then arrange People take over, and the cycle repeats.

Children are managed centrally and taught simple basic knowledge. While instilling the idea of ​​loyalty to the empire, they are also assigned to do the work they can, without wasting manpower.

When the child reaches adulthood, he will automatically become a cheap worker or be recruited by the Empire to serve in the Astra Militarum.

It is not impossible to choose to eat and wait to die or lie down. The Imperial Biochemical Experiment can satisfy your wish and let you lie down until death.

As the pressure on the Empire continues to increase, a steady stream of military supplies and Astra Militarum troops with blank eyes are sent to the battlefield every day, like cheap goods coming off the assembly line, becoming cannon fodder to resist the invasion of the Orks.

Even in order to save time, the training time of the non-technical Astra Militarum was changed from one year to three months. The main training items all revolved around the trenches, because when facing the orcs and many void races, they had no chance to charge. , only trenches and fortifications can prolong their survival time on the battlefield and buy more time for the empire to produce supplies and train cannon fodder.

At present, the Imperial Military Department has long been numb to the tens of thousands of casualties, and has even canceled casualty subsidies. In other words, if you die, you will die. Except for a metal piece representing your identity, there is not even a corpse. The precious transportation volume of the Imperial Fleet It wouldn't be used on a worthless corpse.

Disabled soldiers would not be transported back because the cost-effectiveness was too low and going back would be a burden. So in the hands of the empire's increasingly crazy military doctors, various crude and cheap steel prosthetics were crudely connected to the flesh and blood bodies with steel nails. They are fixed with sutures and then injected with an excessive amount of medicine to eliminate inflammation and reduce pain. At the same time, these demoralized soldiers can cheer up and be able to perform various dangerous and fatal tasks with red eyes before the sequelae completely break out. It can be said that No soldier could leave the battlefield alive.

The heavy casualties were worth it. Behind the defense line held up by the Imperial Fleet and the Astra Militarum, three medium-sized planes that had not yet completely cleaned up the pollution had been transformed into huge industrial areas.

As for the pollution problem, no one knows which one, Ancient God pollution or industrial pollution, will kill first, and people don’t care where they work. What’s more, the empire now has no time and energy to repair it, and everything must serve the war.

The environment on the No. 1 mining plane is the worst. Because a lot of origin has been lost, the plane wall here is very weak. It has insufficient resistance to the void, a large number of lives have died, and the ecosystem has been completely destroyed. Therefore, the minerals collected by the imperial fleet from the void It will be dropped directly from the void into the plane. The reason for doing this is just because it saves time and cost and does not require landing and taking off.

No one cares about the damage caused in this process. After the empire has passed on the pressure it has endured, it is no longer easy to live now. Who can ask for more.

When the bloated imperial transport ship slowly flew through the No. 1 mining plane, its large hatch automatically opened, and the minerals collected from the void slanted down, passing through the weak plane barrier under the influence of gravity, like meteorites. The same fall.

Most of these materials collected from the void are high-quality minerals, otherwise they would not be able to withstand the decomposition of the void. Therefore, they will not be burned when they cross the sky, but will only be broken into small pieces due to the disappearance of impurities.

As a shower of meteorites fell, the vibrations on the ground had not completely subsided. Miners wearing powered exoskeletons and carrying life-support backpacks drove a huge mining truck and rushed over as fast as possible.

They must collect as many minerals as possible between the two drops. Only in this way can the task be completed on time. As for the danger, that is something that needs to be considered after surviving.

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