Mother of Dragons, how many dragonborns can you transform now? Owen summoned the mother of dragons in the form of half human and half dragon. Due to the influence of the fertility priesthood, her appearance is extremely feminine. Even in the half dragon form, she has big breasts and fat body. Buttocks, and the charming temperament cannot be concealed at all, the kind that cannot be drawn in ordinary notebooks.

Although she is the deity of millions of lizardmen, in front of Owen, the dragon mother is like a tame dog, kneeling respectfully in front of him and reporting her work, but her tail is a little high and her waist is a little low. The heavy conscience in his upper body spread to both sides, giving Owen new ideas. Maybe he could try a new role-playing with Dale next time.

Calling believers to start a grand sacrifice to transform the dragonborn, and then promote the construction of the Kingdom of God on earth and create a new world. Millions of lizardmen are the largest group in the mountain plane. If you want to transform the environment, you cannot do without them, so Owen simply They are driven to work in the name of religion.

Of course, this is not a lie. Whether the dragonborn transforms or changes the plane, it will only benefit them and not hurt them. After all, once the main world is destroyed, the mountains and planes will not be able to benefit from such a close distance.

However, ecological transformation is not just about sowing seeds everywhere and releasing animals. After arranging the task of the Dragon Mother, Owen informed Emile and asked her to mobilize some professors and senior students in related majors from the Magic Academy to treat this matter as a research topic. internship, and set aside a forest for them to use as a pilot project.

Irving is not a young boy, or he thinks he is the protagonist who can succeed in anything. He treats stud as a flat A and plays with heartbeat.

He is not that arrogant. He should be cautious and must not be careless. Especially for such an important matter as transforming a plane, of course he must first set aside an experimental point.

First make the transformation according to the Forbidden Forest template, and then try to restore the extraordinary properties here. Owen saw that McGonagall and other Hogwarts professors were also there, so he said.

No problem. We are very familiar with the Forbidden Forest, and there are many magical animals and plants in the academy itself, not to mention they are here. Mag nodded first, and then looked at the two people behind the team who were inseparable.

In addition to Professor McGonagall, other professors in Hogwarts were also replaced by Owen one after another. Otherwise, the territory's magic academy would not have grown in size so quickly.

Especially the old bee. Although his destructive power is not as good as the legendary mage, he is a high-level legend in terms of perception and theory.

In addition, the idealistic curse of Hogwarts is very suitable for psychic powers, so in order to allow him to work better, Owen not only restored his youth, but also exchanged his good friend, the first-generation Dark Lord, for the same Restore youth.

I have to say that when these two were young, their looks were quite good. After a hundred years of accumulation, their original relationship was not rusty, but became more mellow. With their young looks, it was like intoxicating wine with freshness and freshness. Roses with dewdrops.

Although this has led to an excessive deepening of friendships among the boys in the Magic Academy, and the number of rotten girls has remained high. Various notebooks have also been circulated privately, which has corrupted the dormitory administrator who is responsible for confiscating bad things, but it has to be said that the Black and White Demon King The cooperation is indeed perfect, no, it is seamless. Owen can improve quickly without any worries, and it is indispensable for the help of the collective wisdom of these scholars in the territory.

With these experienced professors here, Owen has more confidence in the pilot transformation.

Therefore, in addition to forests, islands, oceans and underground areas were also divided into new pilot areas to speed up the progress of the experiment and collect more data.

The territory's research center also provided a large amount of assistance for this purpose, including the knowledge of monster transformation and the fragments of the Emerald Heart obtained from the ruins, so that the ecological environment transformation of the mountain plane had a rich sample library and a large amount of theoretical data before it even started. support.

The construction of multiple experimental sites, coupled with the addition of a large number of talents, quickly put the ecological transformation plan on track, with changes almost every day. There is no way, the curse of Hogwarts is so idealistic, as long as the imagination is rich enough, there is almost no change. It can't be done.

But this is not enough. Irving knows very well that it is better to say that he has just gotten started than to say he has achieved results. If he wants to really go deep and achieve results, he still needs to continue to grind and explore.

Owen is unwilling to wait so long, because for him, ecological transformation is only the first step. Even if the current ecological transformation is completed, it is only the first stage. As he continues to transform the mountain plane, the ecological environment will also change. , so the time is not that relaxed.

The easiest way now is to redeem it directly from the system, but before that, Owen needs to figure out what to exchange for the previously accumulated progress value.

The number of exchanges required to transform the environment is large, but the required progress value is not much. It is a complete waste to use the originally accumulated progress value to disperse the exchange, so the best way is to exchange for something with a higher value.

It's just that Owen really doesn't lack anything in terms of material things, and the same goes for beauty. He is really not a sentimental person, not to mention that nowadays, shape and other things can no longer restrain him at all. Not to mention hundreds of genders, race is not a problem, plus Transfiguration is not something advanced, so in private he plays with his imagination with the two women.

If it were in the Warhammer world, apart from cruelty, he could really compete with Slaanesh in their skills.

After thinking about it for a long time, Owen finally decided to exchange for the Universe Princess.

As the sister of the Moon Princess, the Universe Princess is more powerful. She controls the sun, the kingship, and the most important harmony. With the three powers in her body, she is the most powerful person.

It can be seen from the fact that she sealed her sister who turned into Nightmare Moon and was able to control the cycle of the sun and the moon alone. As the ruler of the pony world, her authority is far greater than that of her sister, Princess Moon.

However, the powerful is the powerful. The Princess of the Universe is a bit like the goddess of death. She can be unparalleled in Asgard, but once Asgard is destroyed, she will immediately decline.

Although the Universe Princess is not that serious, there are prerequisites for her royal power and harmonious authority to be effective.

After leaving the pony world, royal authority has become a decoration. If there is no pony kingdom here, where can the royal power come from.

Although the power of Harmony is powerful and has a feeling of omnipotence, to put it bluntly, Harmony is to use force to maintain balance. Therefore, even if the Moon Princess is sealed, the Universe Princess can still maintain the cycle of the sun and the moon, because she controls the sun and can guide the moon. Maintaining balance is the power of harmonious authority.

But coming to a completely unfamiliar world, with no people and no sun, the universe princess's strength is at most a peak low-level god, not much different from the moon princess.

Therefore, if you want the Princess of the Universe to exert her power, you must first give her territory and people. Only in this way can her authority be truly effective.

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