The princess of the universe, who is taller than an ordinary pony, is clad in a rainbow, as if she is surrounded by stars. Her elegant temperament carries the majesty of a king, and the crown on her head is even more sparkling, all of which indicate her identity and authority.

Owen, who finally made up his mind to summon the Universe Princess, nodded with satisfaction. Judging from his temperament and appearance, he looked more like a God King than him.

The situation we are facing now is more complicated. First go to the World Tree of God to transform your origin, and then ask your sister to tell you some information. Owen has a lot of things to do now, and with his status here, of course he will not do the work of a tour guide, so Call the Moon Princess.

The two sisters were naturally very excited when they met. After all, they were in a different world.

Fortunately, there are not only sisters here, but also Pony Valley, where you can always find some traces of the pony world.

Let the Moon Princess take the Universe Princess back to the Kingdom of God to go to the World Tree for transformation. Owen thinks about how to maximize the power of the Universe Princess.

The best way is to canonize the mountain plane as the fiefdom of the Universe Princess, and grant more subjects so that her royal power and harmonious authority can be exerted.

However, Owen did not fully grasp the origin of the mountains plane, so how could he give it to the princess of the universe.

Obviously he couldn't think of any solution for a while, so Owen returned to the main world.

I wanted to ask Maya to try the inspiration she got from the Dragon Mother, but she was so busy now that she didn't even have time to drink water, so she had no time to talk to him.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Irving was about to leave, but he was dragged away and had no choice but to follow the government affairs.

There was no way, as the core of the territory, he could not make decisions, but he could not know anything about the territory.

When Owen mobilized the power of his territory to open a test site in the mountains, natural and man-made disasters in the main world never stopped.

The orc gods stopped throwing towards the main world, but their goal had been achieved.

Although nearly a million orcs were lost in the entire process, there were still hundreds of thousands of orcs like the Hulk who successfully reached the main world.

These orcs are not old or weak, because they have long been a reserve food for crossing the void. Therefore, every orc who arrives in the main world alive is full of hunger and madness. It can be called a moving disaster. If it is not scattered throughout the main world, and is so Tribes exist, and they still have grudges against each other, and humans have mastered guns and strong fortifications. If anything is missing, they will be finished.

Even with these conditions, humans still suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, the Northland had aircraft, cannons, steel torrents, and the defense line that took hundreds of years to build at the Northland border. Except for the orcs who descended from the sky, there was no large-scale army. Orcs are able to enter the North.

But the Northland is special and unique. Other alliances and kingdoms can only rely on flesh and blood to fill the battle lines. It also fills the stomachs of the orcs. As long as they are full, the orcs will not brave the fierce cannons to attack humans. towns.

Even so, all human forces have suffered heavy losses. In total, they have lost tens of millions of people, and countless towns have become ruins strewn with bones.

It's not that the destructive power of the orcs is really that strong, it's mainly that the four evil gods who are leading the party are no longer satisfied with leading the way. They are very skilled at taking advantage of the situation, and half of the losses will be attributed to them.

However, thanks to this, the seafood curse that originally started to spread was also blocked by death. Because there are no living people, how can the curse spread?

This is also related to the limited strength of the mad god. After all, he is not a real ancient god. Under the suppression of the main world, the seafood curse is currently limited to the offshore area, making it difficult to have an impact on the inland.

Not to mention that this mad god is now being targeted by too many people. Many battles have broken out along the coast. Various legendary spells are free of charge, causing more casualties than the unlucky ghosts who have been cursed by seafood. It can be seen that in order to kill the god How crazy.

It's a pity that the other party is a real god. Even if he is crazy, even if he is suppressed by the plane, with his powerful strength and the immortality derived from the ancient gods, the mad god not only did not die in the siege, but also tried to kill the god by devouring him. The legends and demigods become more powerful.

If he continues to feed like this, he may be promoted to the middle god, because he is so crazy that he no longer cares about the chaos and conflict of divinity. By then, who knows how many people will die.

Amid many disasters, the Northland has been highlighted as the only pure land at present. Every day, people with their families come to the border to try to enter the Northland, which adds a lot of workload to the territory.

Currently, the territory has not closed the gate for immigration, but the conditions for immigration are not wealth and status, nor knowledge and strength, but faith.

Only devout believers who believe in the Northland pantheon can enter the Northland. This is the only criterion.

Most of the refugees currently gathering at the border are from the Hundred Cities Alliance.

The Northland pantheon has a strong foundation of faith, so it faces little resistance. Not to mention that desperate situations are fertile ground for the growth of faith. Therefore, thousands of refugees who change their beliefs enter the Northland every day and are then resettled. Go to a new pioneer town and enjoy an ordinary but peaceful life.

The territory did not hide the fact that faith was used as a criterion for settling in the Northland. Instead, it vigorously promoted it, and it vaguely revealed the meaning that those who were not religious enough were not qualified to stay in the Northland.

Because of the stable and relaxed environment, Northland residents have become more accustomed to faith. Now that they have a sense of crisis, faith has become insurance for a stable life, so passive piety has become the current trend.

Feeling the surge of faith flowing into the Kingdom of God, Owen didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

However, faith plays a huge role in the next series of plans, and will become the energy source of the Kingdom of God, so naturally the more the better, so Owen does not intend to interfere in this matter.

Compared to surviving, being passively pious or loyal is not a matter of choice at all.

In addition to taking in the refugees, Maya also prepared a series of preliminary immigration plans, which was inspired by Owen's designation of land as a test site.

Maya plans to build an academy branch, a scientific research branch, and some industrial systems in the mountains plane in advance to prepare for large-scale immigration in the future. It is also a rainy day, because the current situation in the main world is too bad, and the unique Northland Being too conspicuous has become a thorn in the side of some beings and must be guarded against.

Owen's brows jumped when he saw Maya's plan.

The plane of mountains does not have the industrial foundation of the territory, nor does it have enough skilled workers and engineers. If you want to build it from scratch, it will take a lot of time and energy.

However, the current situation is really unfavorable for the territory. Whether it is the divine system or the Northland, they are too special and outstanding, to the point of making people restless.

Now the territory needs to face not only external threats, but also the malicious intentions of all forces in the main world.

The reason is very simple. If you want to pay, you will be compensated together, and if you want to die, you will die together. Why should you be the one to take the lead, and why should you make a fortune?

Therefore, it is not possible but inevitable for local forces to join forces with external forces to conquer Northland.

When the time comes, Northland will have to prepare for a large-scale migration across dimensions, while at the same time beware of internal and external conspiracies. It can be said to be internal and external troubles.

Therefore, it is necessary to plan ahead and lay the foundation in the mountains plane in advance.

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