Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 581 New Equipment and Strengthening Potions

After receiving the order from the military headquarters, the corps stationed in various parts of the North came to Beicheng in batches to change equipment. For a time, railways and highways were restricted in traffic to facilitate the rapid passage of the army.

You only have ten minutes to put down all your weapons, keep only your personal belongings, and then go to the designated location to receive new equipment! I don't know how many officers kept giving orders with loudspeakers, so that tens of thousands of soldiers could accurately execute the orders. .

A large amount of active ordnance is piled in the open space, but don't worry, the equipment eliminated by the elite field army will be taken over by the reserve corps, and their new equipment is being unsealed from the secret combat readiness warehouse. These equipment are only available to the elite field army with all semi-professional personnel. In order to be used, the soldiers in the reserve corps are not enough to exert the capabilities of these equipment.

The territory's research on armaments has never stopped, but it does not have large-scale equipment. Firstly, it is afraid of triggering a military competition, and secondly, it is not useful. After all, it is only a matter of one shot. Who will spend time and resources to increase its power.

But being prepared is not only Owen's idea, but also the spirit that all departments in the territory must understand. Therefore, the research center has specially developed and produced a series of enhanced equipment to deal with special situations.

The automatic rifles used by the infantry were replaced with larger-caliber full-power ammunition. This large-caliber rifle has an effective range of up to a kilometer. It is equipped with a thirty-round magazine and a fifty-round drum. If necessary, a bipod can be added to serve as Used as a light machine gun, it is mainly loaded with armored lead core bullets and steel core bullets.

Armored lead core bullets can maintain kinetic energy very well, so they have a longer range and higher stability. The damage to unarmored targets is terrifying. A normal person will probably have half his body shattered by one shot. The most important thing is to stop the effect. Very good, even if he is as strong as an orc, he will still stagger when he is hit by a shot, which is suitable for interrupting the orc's charge.

However, the armor-piercing ability of lead-core bullets is too poor. It is difficult to kill an orc with rough skin and thick flesh. At most, it will only cause flesh wounds. In the end, the only way to weaken the enemy is to rely on broken lead poisoning. Whether he will die or not is a matter of two decisions. explain.

The armor-piercing ability of steel-core bullets is good, but the muscles of the orcs are too thick and very tough, and it is difficult for even steel-core bullets to penetrate.

So the correct way to use it is 2 lead cores + 1 steel core. Load bullets in this ratio.

First use lead-core bullets to destroy the thick skin and muscles of the orcs, interrupting the charging action, and then use steel-core bullets to deepen the damage. If you are lucky, thirty rounds of ammunition can almost make an orc lose its combat effectiveness, instead of letting these monsters withstand the attack. He rushed into the trench with bullets and smeared flesh and blood on every inch of soil.

In addition to individual weapons, tanks have also begun to be upgraded to heavy tanks. Even the orcs can only be crushed by dozens of tons of steel creations, not to mention the heavy artillery and short barrels specially used for close-range critical strikes. Heavy machine guns are all prepared for the orcs.

Powerful firearms, heavy tanks, super heavy artillery, terrifyingly lethal rockets, jets approaching supersonic speeds, bombers with large payloads, and brand new weapons were unsealed from the secret equipment warehouse and equipped to the elite troops.

But these are not enough. In addition to the orcs, void spaceships from other races are already on their way. They are not stupid orcs who only know how to chop. In fact, although the combination of technology and alchemy is rare in the material world, it is not unheard of. , otherwise where did the void spacecraft come from?

You can build a void spaceship like a space battleship, but you can't build advanced weapons?

It's just that too advanced weapons and equipment are not conducive to the rule and preaching of the gods, so they have made restrictions together with a tacit understanding.

It is different now. Those who participate in the void invasion are the most devout and fanatical believers of the gods. Naturally, there will be no restrictions on some advanced weapons.

Not to mention that racial talents are sometimes more useful than equipment, so in addition to updating equipment, the territory's scientific research center also comes up with several mature strengthening potions to increase the soldiers' abilities.

The strengthening potion named T is mainly aimed at spirit and agility, allowing soldiers to rush quickly in a hail of bullets. In addition to the causality-level gambling bullets, their skills are comparable to those of Yan Shuangying.

The strengthening potion named G is mainly aimed at strength and physique. Regardless of being thin before, after using it, people of all heights and weights will become bigger and rounder. When necessary, they can hold a large-caliber machine gun and shoot.

There is also a strengthening potion called black light, which is specially used by the elite among the elite. It is also the foundation for the territory to prepare to build a super force.

You can tell what these medicines are just by listening to their names. Therefore, although they are manufactured, they are not widely used because the side effects are relatively serious.

Obviously now is no longer the time to take these problems into consideration. In biochemical factories, a large number of strengthening agents are produced, and combined with high-energy nutrient solutions, ordinary people's physical fitness can be strengthened several times in just a few days, but the price is to reduce their life span by three points. one, and it is difficult to leave descendants.

These questions were not hidden from the soldiers, but there were really few who chose to refuse.

First of all, they are soldiers, and the enemies they face will not give them a chance to regret, so they must not miss it if they can increase their strength.

Regarding the issue of offspring, people from other worlds get married and have children very early. Most of the soldiers have already left behind offspring. If not, it doesn’t matter, because the army provides seed preservation services for free. With the efficiency of science and magic, not to mention a few offspring, As long as the mother body is enough, thousands of them will be fine.

As for reducing life span, the theoretical life span of a person is not low, but not many people can actually live until that time. For example, if you give up all bad habits, maintain a good daily routine, and strengthen exercise, you can’t say you will live a long life, but at least you will live a healthy life. No problem until eighty or ninety.

One-third less people can still live to fifty or sixty years old, which is not a problem at all for an alien world where the average life span is only about thirty years old.

In fact, if these potions were released to the outside world, they would definitely be robbed.

After changing their equipment, the elite field army can easily use powerful weapons and equipment, as well as war vehicles that are not sophisticated enough but strong and durable enough, and they already have the strength to confront the orc army head-on.

After the larger reserve corps obtained the original equipment of the field army, they also had the ability to resist the invasion of orcs by relying on fortifications. The overall military strength of the territory was not improved at all.

But it's not enough to truly deal with future enemies. Without a trump card in his hand, Owen can't sleep, and the territory won't feel at ease.

As the earliest ace in the territory, the Thunder Guards have expanded over the years to fifteen thousand.

After some consideration, Owen selected one thousand of the most elite Ultramarines and asked the research center to tailor more sophisticated power armor for them to serve as his forbidden army in the material world, and personally gave them spiritual seeds.

The number of Templars is not that large, there are only 10,000, which is enough when combined with the Crusaders.

The Battle Sisters are developing well. Although they are a little late, they have a scale of 50,000 people, but some of them are civilians.

These aces add up to tens of thousands of people, but in Owen's opinion it is not enough.

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