It's not enough. Owen felt that it was not enough no matter how much he thought about it.

Future wars will definitely not be limited to less than 100,000 people, not to mention that the only ones suitable for frontal combat are the Thunder Guards and the Templar Knights, which add up to less than 30,000.

The largest number of battle nuns are only suitable for suppressing riots and maintaining stability. They are also good at preaching. However, sending them to the frontal battlefield is a waste, so the army must be expanded.

The problem is that the reason why ace is ace is because the number is difficult to expand, let alone super aces like the Ultramarines.

The original forms of the Ultramarines, the Teutonic Knights and the Templars are not a big problem for today's territory, but they also account for the amount of the system's converted population. In addition, the equipment and logistics requirements are far greater than those of ordinary soldiers. It is impossible to Expansion of military scale.

In addition, regardless of the territory's current population increase, the consumption in all aspects is equally staggering. Maintaining current operations, resettling the increasing number of refugees, strengthening military strength, strengthening defense lines, preparing for large-scale migration, etc., the resources consumed in any aspect are Extremely huge.

At the same time, creating ultramarines not only requires rigorous training, but also extremely cruel transformation. This is no longer a matter of inhumanity. Even if you are as tough as a Teutonic warrior, you still need continuous infusion of loyal beliefs and intensive brainwashing during the transformation period in order to Prevent mental breakdown.

After all, the body can be repaired, but the will and soul cannot.

If the Battle Sisters did not mainly select witches and only required devout faith and did not need too much transformation, it would be difficult to catch up in terms of numbers.

In other words, although super trump cards such as the Thunder Guards are powerful, they are difficult to popularize in large-scale all-out wars and can only be used to make breakthroughs on local battlefields.

Therefore, the territory urgently needs an army that is larger in number, has a combat power higher than that of mortals, and can keep up with the Ultramarines as the main force of the war.

In terms of positioning, this legion is not only the main force of the territory in the future, but also the right-hand man who assists the Ultramarines in expanding their results. Therefore, it must have combat power beyond ordinary people, which is the so-called super soldier.

In fact, the elite field army using strengthening potions is the prototype of super soldiers, but it still needs further improvement. After all, this is a different world, and there are all kinds of races, including elves who can dance ballet on trees, and others who are as solid as stone. The dwarves and the extremely powerful orcs, the enhancement provided by the potion is really nothing.

Elite field troops who are qualified to use black light agents will soon be selected, and they will use the simplified version of the training chamber provided by the research center for targeted strengthening.

The territory has already accumulated profound experience in various strengthening and transformation technologies. The black light virus is nothing at all and will not cause problems of getting out of control.

After a series of adjustments, the black light potion made from black light virus can enhance the user's physique in all aspects and give a strong self-healing ability.

But there is an upper limit to these, because only the original black light virus can be called physically immortal. The problem is that the territory cannot allow the black light virus to devour the host and turn it into flesh and blood with no activity and host memory. Without a soul, everything will be lost. Meaning, so under the control of the culture chamber, in addition to basic strengthening, the black light virus is mainly used to replicate the host cells and proliferate a black carapace similar to an electronic muscle bundle.

The Ultramarines also have similar modifications, but their black carapace is located under the skin, but it probably has the same function. It is mainly used to connect the nerves in the body with the external power armor, making the mechanical power armor as flexible as fingers.

Of course, due to the lack of multiple transformations, even super soldiers strengthened with the black light virus cannot be equipped with the power armor exclusive to the Ultramarines, which would tear the nerves throughout their bodies, so the power armor must be simplified and the burden reduced.

This is not difficult. The research center has been developing various types of power armor. Just choose a light improvement from the early models.

The outer armor of the mortal power armor is made of relatively cheap alloys, and a layer of ceramic armor can be added as needed. The frame is a general-purpose mithril steel. The overall defense is naturally not as good as the ultramarine's power armor, but it is cheaper.

Internally, a mechanical exoskeleton and a small number of electronic muscle bundles are used as power, which not only reduces nerve pressure, but also reduces energy consumption, and is more suitable for mass production.

The weapons are mortal bolters and chainswords, supplemented by various conventional heavy weapons and special vehicles, and their combat effectiveness far exceeds that of ordinary soldiers.

However, if you want to truly form an army, you still need to go through a real battle and prove yourself with a glorious victory, and such opportunities are never lacking in the main world today.

A group of orc tribes that had just arrived were wreaking havoc on the border of the Hundred Cities Alliance. The guards standing on the city wall were trembling as they raised their bolt-action rifles and shot outwards. Their aim was impossible to see.

Amidst the flurry of gunfire, dull gunshots also came from behind, but it was still useless. These green-skinned monsters were too strong and their vitality was too tenacious. The bullets could only penetrate their thick skin, and then they died. It is stuck in the muscle, just like a squeezed acne. If you want to kill an orc with this kind of damage, a soldier will not be able to do it if he uses up all the ammunition on his body. Instead, it will anger these monsters.

Unless the shelling hits directly, it will only make the orcs stagger a few steps, and they will regain their strength after a while and continue charging.

Among the charging orcs, the tallest and strongest orc leader pulled out the bullet nailed to his chest. He was very upset because he had never seen such a disgusting prey. It was just like the bees he encountered when he was digging out the honeycomb when he was a child. The damage caused It couldn't die, but the sting was unbearable. In the end, it was so angry that it didn't care about reducing physical exertion. It roared and led the orcs under it to charge faster.

The way the orcs fight is reckless, but there are not many who can stop them. They rely on fortifications and guns to barely keep out the orcs who are still in a weak state, but once the orcs start to attack, they really have no chance. Somehow, before the orcs could rush forward, many soldiers collapsed and ran towards the city wall.

Don't run, go back and shoot immediately! The officer in charge of supervising the battle angrily pulled out his pistol and killed the deserter mercilessly. Then he led the guards and forced the remaining people to go back quickly, but it was already too late.

The orcs' charge never stops, but the defenders are affected, still at this critical moment.

As long as one escapes, the surrounding soldiers will be affected. No one wants to face the orcs because they know that when the orcs appear in front of them, it will be the moment of death. Therefore, they are all distractedly watching the leading bird. Once the leading bird successfully escapes , I am afraid they will turn around and run away. Even if they have no place to run in the city, their survival instinct still urges them to escape from here.

Unfortunately, the death of the first bird calmed them down, but made their hands tremble even more.

Losing the intensive firepower and accuracy, the orcs rushed faster. When they reached the city wall, they just jumped hard and grabbed the six or seven-meter-high city wall with their thick palms. Then they climbed up the city wall and waved the rough heavy weapons in their hands. In the blink of an eye, a bloody storm was created, making the officers' supervision a complete joke, because they were the first to escape.

After breaking through the defense of the city wall, the city was completely reduced to the canteens and shops of the orcs, and zero-dollar shopping began with food and drinks.

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